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2009-10-10 22:35:32

Joshua, a 17-year-old high school student in the US state of Georgia, told hist youth pastor, John Woodrum that he needed to talk. But before they even sat down, Woodrum says he knew where the conversation was going.
"Joshua had lost his virginity, and he was feeling guilty," recalled Woodrum, who has counseled US high school students for more than 10 years.
Joshua's story, as it turns out, is increasingly common in the US - even among religious young people, who believe they should try to abstain from sex until they're married.
Virginity used to be a mainstream social value in the US, but over time it has been relplaced by a more open view of sexuality - one far more permissive of sex before marriage.
be increasingly common 变得越来越普遍
high school student 高中生
lose virginity 失去贞操
religious young people 有宗教信仰的年轻人
abstain from sex 节制性欲
mainstream social value 主流的社会价值观
be replaced by ... 被……取代
more open view 更开发的观点
be more permissive of ... 对……更宽容
virginity n. 贞操
pastor 牧师
counsel v. 劝告,忠告
religious adj. 信仰宗教的
abstain v. 禁绝,避免
mainstream n. 主流
permissive adj. 许可的,容许的
conversation n. 会话,交谈
guilty adj. 有罪的,内疚的
replace v. 取代,替换
marrage n. 婚姻,结婚
increasingly adv. 日益,越来越多地
view n. 看法,观点
sexuality n. 性欲;性生活[行为]
recall v. 回忆
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