分类: 虚拟化
2012-10-08 16:29:07
2012-09-24 13:38:14| 分类: 虚拟化-vSphere | 标签: |字号大中小
VMware vSphere对硬件的要求比较高,但是对于测试系统来说我们是希望配置要求越低越好,CPU的要求卡死在哪里,必须要64位系统,安装客户机必须要支持VT技术才能安装64位的,这些是没什么好商量的。
但是内存方面VMware vSphere最低2G的内存似乎是高了点,如果达不到这个要求系统是无法启动的,对于测试环境来说可能每台esx服务器只安装一两个客户机不一定用得到这么多内存,因此我们可以通过手动修改VMware vSphere的配置来达到低于2G内存启动VMware vSphere。
如下图所示,当内存少于2G时,VMware vSphere自动中断启动。
满足2G内存的情况下启动VMware vSphere,按Alt+F1进入维护模式
输入命令"vi /etc/vmware/init/init.d/vi 00.vmnix"修改VMware vSphere配置
关闭系统,修改低于2G的内存数值,重新启动VMware vSphere就可以正常启动了。
As some of you noticed, when you install vSphere(ESX) within a VM you will need at least 2GB to get the installer started. Even when it has finished installing you can’t reduce the memory because the following error will occur:
I couldn’t find a way of pre-adjusting the memory requirements but there’s a way to change this be
havior and to downsize the memory when the installation has finished. Keep in mind this is, as far as I know, not supported… it’s only to be used to run ESX within VMware Workstation for your demo / test environment. I personally use it for running 2 ESX servers and vCenter within VMware Workstation on my 4GB laptop. (That’s what I actually use to create screenshots and prepare blog articles.)