Simon Cooke,美国 (原作者)
北京理工大学 20981 陈罡(翻译)
4 The Advantages of the Circular Buffer 使用循环缓冲区的优点
There are a number of key advantages to using a circular buffer for the temporary storage of data.When one puts data into a block of memory, one also has to take it out again to make use of it. (Or one can use it in place). It is useful to be able to make use of the data in the buffer while more data is being appended to the buffer. However, as one frees up space at the head of the buffer, that space is no longer usable, unless one copies all of the data in the buffer which has not yet been used to the beginning of the buffer. This frees up space at the end of the buffer, allowing more data to be appended.
There are a couple of ways around this; one can simply copy the data (which is a reasonably expensive proposition), or one can extend the buffer to allow more data to be appended (a massively expensive process).With a circular buffer, the free space in the buffer is always available to have data appended into it; the data is copied, the pointer adjusted, and that's that. No copying, no reallocation, no worries. The buffer is allocated once, and then remains useful for its entire life.
5 A Fly In The Ointment 循环缓冲区美中不足的地方
One could simply implement a circular buffer by allocating a chunk of memory, and maintaining pointers. When one walked off the end of the buffer, the pointer would be adjusted - and this operation would be reflected in every operation that is performed, whether copying data into the buffer or removing it. Length calculations are slightly more complicated than normal, but not overly so - simple inline functions take care of that problem with ease, sweeping it under the rug.
Unfortunately, most API calls don't believe in circular buffers. You have to pass them a single contiguous block of memory which they can access, and there is no way for you to modify their write behavior to adjust pointers when they cross the end of the buffer. So what to do? Well, this is where the Bip-Buffer comes in.
6 Enter The Bip-Buffer 进一步了解Bip-Buffer
If one cannot pass a circular buffer into an API function, then one needs an alternative that will work - preferably with many of the same advantages as the circular buffer. It is possible to build a circular buffer which is split into two regions - or which is bi-partite (and that's how you get the Bip in a Bip-Buffer). Each of the two regions move through the buffer, starting at the left and ending up at the right hand side. When one runs out of space for appending data, if there is only one region, a new one is created at the beginning (if possible). The diagram below shows how it works in more detail.
The buffer starts out empty, with no regions present (figure 1). (eg. immediately after calling AllocatedBuffer)
Then, when data is first put into the buffer, a single region (the 'A' region) is created (figure 2). (Say, by calling Reserve followed by Commit)
Data is added to the region, extending it to the right (figure 3).
For the first time now, we remove data from the buffer (figure 4). (see the DecommitBlock call described below)
This continues until the region reaches the end of the buffer (figure 4). Once more free space is available to the left of region A than to the right of it, a second region (comically named "region B") is created in that space. The choice to create a new region when more space is available on the left is made to maximize the potential free space available for use in the buffer. The upshot of all this leaves us with something which looks rather like figure 5.
If we now use up more of the buffer space, we end up with figure 6, with new space only being allocated from the end of region B. If we eventually allocate enough data to use up all of the free space between regions A and B (figure 7), we no longer have any usable space in the buffer, and no more reservations can be performed until we read some data out of it.
If we then read more data out of the buffer (say the entire remaining contents of region A), we exhaust it entirely. At the point, as region A is completely empty, we no longer need to track two separate regions, and all of region B's internal data is copied over region A's internal data, and region B is entirely cleared. (figure 8)
If we read a little more data out of the buffer, we now end up with something a lot like figure 4, and the cycle continues.
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