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2009-10-07 21:52:10

The recent holiday left Li Jun's feet well-covered and his wallet empty: Li bought two pairs Nike shoes that cost him around 1,000 yuan.
"I have to live on instant noodles for the rest of this month to recover from my financial crisis," said Li, a freshman at Wuhan University of Technology.
Li is not the only student suffering from a post-holiday financial crisis. Many students interviewed said that they need to "tighten up" for a couple of months because they spent too much over the break.
Managing your money is an important part of the university experience; and creating a budget is a crucial first step. Budgets help you plan how to pay for necessary expenses and they tell you how you are spending your money.
instant noodle 方便面
cut down on spending 减少支出
leave his wallet empty 使他的钱包变空
live on instant noodle 靠方便面过活
recover from ... 从……中恢复
financial crisis 金融危机
suffer from 遭受
post-holiday financial crisis 节后金融危机
tighten up 抽紧银根
a couple of 两个
spend too much over the break 在休息日里花费太多
manage money 理财
be an important part of ... 是……重要的部分
university experience 大学经历
create/build a budget 制作出一份预算
a crucial step 至关重要的一步
pay for necessary expenses  支付必要的花费
expense n. 花费,费用
recover v. 恢复;恢复健康
technology n. 科技
noodle n. 面条
create v. 创造
wallet n. 钱包,皮夹子
empty adj. 空的
financial adj. 金融的,财政的
crisis n. 危机
interview v. 接见,面谈,面试
crucial adj. 决定性的,重要的
necessary adj. 必要的,必需
freshman n. 大一新生
experience n. 经验,经历
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