2009-04-16 22:28:31
I am sure every software developer has come across the vi editor a few times. Although, the initial learning curve can be a little steep, the flexibility and power offered by vi makes it a worthy programming tool. Moreover, you are guaranteed to find it on any unix box that you log into. Following are some of the commands that I have found to be extremely useful during my development work.
Find the match of current parenthesis, brace, or bracket
Working with Multiple Windows
Open another file in VI in the existing window
:sp filenameTile widows horizontally or vertically
:windo wincmd H or KMove cursor between the files
Ctrl + W + WAlternatively, you can move cursor to right or left window
Ctrl W followed -> or <-
Search forward for the next identifer under the cursor
Search backward for the previous identifer under the cursor
Search and Replace
:%s/word1/word2/greplaces each occurrence of word1 with word2 in the current file
:s/word1/word2Alternatively, use markers to perform the same operation as shown below:
mawill mark the current line as a
mbwill mark the last line of method as b
:'a,'bs/word1/word2/gwill only make the changes in the lines between the markers a and b
Execute any shell command by prepending it with a :! in command mode
:!This is particularly useful if you want to compile a program without exiting the editor. For java, use
:!javac %% denotes the name of the current file (eg. Sample.java)
Access the shell without exiting the editor
:shUse Ctrl+D to return to the same line from where you entered the shell.
Move to a specific line in the file
:line_numberFor example,
:32will take you to line number 32
Repeat the last command
Also, in Vi, typing in numbers before a command repeats that command. Therefore, 100. will repeat the last command 100 times. For instance, 5dd will delete the next 5 lines.
Use >> and << to indent lines to the right or left respectively. Multiple lines can also be indented by selecting the portion of text with v in command mode followed by << or >>
uwill undo the last change while
will undo all changes in the current line
Ctrl + R performs the redo operation. You can complement this with the undo last command operation to arrive at the oldest change.
Additionally, I'd like to point out a couple of plugins that can be extremely beneficial, especially if you are familiar with IDEs like NetBeans and Eclipse.