个人笔记:Cacti 0.8.7e插件成功安装之:weathermap
(Weathermap下载 )
[root@centos53 /]# cd /usr/local/src/
[root@centos53 src]# wget
[root@centos53 src]# unzip php-weathermap-0.96a.zip -d /var/www/cacti/plugins/
进入[Console]-[Configuration]-[plug Management],可以见到weathermap的Status为:Old Plugin Architecture。说明weathermap还没有运行。
[root@centos53 /]# vi /var/www/cacti/include/global.php
$plugins = array();
$plugins[] = 'weathermap';
之后,再进入[Console]-[Configuration]-[plug Management],可以见到weathermap的Status为:Old Plugin Architecture-Running。说明weathermap已经运行。同时也可以见到[weathermap]的标签了,在[console]-[Utilities]-[User Management],admin用户的Realm Permissions中也多了Plugin -> Weathermap: Configure/Manage 和Plugin -> Weathermap: View 两项,并已经选定。
进行[Console]-[Weathermaps],之后“ADD”,发现系统默认有两个“Available Weathermap Configuration Files”为.htaccess和simple.conf。
将simple.conf进行"ADD"操作,并确认期Active为:yes。之后“Recalculate All Maps Now”,YES解认。
再次回到[Weathermap]中,发现test中"this map hasn't been create yet.",等一会吧。
发现又出了问题。Editor窗口中提示:“ Required PHP extensions are not present in your mod_php/ISAPI PHP module. Please check your PHP setup to ensure you have the GD extension installed and enabled.”说明GD没有安装等问题。
[root@centos53 /]# yum list | grep php-gd
php-gd.i386 5.1.6-23.2.el5_3 base
[root@centos53 /]# yum -y install php-gd
[root@centos53 /]# service httpd restart
之后,再刷新“”窗口,可见Welcome的内容,可以Create A new Map、OR Create A New Map as a copy of an existing map、OR Open An Existing Map了。
[root@centos53 plugins]# chmod 777 -R weathermap/
[root@centos53 plugins]# yum list | grep php
[root@centos53 plugins]# yum -y install php-jpgraph graphviz-php php-adodb php-mbstring php-xml
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