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2009-10-08 07:01:43

Get Control:
1) Write down what you spend
Put down in writing everything you buy over the course of a month. Try to account for every penny that you spend. This gives you an idea of where your money goes.
2) Plan ahead
The other part of building a budget involves having a plan. What items must you pay for each month? These are the basics, such as food and transportation. Also, account for unexpected expenses - such as gifts. Do this by estimating how much you would need in a year to cover your unexpected or one-time expenses. and then allocate 1/12 of that estimated amount to your monthly budget, whether you spend it that month or not.
3) Don't forget to pay yourself first!
Try to avoid falling into the trap of saving only what is left over. Whenever possible, set aside a certain amount every month for savings. Many personal finance experts say "paying yourself first" is critical to financial success. Think about that: If you save 50 yuan a month, you will have 2,400 yuan in your account when you graduate. And don't forget the interest this money will collect. This extra money could cover your first few months of rent after you begin working.
write down 写下
over the course of ... 在……的时间内
plan ahead 提前计划
account for 解释
unexpected expenses 预期之外的花费
one-time expense 一次性的花费
allocate ... to ... 把……分配给……
try to avoid 努力避免
fall into the trap 落入陷阱
whenever possible 随时只要可能
set aside ... for savings 把……留出作为储蓄
personal finance expert 个人理财专家
have ... in one's account 账户里有……
collect interest 累积利息
cover your rent 支付你的房租
expense n. 花费,费用
transportation n. 交通费;运输
unexpected adj. 想不到的,意外的
monthly adj. 每月的
financial adj. 金融的,财政的
budget n. 预算
involve v. 包含,含有
estimate vt. 估计
cover v. (钱)足够付
allocate v. 分配,分派
trap n. 圈套,陷阱
possible adj. 可能的
saving n. [P]储金,存款,储蓄额
expert n. 专家
critical adj. 至关重要的
success n. 成功
account n. 帐户,帐目
collect v. 堆积;收集
extra adj. 额外的
ahead adv. 预先,事前
avoid v. 避免
finance n. 财政,金融
interest n. 利息
rent n. 租金
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