发布时间:2018-12-25 19:00:13
centos7 搭建双网卡bond1(主备模式)实例前景须知:在redhat6 中网卡叫bond,在redhat7及centos7中改名team,此处只记录centos7中双网卡主备搭建过程。应用情景:实现网络的高可用,防止一条网线或交换机故障影响该物理机进行数据交互此次环境是由于在上线业务之前是没有做Te.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2018-11-21 16:27:48
Cloudstack 部署 keepalived高可用HA 自动切换 drbd+nf+heartbeat 存储高可用......【阅读全文】
发布时间:2018-11-09 12:59:39
Nested ESXi and nested vSphere labs are more flexible to test the product features without having much investment for labs. It helps us to save some hardware costs while setting up the virtualized lab. For lab purposes, most of the admin would like to just clone from an existing Nested .........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2018-10-22 17:16:57
Vel_VMwareI find it a little bit funny that they told you, that you can ignore it...We had the same issue and we didn't ignore it.We had the same issue, but it was due to a VMKernel that wasn't working correctly. I just recr.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2018-08-21 13:00:05
vcenter和vdp设置ntp时间同步 为了备份我安装的那么多的虚拟机,不得不安装了个vcenter和vsphere data protection。历经了无数的折磨终于把vdp安装好了,有人说,装个软件能有什么磨难,我能说vcenter配置个数据中心,看不到,强行把vcenter服务器关机,启动后才能看见,继续重启才能看到虚拟主机.........【阅读全文】