脚本说明:第一步:把如下代码加入<head>区域中<script>function ShowMenu(bMenu) {document.all.idFinder.style.display = (bMenu) ? "none" : "block" document.all.idMenu.style.display = (bMenu) ? "block" : "none"idML.className = (bMenu) ? "cOn" : "cOff"idRL.className = (bMenu) ? "cOff" : "cOn"return false}</script><style><!--A.cOn {text-decoration:none;font-weight:bolder}#article {font: 12pt Verdana, geneva, arial, sans-serif; background: white; color: black; padding: 10pt 15pt 0 5pt}#article P.start {text-indent: 0pt}#article P {margin-top:0pt;font-size:10pt;text-indent:12pt}#article #author {margin-bottom:5pt;text-indent:0pt;font-style: italic}#pageList P {padding-top:10pt}#article H3 {font-weight:bold}#article DL, UL, OL {font-size: 10pt}--></style><script><!--function addList(url,desc) {if ((navigator.appName=="Netscape") || (parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>=4)) {var w=window.open("","_IDHTML_LIST_","top=0,left=0,width=475,height=150,history=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no")var d=w.documentif (!w._init) {d.open()d.write("<TITLE>Loading...</TITLE><EM>Loading...</EM>")d.close()d.location.replace("/assist/listing.asp?url=" escape(url) "&desc=" escape(desc)) w.opener=self window.status="Personal Assistant (Adding): " desc} else {window.status=w.addOption(url,desc) w.focus()}}elsealert("Your browser does not support the personal assistant.")return false}// --></script><style> #board {cursor: default} #board TD {width: 25px; height: 25px; } </style>第二步:把如下代码加入<body>区<script> var size=10 var moves = 0 var off = size*2 var on = 0 var current = null function doOver() { if ((event.srcElement.tagName=="TD") && (current!=event.srcElement)) { if (current!=null) current.style.backgroundColor = current._background event.srcElement._background = event.srcElement.style.backgroundColor event.srcElement.style.backgroundColor = "lightgrey" current = event.srcElement } } function setColor(el) { if ((el._background=="") || (el._background==null)) { el.style.backgroundColor = "yellow" el._background = "yellow" } else { el.style.backgroundColor = "" el._background = "" } } function countLights() { off = 0; on = 0 for (var x=0; x < size; x ) for (var y=0; y < size; y ) { var p = board.rows[x].cells[y] if (p._background=="yellow") on else off } document.all.on.innerText = on if (off!=0) document.all.off.innerText = off else document.all.off.innerText = "You Win!" return (off==0) } function doClick() { setColor(current) var cellIdx = current.cellIndex var rowIdx = current.parentElement.rowIndex if (rowIdx>0) setColor(board.rows[rowIdx-1].cells[cellIdx]) if (rowIdx<size-1) setColor(board.rows[rowIdx 1].cells[cellIdx]) if (cellIdx>0) setColor(board.rows[rowIdx].cells[cellIdx-1]) if (cellIdx<size-1) setColor(board.rows[rowIdx].cells[cellIdx 1]) moves document.all.moves.innerText = moves win = countLights() if (win) { board.onclick = null board.onmouseover = null current.style.background = "yellow" } } function buildBoard() { var str = "<TABLE ID=board ONSELECTSTART=\"return false\" ONCLICK=\"doClick()\" ONMOUSEOVER=\"doOver()\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=5>" for (var x=0; x < size; x ) { str ="<TR>" for (var y=0; y < size; y ) { str ="<TD> </TD>" } str ="</TR>" } str ="</TABLE>" return str } function newGame() { size = document.all.gameSize.value if (size<3) size=3 if (size>15) size=15 document.all.gameSize.value = size document.all.board.outerHTML = buildBoard() moves=0 document.all.moves.innerText = moves countLights() } </script> <p align="center"><big><font color="#0000FF">在方格上点击,你可以将下面的方格全部填成黄色吗</font><strong><fontcolor="#FF0000"><big><big>?</big></big></font></strong></big></p><p align="center"><font color="#0000FF">快开动你智慧脑筋,看看有什么技巧与规律。</font></p><table border="1" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="50%"><div align="right"><table ID="score" border="0" width="284"> <tr> <td width="52">移动: </td> <td id="moves" width="33">0</td> <td width="42">灯灭:</td> <td id="off" width="36">25</td> <td width="46">灯亮:</td> <td id="on" width="39">0</td> </tr> </table> </div></td> <td width="50%"><div align="left"><table width="204"> <tr> <td width="54">大小: </td> <td width="41"><input ID="gameSize" TYPE="text" VALUE="10" SIZE="2"></td> <td width="97"><input ONCLICK="newGame()" TYPE="button" VALUE="开始游戏"></td> </tr> </table> </div></td> </tr></table><p align="center"><script> document.write(buildBoard()) </script></p>
脚本说明:第一步:把如下代码加入<head>区域中<script>function ShowMenu(bMenu) {document.all.idFinder.style.display = (bMenu) ? "none" : "block" document.all.idMenu.style.display = (bMenu) ? "block" : "none"idML.className = (bMenu) ? "cOn" : "cOff"idRL.className = (bMenu) ? "cOff" : "cOn"return false}</script><style><!--A.cOn {text-decoration:none;font-weight:bolder}#article {font: 12pt Verdana, geneva, arial, sans-serif; background: white; color: black; padding: 10pt 15pt 0 5pt}#article P.start {text-indent: 0pt}#article P {margin-top:0pt;font-size:10pt;text-indent:12pt}#article #author {margin-bottom:5pt;text-indent:0pt;font-style: italic}#pageList P {padding-top:10pt}#article H3 {font-weight:bold}#article DL, UL, OL {font-size: 10pt}--></style><script><!--function addList(url,desc) {if ((navigator.appName=="Netscape") || (parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>=4)) {var w=window.open("","_IDHTML_LIST_","top=0,left=0,width=475,height=150,history=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no")var d=w.documentif (!w._init) {d.open()d.write("<TITLE>Loading...</TITLE><EM>Loading...</EM>")d.close()d.location.replace("/assist/listing.asp?url=" escape(url) "&desc=" escape(desc)) w.opener=self window.status="Personal Assistant (Adding): " desc} else {window.status=w.addOption(url,desc) w.focus()}}elsealert("Your browser does not support the personal assistant.")return false}// --></script><style> #board {cursor: default} #board TD {width: 25px; height: 25px; } </style>第二步:把如下代码加入<body>区<script> var size=10 var moves = 0 var off = size*2 var on = 0 var current = null function doOver() { if ((event.srcElement.tagName=="TD") && (current!=event.srcElement)) { if (current!=null) current.style.backgroundColor = current._background event.srcElement._background = event.srcElement.style.backgroundColor event.srcElement.style.backgroundColor = "lightgrey" current = event.srcElement } } function setColor(el) { if ((el._background=="") || (el._background==null)) { el.style.backgroundColor = "yellow" el._background = "yellow" } else { el.style.backgroundColor = "" el._background = "" } } function countLights() { off = 0; on = 0 for (var x=0; x < size; x ) for (var y=0; y < size; y ) { var p = board.rows[x].cells[y] if (p._background=="yellow") on else off } document.all.on.innerText = on if (off!=0) document.all.off.innerText = off else document.all.off.innerText = "You Win!" return (off==0) } function doClick() { setColor(current) var cellIdx = current.cellIndex var rowIdx = current.parentElement.rowIndex if (rowIdx>0) setColor(board.rows[rowIdx-1].cells[cellIdx]) if (rowIdx<size-1) setColor(board.rows[rowIdx 1].cells[cellIdx]) if (cellIdx>0) setColor(board.rows[rowIdx].cells[cellIdx-1]) if (cellIdx<size-1) setColor(board.rows[rowIdx].cells[cellIdx 1]) moves document.all.moves.innerText = moves win = countLights() if (win) { board.onclick = null board.onmouseover = null current.style.background = "yellow" } } function buildBoard() { var str = "<TABLE ID=board ONSELECTSTART=\"return false\" ONCLICK=\"doClick()\" ONMOUSEOVER=\"doOver()\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=5>" for (var x=0; x < size; x ) { str ="<TR>" for (var y=0; y < size; y ) { str ="<TD> </TD>" } str ="</TR>" } str ="</TABLE>" return str } function newGame() { size = document.all.gameSize.value if (size<3) size=3 if (size>15) size=15 document.all.gameSize.value = size document.all.board.outerHTML = buildBoard() moves=0 document.all.moves.innerText = moves countLights() } </script> <p align="center"><big><font color="#0000FF">在方格上点击,你可以将下面的方格全部填成黄色吗</font><strong><fontcolor="#FF0000"><big><big>?</big></big></font></strong></big></p><p align="center"><font color="#0000FF">快开动你智慧脑筋,看看有什么技巧与规律。</font></p><table border="1" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="50%"><div align="right"><table ID="score" border="0" width="284"> <tr> <td width="52">移动: </td> <td id="moves" width="33">0</td> <td width="42">灯灭:</td> <td id="off" width="36">25</td> <td width="46">灯亮:</td> <td id="on" width="39">0</td> </tr> </table> </div></td> <td width="50%"><div align="left"><table width="204"> <tr> <td width="54">大小: </td> <td width="41"><input ID="gameSize" TYPE="text" VALUE="10" SIZE="2"></td> <td width="97"><input ONCLICK="newGame()" TYPE="button" VALUE="开始游戏"></td> </tr> </table> </div></td> </tr></table><p align="center"><script> document.write(buildBoard()) </script></p>
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