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2009-10-17 07:16:26

Yang Bing is waiting for the results of his physical checkup. If everything looks fine, the freshman at the University of Science and Technology will be enlisted for military service in late November.
Yang is one of a growing number of university students to join the military amid a government push for a more "intellectually competitive" armed forces.
Among the 15,000 applicants who are undergoing physical checkup, 10 percent are university students - a record percentage, said Song Xiepeng, vice-director of the enlistment office in Beijing.
"In developed countries such as America, 70 percent of people in the army have college education backgrounds," Song said. "Enlisting university students is aimed at improving the army's intellectual competitiveness."
enlist in the army 入伍,参军
wait for the results 等待结果
undergo physical checkup 进行体检
science and technology 科技
a push for ... 对……的推动
intellectually competitive 智力上有竞争力的
armed force 武装力量
a record percentage 一个创纪录的比例
army enlistment office 征兵办公室
college education background 大学教育背景
improve competitiveness 提高竞争力
intellectual adj. 智力的
military adj. 军事的;军人的
enlist v. 使服兵役,征募
check up n. (体格)检查
amid prep. 在……的当中
push n. 推,推动
enlistment n. 服役
competitive adj. 有竞争力的,竞争的
applicant n. 申请人
undergo v. 经历
record adj. 空前段,创纪录的
percentage n. 百分率
background n. 背景
education n. 教育
technology n. 科技
freshman n. 大一新生
government n. 政府
competitivenness n. 竞争力
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