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2009-10-15 08:09:59

Xiao Chen (not her real name) ranked at the top of her class last semester. Last week, however, she was informed that she would only receive a second-class scholarship.
"I regret I didn't donate my blood to earn some extra points. Otherwise, I might have won the first-class points. Otherwise, I might have won the first-class scholarship," said Chen, a junior at Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University in Shanxi Province.
Scholarship applicants can receive "extra points" for donating blood, keeping a clean dorm room and doing well at sports. This is true at Li's university, and at most others across China. But every year, the practice brings complaints from those who question the fairness of the process.
This scholarship award system has been in place for decades. It's designed to encourage good works among students. Moral or social activities count for about 20 to 30 percent of the evaluation process. However, some feel the system favors active students over those who focused on their schoolwork.
"Obviously some people have more opportunities to get bonus points than others, such as student leaders," said Li Boya, a junior at Zhejiang University of Media and Communication. At Li's school, for instance, students who get a company to sponsor their organization's activities will be awarded bonus points.
rank at the top 名列前茅
last semester 上个学期
second-class scholarship 二等奖学金
donate blood 献血
scholarship applicant 申请奖学金者
keep a clean dorm room 保持寝室整洁
question the fairness 质疑公正性
scholarship award system 奖学金奖励制度
social activity 社会活动
evaluation process 评价过程
favor active students 偏袒活跃的学生
focus on schoolwork 专注学业
get the sponsor 拉到赞助
sponsor the activity 赞助这项活动
be awarded bonus points 被奖励额外的绩点
agriculture n. 农业,农艺;农学
process n. 过程
semestern n. 半学年;一学期
rank v. 排列,归类于
junior n. 大三学习
forestry n. 森林学
fairness n. 公平
evaluation n. 评定,评价
sponsor v. 赞助
social adj. 社会的
scholarship n. 奖学金
bonus n. 额外给予的东西
inform v. 告诉,通知
regret vt. 后悔,惋惜
donate v. 捐赠
applicant n. 申请人
complaint n. 抱怨
question v. 询问,怀疑
design v. 设计
encourage v. 鼓励
media n. 媒体
communication n. 传播
organization n. 机构,组织
extra adj. 额外的
province n. 省
dorm n. 宿舍
moral adj. 讲道德的,品性端正的
favor v. 有利于
opportunity n. 机会,机遇
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