个人笔记:Cacti 0.8.7e插件成功安装之:realtime
Realtime,provides a method to view cacti graphs with a resolution of upto 5 seconds.
[root@centos53 ~]# cd /usr/local/src
[root@centos53 src]# wget
[root@centos53 src]# tar zxvf realtime-0.4.0-1.tar.gz
//MV 插件包到 cacti/plugins/下
[root@centos53 src]# mv realtime /var/www/cacti/plugins/
//install、enable plugins:realtime
登录Cacti,进入[Console]-[configuration]-[Plugin Management],对plugin:realtime进行Install 和 Enable。
登录Cacti,进行[Console]-[Utilities]-[User Management],点admin用户,在[Realm Permissions]中我,勾选“Plugin->Realtime”。
此时,到[Graphs]中,找一个图,可以发现在其右侧已经出现“Realtime”的一个小Logo,但当点此logo进行realtime查看时,会发现弹出的窗口中显示“The Image Cache Directory directory does not exist. Please first create it and set permissions and then attempt to open another realtime graph.”,提示出没有Cache目录以及权限等。
在realtime插件包中的README中写到:Create a folder somewhere on your system that is accessible to the apache user for writing.
在官网的文档中对于Installation中也写到:You need to also create a folder somewhere on you system that is accessible to the apache user for writing.This folder should bo different than other transient folders used by plugins as it will b periodically pruned by this plugin.
[root@centos53 /]# mkdir /var/www/cacti/cache
[root@centos53 /]# chmod 777 -R /var/www/cacti/cache/
之后,还要login cacti,进入[console]-[configuration]-[settings]-[Misc],设置“Cache Diredtiory”为“/var/www/cacti/cache/”
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