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2009-09-16 22:10:20

I find this news more than a little troubling. These women seem determined to cash in on their youth, good looks and college degrees before walking out into the world and carving a path of their own.
Where in these women is the passion to walk out into the world and make themselves a place in it? Where is the willingness to take a little time in life for self-discovery? Life is, to borrow the line from the car commercial, not about the destination, but the journey.
cash in (on sth) (disapproving): to gain an advantage for yourself from a situation, especially in a way that other people think is wrong or immoral: The film studio is being accused of cashing in on the singer's death.
more than a little 非常
be determined to ... 坚决要……
cash in on (不正当地)利用
good looks 好看的样貌
college degree 大学学位
walk out into the world 走向外面的世界
carve a path of one's own 闯出自己的一条路
make oneself a place in ... 在……里树立自己的位置
self-discovery 自我发现
borrow a line from ... 借用……里的一句话
car commercial 汽车广告
troubling adj. 麻烦的
willingness n. 愿意,乐意
determined adj. 坚决的
youth n. 年轻人,年轻
degree n. 学位
carve v. 开创(事业等); 开拓
commercial n. 商业广告
destination n. 目的地,终点
journey n. 旅行,路程
passion n. 热情
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