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分类: C/C++

2008-11-14 00:19:39

Simon Cooke,美国 (原作者)
北京理工大学  20981  陈罡(翻译)


    循环缓冲区是一个非常常用的数据存储结构,已经被广泛地用于连续、流数据的存储和通信应用中。对于循环缓冲区,传统的操作方法是开辟一块连续的存储区,不断地写入数据,当写入到存储区的末尾的时候,再从存储区的首部再开始写入数据,由此不断地重复下去构成了循环缓冲区。偶曾经写过很多循环缓冲区,也看过很多人编写的循环缓冲区,但是拜读Simon Cooke先生的文章────“两段式”循环缓冲区(原文名称是:The Bip Buffer - The Circular Buffer with a Twist)确实觉得与众不同,于是就有了把它介绍给国内开发者的意愿。这里的twist的意思是“缠绕、绞合”,在这里有紧密联系的意味,作者的本意是希望通过twist这个词能够体现出这个循环缓冲区的特点,但是如果直译出来,会让很多人感到费解。所以在此,根据偶个人的理解将这个标题翻译成“两段式”循环缓冲区。接下来偶会把英文原文跟偶的理解写出来,感兴趣的朋友可以对照着看,如果翻译有误的地方还请个位高手不吝斧正!


1、Introduction 简介

Instead of keeping one head and tail pointer to the data in the buffer, it maintains two revolving regions, allowing for fast data access without having to worry about wrapping at the end of the buffer.

Buffer allocations are always maintained as contiguous blocks, allowing the buffer to be used in a highly efficient manner with API calls, and also reducing the amount of copying which needs to be performed to put data into the buffer. Finally, a two-phase allocation system allows the user to pessimistically reserve an area of buffer space, and then trim back the buffer to commit to only the space which was used..

Let's cover a little history first. If you don't already know why a circular buffer can be implemented really efficiently in hardware, or why that makes them the buffer of choice in most electronics, here's why.



2.Back in Days of Old... “石器”时代

Once upon a time, computers were much simpler. They didn't have 64 bit data buses. Heck, they didn't even have real 16 bit registers - although you could occasionally convince a pair of them to sub in for that purpose. These were simpler times, where Real Men programmed in assembly language, and laughed at anyone who didn't know how to use the carry flag for all kinds of nefarious purposes.


With simpler times came elegant hacks to eke the most power out of every instruction cycle available. Take, for example, a simple terminal communications program. Newer RS232 serial controllers had things like automatic handling of RTS and CTS signal lines to control the flow of data - but this came at a cost. Namely, the connection would be stopping and starting all the time, instead of streaming along. So in between the controller card and the system, would often be found a FIFO. This simple circular buffer was often no more than a couple of bytes long, but it meant that the system could run smoothly along without polling to see if data had arrived, or being hammered by constant interrupts from the serial controller.


Most FIFOs started out on-chip, but people also added their own in their code - the idea being that if you had some really gnarly dancing that you had to do on the incoming data, you may as well batch it all up into one lump and do it infrequently... giving spare time to the system to do other things. Like scroll the console, or decode GIFs.


As I said, a FIFO is a very simple circular buffer. Most are implemented very simply as well; they're typically 2n bytes in size, which allows the pointers to simply overflow to get back around to the other end of the buffer. The FIFO logic can tell if the FIFO is empty because the head and tail values are the same, and it's full if the head is one greater than the tail.


Implementing these in software was easy on the old 8 bit systems. Take a 16 bit register pair. Decide on a location in memory (a multiple of 256) to store the FIFO data in. Then, after setting the register to the start of the buffer, don't touch the high register - just increment the low register. This gives you a 256-byte long buffer which you can walk through in one (in the case of the Zilog Z80, 4 cycles - the smallest execution unit available on that system) instruction. You can never go out of the bounds of your buffer, because the low register acts as an index with a value from 0 to 255. When you hit what would have been index 256, the register overflows and clocks back over to zero.

在老式的8位系统里面实现上述FIFO是非常简单的事情。找两个8位的寄存器构成一个16位的寄存器对,分配一段内存(取256的倍数)来保存FIFO数据,然后,让寄存器对指向该段内存的起始地址(译者,8位的系统,一般寻址空间是16位的,作者的意思是要用两个8位的寄存器来保存16位的内存地址,256的倍数代表了一个对齐问题,如果取256的倍数的话,就会让16位的寄存器对,只有高8位是有数值的,低8位是从0开始的),注意不要去碰高8位的寄存器,就让它保留内存地址的值即可;然后可以使用8位模式来操作低8位寄存器对16位的寄存器对指向的内存地址进行FIFO数据写入操作,把低8位的寄存器做为0-255的索引,每写入一个字节,就把低8位的寄存器加1,一旦超过了255,低8位的寄存器就会溢出,让低8位寄存器重新从0开始,这样就由硬件自动完成了循环缓冲区指针的调整。用这种方式就为你提供了只需要一个指令周期就可以完成操作的256个字节的循环缓冲区(在Zilog Z80系统上面,需要4个指令周期,这是在该系统里可以得到的最小的执行单位)。在这个实现中,由于是采用硬件溢出的方式来调整循环缓冲区的指针,因此,根本不必担心会溢出,会把数据写到其它的内存里面。(译者,这可能是可以用软件实现的效率最高、安全性最好的循环缓冲区了。)

3. The Modern Day “帝国”时代

Unfortunately, there is no solution quite as elegant available to Windows programmers today as that simple old 8-bit solution. Sure, you can dive down into assembly language (provided you can work out how the compiler maps registers to values... something I've never seen a good enough explanation of to get my head around), but most people don't have time for assembly language any more. And besides, we're dealing with 32 bit registers now - incrementing just one low-order byte from inside that register isn't really all that kosher any more. It can lead to cache flushing, pipeline stalling, printer fires, rains of frog, etc.
很不幸,对于现代windows程序开发人员来说,已经没有可能找到一种效率可以与早先8位机时代的FIFO相媲美的循环缓冲区的“完美”解决方案了。当然了,你可以深入研究汇编语言(你可以知道编译器是如何把寄存器和程序中的数值映射起来,然后做某种优化。。。总之我从来没有看到过一个能够让我改变我的这个看法的汇编解决方案),但是绝大多数人没有时间去挖掘汇编语言的潜力。而且,我们现代的操作系统都采用的是32位的寄存器,依靠寄存器加1,然后利用硬件溢出来达到循环利用缓冲区的做法,基本上已经不太现实了。现代的操作系统会利用cache(缓存)技术,管道延迟技术,printer fires, rains of frog等等来扩大寻址的空间。(译者,这后面两个技术不知道是什么意思,还望知道的朋友提示一下。)

If you can't just clock the low-order register to walk through the buffer, you have to start worrying about things like checking to see how much buffer you have filled before the end, making sure that you remember to copy the rest of the data from the start of the buffer, and all kinds of other bookkeeping headaches.


My first attempt at implementing something like this relied on the vague hope that the virtual memory system could be tricked into setting things up in such a way that you could set up a mirror of a section of memory right next to the original. The idea being that you could still use the rotating allocation of data; a copy operation could go at full speed without any checking to see if you'd walked off the end of the buffer - because as far as your process's address space is concerned, the end of your buffer is also the beginning of your buffer.

Now, this mirroring technique may actually work. Due to some restrictions, I decided not to implement it myself (yet - I'm sure I'll find a use for it some day). The idea behind it is that first one reserves two areas of virtual memory, side by side. One then maps the same temporary file into both virtual memory sections. Voila! Instant mirroring, and a nice large buffered expanse one can copy data from willy-nilly.
这个镜像技术的设想或许真的会工作,但是由于一些系统限制性的原因,我决定不去自己实现它(虽然现在没有,我肯定将来的什么时候我会为它找到一种应用方式)。这个想法背后,意味着程序需要维护两块并列的虚拟内存,在两个虚拟内存中映射的是同一个临时文件。Instant mirroring技术(译者,这或许是作者一时激动,给这个设想起的名字吧。。。)最终可以允许用户无限制地向缓冲区写入数据、读取数据。

Unfortunately, while it should (again, I've not tried it) indeed work, there is another problem - namely, that files can only be mapped on 64kb boundaries (possibly larger on larger memory systems). This means that your buffer has to be a minimum of 64kb in size, and will take up 128kb of your virtual address space. Depending on your application, this may be a valid technique. However, I don't see writing a server application with 1000's of sockets being a valid prospect here.
So what to do? If mirroring won't work, how close can we get to using a circular buffer in our code? Heck, even if we can get close, why would we want to?
不幸的是,尽管它确实应该工作(再次声明,我没有尝试去做这个实验),但是会引起另外一个问题,也就是说文件只能被映射到64kb的边界(也许在更大的内存系统中会大一些)。这就意味着缓冲区最小也需要64kb的大小,并且会用掉虚拟地址空间的128kb的寻址空间。无论如何,这取决于你的应用程序的规模,这也许是一个可行的技术,但是我从没看到过为1000个socket端口提供服务的程序有采用这种技术的苗头。(译者,作者很无奈,毕竟想法是好的,但是真实的服务器开发,需要的是可靠、稳定、以及高效,没人愿意为了测试那些还在设想中的技术而赌上自己的schedule :P)。




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