如果E680i对于您是全新的,请阅读下面的解释。 我将尽可能帮您了解关于这个电话的一些基本术语。
操作系统(Operation System, OS):
每台个人计算机(PC)都需要操作系统才可以运行. 我们可爱的E680i使用Linux作为它的操作系统,就像Windows pc使用Microsoft windows 作为它的操作系统一样。
在计算机科学上,固件是嵌入到硬件设备的软件. 它通常在flash ROMS中提供,或者作为一个二进制文件提供,这个二进制文件可以被用户上传到现有的硬件。
1. 只读存储器中与电路整合到一起的计算机程序(硬件配置通常用于呈现软件); the computer program in a read-only memory (ROM) integrated circuit (a hardware configuration is usually used to represent the software);
2. 可擦写可编程只读存储器(the erasable programmable read-only memory, EPROM), 其中的程序可以被特殊的外部硬件修改, 但不可以被[一般用处的]应用程序修改.
你可以认为固件就是操作系统的二进制映像, 当我们说到更新E680i的固件时,我们指的就是更新E680i的操作系统(OS).
为什么固件通常放在flash ROMs(只读内存)中呢?这是因为这样做可以降低成本。我们不需要像在pc上安装windows 一样, 插入windows安装光盘到光驱, 然后运行setup程序以安装或升级Windows操作系统, 我们只需要将整个操作系统(固件)的映像复制刷新/复制到电话中,没有任何安装过程。
刷机(Flash)是将整个OS(固件)的映像复制到电话的过程.我们不安装固件, 而是直接复制固件到电话的flash ROM中.
产品支持工具(Product Support Tool,PST):
PST是摩托罗拉提供的一个程序, 世界各地的摩托罗拉客户服务中心都安装这一程序. 摩托罗拉客户服务人员使用PST进行一些标准操作, 比如对摩托罗拉电话产品初始化, 配置, 进行信息更新, 测试已经应用的更新等.
TELNET协议用于提供一种通用的, 双向的, 面向八位字节的通讯机制.
TELNET常用于在主机和主机之间提供面向用户的命令行登陆会话. Telnet这个名字是从telephone network(电话网络)演化过来的, 因为这个程序最初是设计用来模拟连接到别的计算机的单个终端的(往往是通过电话网络).
如果以前曾在Unix/Linux机器上工作过, 你一定知道我们可以从Windows PC上telnet到Unix/Linux机器上, 输入命令, 就像我们坐在Unix/Linux机器前输入命令一样.
同样的情况也使用于E680i. E680i运行Linux操作系统, 并且它是一个真实的Linux机器. 我们可以从PC telnet到E680i上, 查看它的文件系统结构, 输入linux命令, 就像我们使用一个Linux机器一样.
默认的文件管理器不允许我们访问系统文件夹,例如/ezxlocal, /usr ...
我们只有telnet到E680i后才可以浏览文件系统结构, 输入linux命令, 把E680i当作真实的linux机器使用...
要想从PC telnet到E680i, 必须先使用USB线将E680i连接到PC.
我们需要使用Belcarra驱动程序,这个驱动程序启动一个使用TCP/IP和Windows系统通讯的嵌入设备(Embedded Device). Belcarra驱动程序使PC将E680i识别为一个具有特殊IP地址的Linux机器.
在DOS和Windows中, 批处理文件是包含了由命令解释器(command interpreter)执行的一系列命令的文本文件. 当批处理文件运行时, shell程序(通常是command.com或者cmd.exe) 读去批处理文件中的每一个命令并执行这些命令, DOS和Windows下的批处理文件和类Unix操作系统中的shell脚本类似(不过, 类Unix操作系统具有更强大的功能).
E680i中, 有人选择了.lin作为shell脚本的扩展名
如果把一个扩展名为.lin的shell脚本放在内存卡上, 使用文件管理器打开, 那这个脚本会执行么? 不, 并不会执行. 因为Shell脚本功能相当强大(我们几乎可以使用shell脚本做任何事情), 所以摩托罗拉不允许我们使用文件管理器直接运行Shell脚本.
我们需要一个把一个小的shell脚本当作应用程序安装到E680i中. 这个shell脚本叫做lin loader. Lin loader会读取并执行shell脚本.
安装Lin loader以后, 如果你将扩展名为.lin的shell脚本放在内存卡上, 然后在文件管理器中用lin loader打开这个.lin文件, 扩展名为.lin的shell脚本将会被执行. .
图形用户界面(Graphical User Interface) 用户使用鼠标、键盘、手写设备等向系统输入进去, 系统将结果以图形的方式反馈给用户. Windows操作系统以及Linux下的X-window的操作界面都是图形用户界面. 我们使用手写笔操作E680i使用的也是图形用户界面.
命令行界面(Command Line Interface) 用户和系统进行信息传递的一种界面, 用户通过输入命令的方式将需要做的事情告诉操作系统, 操作系统执行后将结果以文字的形式反馈给用户. 如DOS, Windows下使用command.com或者cmd.exe启动一个可以输入命令的窗口, Linux/Unix下的终端等都是命令行界面. 使用telnet或者ssh连接到远程的Linux/Unix机器或者E680i等启动的也是命令行界面.
命令解释器(Command Interpreter) 不论是图形用户界面还是命令行界面下, 系统并不能识别我们的输入, 需要由某个程序负责将我们的输入解释成系统可以理解的方式, 这个程序就是命令解释器(Command Interpreter). Dos和Windows下的Command.com, cmd.exe, Linux下的Bash, E680i的Ash等都是命令行界面的命令解释器, Windows下的Explorer则是图形用户界面的命令行解释器.
If you are total new to E680i, read my explanations below. I try my
best to help you understand basic terms regard to this phone.
Operation System:
In computing, an operating system (OS) is the system software
responsible for the direct control and management of hardware and basic
system operations. Additionally, it provides a foundation upon which to
run application software such as word processing programs and web
Every Personal Computer (PC) needs Operation System (OS) to run. Our
lovely phone E680i uses Linux as its Operation System (OS) just like
Windows PC uses Microsoft windows as its OS.
In computing, firmware is software that is embedded in a hardware
device. It is often provided on flash ROMs or as a binary image file
that can be uploaded onto existing hardware by a user.
Firmware is defined as:
1. the computer program in a read-only memory (ROM) integrated circuit
(a hardware configuration is usually used to represent the software);
2. the erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM) chip, whose
program may be modified by special external hardware, but not by [a
general purpose] application program.
You can consider firmware is a binary image of Operation System. When
we talk about upgrade firmware for E680i, we are talking about upgrade
OS for E680i.
Why firmware is often provided on flash ROMs (read-only memory)?
Because it will save cost. Instead of inserting a windows installation
CD to CD tray and run setup program to install/upgrade windows OS for
PC, we just flash/copy the whole image of OS (firmware) to our phone
without any installation process.
Flash is a process to copy the whole image of OS (firmware) to the
phone. we don't install firmware, we copy firmware directly to our
phone's flash ROM.
Product Support Tool (PST):
PST is a program provided by Motorola and it is installed worldwide in
any Motorola Customer Service Center. Motorola's customer service staff
uses it to perform the standard processes such as initialization,
configuration, subscriber information update and testing that have been
applied to Motorola phone products.
If you bring your phone to Motorola Customer Service Center and ask
them to upgrade firmware for you, they will use PST to do that.
How to upgrade E680i firmware?
Use PST to flash new firmware to E680i.
TELNET is a network protocol used on the Internet or local area network LAN connections.
The purpose of the TELNET Protocol is to provide a fairly general,
bi-directional, eight-bit byte oriented communications facility.
It is typically used to provide user oriented command line login
sessions between hosts on the Internet. The name is derived from the
words telephone network, since the program is designed to emulate a
single terminal attached to the other computer.
If you work with Unix/Linux machine before, you know that from windows
PC we can telnet to Unix/Linux to key in comand line as you sit in
front of Unix/Linux machine and key in the command.
Same thing happens to our phone. E680i runs Linux and it is real Linux
machine. From PC we can telnet to E680i and see its file system
structure, key in Linux commands like we use a Linux machine.
Why we need to telnet to E680i?
Default file management program does not let us access to system folders such as /ezxlocal, /usr ...
We need to telnet to E680i to explore file system structure, to key in
linux commands, to work with E680i as real linux machine...
How to telnet to E680i?
In order to telnet to E680i from PC, E680i must be connected with PC through USB cable.
We need Belcarra driver which enables an Embedded Device to communicate
with Windows system using TCP/IP. Belcarra driver will make our PC
understands our E680i as a linux machine with a specific IP address.
Shell script:
In DOS and Windows, a batch file is a text file with a series of
commands intended to be executed by the command interpreter (see
command line interface). When the batch file is run, the shell program
(usually command.com or cmd.exe) reads the file and executes its
commands. A batch file is analogous to a shell script in Unix-like
operating systems.
DOS batch files have the filename extension .BAT or .CMD
Unix and Linux shell script files have the filename extension .sh or no extension.
In our E680i, somebody has choosen the shell script's filename extension is .lin
If you put a shell script .lin in memory card and use file management
to open it, will it be executed? No, it will not. Because shell script
is very powerful (we almost can do everything with a shell script) so
motorola prevents us from using file management to run it directly.
How to run a shell script in E680i?
We need a small shell script installed as an application in the phone.
This shell script is call lin loader. Lin loader will read and execute
our shell script files.
After install Lin loader, if you put a shell script .lin in memory card
and use file management to open the .lin with lin loader, our shell
script .lin will be executed.
to be continue if I have time...
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