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2009-09-21 07:24:17

Living the "odyssey years" on screen
Knocked up (2007)
The film portays a male "20-something" (Ben) who has to face the unplanned responsibility of fatherhood. Renting an apartment with four friends, he is only interested in his job as a website-designer. So when a one-night stand (Alison) informs him she is pregnant, he is forced into an adult world and to abandon his "odyssey years".
Friens (1994)
A commedy series about six young Americans living in Manhattan, New York. They share apartments, date one another and change jobs regularly, all in their bid to find their direction in life.
What exactly is an adult?
Before a person can be considered an adult, what must be achieved? The following figures are from a survey targeted at young Britons.
Top 4 items:
Accept responsibility for the consequences of your actions 93%
Choose personal beliefs and values independently 81%
Develop greater consideration for others 81%
Achieve financial independence from parents 74%
Botom 4 items:
Enter full-time employment 26%
Get married 15%
Finish education 15%
Have at least one child 14%
(Source: Jeffery Arnett, Emerging Adulthood 2004)
unplanned responsibility 没有预料到的责任
responsibility of fatherhood 做父亲的责任
rent an apartment 租一间公寓
website-designer 网站设计师
one-night stand 一夜情
be forced into an adult 被迫成为一个成年人
abandon "odyssey years" 放弃漂泊
comedy series 系列喜剧片
date one another 约会了一个又一个
change jobs regularly 经常换工作
find direction in life 找到生活的方向
a survey targeted at ... 一项针对……的调查
accept responsibility 接受责任
consequences of your actions 你行为(导致)的结果
choose independently 独立地做选择
personal beliefs and values 个人信仰和价值观
achieve financial independence 达到经济独立
enter full-time employment 找到全职的工作
finish education 完成学业
consideration n. 考虑;体贴
employment n. 就业
independence n. 独立
odyssey n. 长期的漂泊;漫长历程
unplanned adj. 未经过计划的
bid n. 企图;努力
target v. 把……作为目标
apartment n. 公寓
financial adj. 金融的,财政的

rent v. 租用
designer n. 设计者
bottom adj. 最低的;最后的
direction n. 方向
abandon v. 放弃,遗弃
figure n. 数字
comedy n. 喜剧
survey n. 调查,民意测验
series n. 连续,系列
male adj. 男性的
regularly adv. 经常地,习惯性地
portay v. 描绘,描写
pregnant adj. 怀孕的
consequence n. 结果
value n. 价值;价值观
belief n. 信仰;信念
website n. 网站
responsibility n. 责任
tip n. 小贴士,提示
fatherhood n. 父亲的身份
Manhattan n. 曼哈顿
adult n. 成年人,成人
independently adv 独立地
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