opid - an incrementing operation number. Use with killOp().
op - the operation type (query, update, etc.)
ns - namespace for the operation (database + collection name)
query - the query spec, if operation is a query
lockType - the type of lock the operation requires, either read or write or none. See concurrency page.
waitingForLock - if true, lock has been requested but not yet granted
client - address of the client who requested the operation
desc - the type of connection. conn indicates a normal client connections. Other values indicate internal threads in the server.
杀掉某个操作,注意不要kill内部发起的操作,比如说replica set发起的sync操作等
> db.killOp(1234/*opid*/)
> // same as: db.$cmd.sys.killop.findOne({op:1234})
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