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2009-04-16 22:25:49

If your are an web designer or developer pretty sure you know or heard about PHP. Just as a refresher, is a server-side HTML embedded scripting language, which designed for producing dynamic web pages. It generally runs on a web server, taking PHP code as its input and creating web pages as output . Some PHP script requires general knowledge or Math and and logic. In this post, you will find 30 PHP tutorial and techniques that are not too complex and different. You can easily learn this techniques and implement them for your next project.

1. Random Header Image


Using this simple PHP code you can have Random headers for you HTML website and Wordpress site too. If you are using wordpress just paste the code inside your header.php file. This is the easiest way there is . You can also check out this alternate method

1.<img src="http://path_to_images/header_<;?php echo(rand(1,5)); ?>.jpg"


Showing your latest tweet is the new Web Trend. If you want show your latest post use this the following  code to show your most recent latest tweet.

You can this to acquire the same functionality


If your some one enjoys nice quotes you use these code display  your favorite quotes on your site

If you are giving away prizes on your site, need a random generator for to pick a winner you can  use this technique to create your own script. . Here is of the script working.


This article describes how to separate presentation and content by referring to colors using abstract names such as base and highlight,automatically generate a color gradient from a single base color, automatically adjust the contrast of foreground colors so they can viewed on top of your background colors.


Would you like to show how many Subscribers you have like does?This tutorial will show you how to display your Feedburner feed count as a plain text.



If you thought you need be a genius to create a URL Shortener Service think again. This tutorial will show you how create your own URL Shorten site.


In this screencast you will learn how to upload files and then have PHP dynamically create a thumbnail.

Php Message Board

Follow this tutorial and you’ll learn how to create a mini message board in PHP and MySQL.


Some website offers  random password generation when you register. This tutorial will walk you through a script that generates a random password to a given length and you can create your own too.


When you need user send feedback to your email you can usecontact form. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to create contact form with php script. If you are looking for something already made you can use this .


In this post, you can learn how to make a fancy username availability checking in ajax and php using jquery


15. PHP components: Autosuggest


A ready to use, to implement a search form with an autosuggest feature using PHP and MySQL.

16. Easy PDF Generation in PHP


Ever wanted to generate PDF files in your web application? You could let your users download pages in PDF format, generate PDF reports to be distributed in your organisation, or just get better control over how your pages look when printed. In this tutorial, we’ll work through building a simple page and saving it as a PDF file.


Backing up your database is really important . I have not use get started with the help of this tutorial.


If your site is not run by CMS and you don’t want to ,  Create your own feed without hassle. This tutorial explains is detail on how to create your own feed.


This tutorial simply explanis how to simply show how many users are online on your site.


Lets say you moved your site to a new domain and you don’t want to lose your readers. Simple redirect the the visitors using the following code.

2.Header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" );
3.Header( "Location: " );


This technique allows you to use css variables just like other variables in many other languages.

22. Create a Countdown Using PHP


Are you lunching a new a site or have an event ? Create a simple  Coundown clock using PHP Technique.


What if you have a table with a thousand rows, and you want to allow the user to browse through the entire table.


This post explains how to create a HEX to RGB and vice versa script.



This tutorial will show you how to create your own tag cloud for your website.

27. Creating an Image Gallery with PHP


This tutorial focus on the PHP sccript that enhances features the  original CSS Hoverbox. This PHP script  fills the Hoverbox by reading the Image filenames from the Image folder and inserting them into the HTML.

If you are looking for even simpler PHP image gallery  this tutorial show how to create a really simple gallery Using PHP


Forgot about installing a script, just get simple feedback from your readers, roll out your own Poll using this tutorial. You can also look at

29. Create a Calendar Using PHP


Do you need show a calendar on your site? This tutorial will show you how to render a calendar for the current month using PHP and HTML.


This is not a tutorial,but It is something necessary for every web designer and developer. Download this PHP Cheat sheet you will saving yourself a lot time when working on project.

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