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2009-09-21 16:11:12

After graduating with a bechelor's degree in physics from Shantou University four years ago, Peng Jinhua entered a totally new arena. He began helping Chinese companies earn money by reducing their carbon dioxide emissions.
Peng's job was created by the Kyoto Proctocol, an international agreement on carbon dioxide reduction effective in 2005. The protococol says that, by 2010, industrialized signatory countries must reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 5.2 percent, compared with 1990.
Meanwhile, the protocol allows public or private entities from industrialied countries to invest in emission reduction projects. They make these investments in developing countries to invest in emission reduction projects. They make these investments in developing countries to offset their own emissions and earn "credits".
make sense 有意义
a bachelor's degree in physics 物理学学士学位
enter a new arena 进入一个新的竞技场(领域)
make / earn money 赚钱
reduce / cut emission 降低排放
carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
the Kyoto Protocol 京都协议书
international agreement 国际协议
signatory country 签约国
industrialized country 工业化国家
greenhouse gas emission 温室气体排放
compare ... with ... 把……与……相比
public or private entity 公共或私人实体
invest in ... 在……(方面)投资
emission reduction project 减排项目
earn credits 赚取信用(积分)
credit n. 信用
arena n. 竞技场,舞台
emission n. 排放
protocol n. 议定书
signatory adj. 签名的,签署的
graduate v. 毕业
bachelor n. 学士
physics n. 物理学
international adj. 国际的
agreement n. 协议
effective adj. 有效的,有影响的
greenhouse n. 温室
meanwhile adv. 与此同时
entity n. 实体
project n. 计划,方案
offset v. 抵消; 补偿
compare v. 比较
degree n. 学位
carbon n. 碳
dioxde n. 二氧化碳
Kyoto n. 京都
reduction n. 减少
industrialized adj. 工业化的
invest v. 投资
investment n. 投资
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