Without DB
./CCPDoctor.pl -c --case --minimal --nodb
For usage DB related issue, use :
./CCPDoctor.pl -c --case --full --usagedb
For SystemVM/ VRs related issue, use :
./CCPDoctor.pl -c --case --full [--collectsvm]
[Note:- This will collect logs from a Virtual Router, Console VM or Secondary Storage VM. ID is the System VM ID from the 'vm_instance table', or you could specify the name such as 'r-680-VM','v-1042-VM','s-1052-VM' etc.]
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./CCPDoctor.pl -c --case --minimal --nodb
For usage DB related issue, use :
./CCPDoctor.pl -c --case --full --usagedb
For SystemVM/ VRs related issue, use :
./CCPDoctor.pl -c --case --full [--collectsvm]
[Note:- This will collect logs from a Virtual Router, Console VM or Secondary Storage VM. ID is the System VM ID from the 'vm_instance table', or you could specify the name such as 'r-680-VM','v-1042-VM','s-1052-VM' etc.]