2011-05-13 21:17:24
What do I know about lighting after all?
After my previous post on
setting up a three layer SSS shader, a few people asked for tips on how
to light their characters to best show them off.
As it happens, this
something I’m rather interested in, and I’ve had a blog post on the
subject brewing for a while, so I’ve finally found the motivation to
finally write it up.
I didn’t want to spend too much time talking about specific settings for this tutorial, so instead you can download this from BlendSwap.com for some ideas on the specifics of how to set up your scene.
Lighting in portraits is key to how you want your character to be
The exact same character with the same pose and expression can be
seen in completely different ways depending on how they are lit.
They can be made to appear anything from dark and sinister to calm and serene simply by changing the lighting of your scene.
On a more subtle level different kinds of lighting will can drastically improve the look of your models, and transform them from drab and uninteresting to dynamic and captivating.
I don’t get it right every time, so when I’m looking for inspiration
for lighting I usually turn to those who know better.
From the great painters and photographers, to Hollywood Films, to modern day CG artists, each can offer insights into what makes for interesting lighting.
Three Point Lighting:
Before delving into some deeper issues, let’s look at what is
considered the “standard” lighting setup for a lot of portraiture and
在更深入的探讨之前,我们先看一下被认为是 照亮了无数肖像与电影的标准。
Three point lighting is the use of three different lights to achieve a pleasant, natural look that is adaptable to a wide variety of circumstances, and gives good results with most subjects when set up correctly.
You should be able to see that the main source of light in the image above is coming from slightly above and to the side of the shot.
This is called the “key” light. This provides illumination to most of the face, but were we to only have that one light in the scene, the remainder of the face would be in shadow.
For the whole face to be seen we add a second, slightly softer “fill” light from the other side, at roughly eye level.
This gives an even illumination to the shadowed parts of the face. A third “back” light (also called a “rim” light) light, positioned behind the subject, is used to highlight the edges of the subject and lift it out of the background.
不过第二个补光会对阴影部分有一个奇怪的照明。所以第三个 后边缘光 应该放到物体的后边,来打亮主休的边缘,这样就能把它放到背景里了。
This kind of lighting is easy to do in blender, and is best done using either spot lights or area lights, as these give a good amount of control over the direction and placement of the light, and also have some of the best tools for adjusting the softness of the shadows.
这种光是容易在blender中实现的,无论是用spot还是用area, 因为它们都能控制方向,位置,光的强度及投影。
lights are preferable for animation, as using buffered shadows allows
objects in the scene to cast shadows over each other without resorting
to ray-tracing (which would increase render time significantly).
Area lights give much nicer soft shadows, but at the cost of much longer render times.
Three point lighting is a familiar feature of any film, CG animation or photographers studio today.
Originally though, it became popular in the golden era of Hollywood, when film makers wanted to make sure that their sets and actors were evenly illuminated so that movie-goers could see all the money they spent on their productions.
Because early colour
film didn’t capture contrast between light and dark very well, Directors
often used bright key and fill lights that gave very even illumination
the actors on screen.
Think back to those early technicolor films for examples:
This kind of lighting doesn’t have any particularly dramatic qualities, but it does an excellent job of showing everything that is going on in shot.
It also shows off texture well (look at the
wooden siding in the picture above for example), and looks very natural.
Getting this kind of lighting using a three point setup in blender is as simple as setting the fill and key lights to reasonably high intensities and long fall off distances, without much difference in brightness between the two.
The back light used in this kind of lighting is reasonably subtle and diffuse, so set the intensity of your back light reasonably low and use fairly soft shadows.
后边的光就比较微妙而且发散, 所以把它弄得暗一些,投影柔和一些。
Let’s jump back in time for a second to the the seventeenth century.
In Holland at the time, a revolution was occurring in how artists
treated light.
By this point in time much of the physics of light was
understood and was being applied to the art of painting, but the Dutch
masters – in particular Rembrandt – started a revolution in the use of
light for the exposition of drama and storytelling in their scenes.
thowing light on the elements in the scene they wanted to draw attention
to, and throwing elements that were less important into shadow painters
could control how people interpreted the scene.
This more dynamic style of lighting was also popular in portraiture, particularly because as well as adding plenty of dramatic flair to the image, it also breathed life into the forms of the subject, highligting those that face the light and veiling those that turn away in shadow. T
his created a lot more visual interest when compared with the more diffuse, flat lighting of a lot of Renaissance art.
Returning to Hollywood, this kind of lighting rose to prominence first in German Expressionist Cinema and then in the Film Noir era as directors sought to portray their actors in more dynamic ways. It has been popular ever since.
In cinematography this is referred to as low key lighting, and
can be achieved through our standard three point light set up once
This time, our key light is much brighter than the fill light (turn the “energy” setting up on the key light), and should have much more pronounced shadows as a result, we can also decrease the size of the lamp (the “size” setting for area lamps, or “soft size” for spot lamps) to make give our shadows much clearer outlines.
这时,我们的主光就应该比补光更亮些(把主光的energy设得多点),做为结果,要弄出更多的阴影。我们也可以减少灯的大小(对于area,是size这个设定,对于spot是soft size)来产生更清晰的外边缘。
This kind of lighting is ideal for showing off character models,
as it higlights the forms and makes them appear much more three
dimensional, compared to flatter, high-key lighting.
However, by playing up the forms and increasing the contrast, it may make your textures less prominent – something you may want to consider if you spent hours slaving away over a multi-layer SSS shader with detailed textures!
不过,这种形式加上提高对比度,会让你的纹理不太突出。 有时你得考虑一下,尤其是你花了大量的时间,精力在纹理的细节上。
Rim Light
Up to this point I have largely neglected the third light in our
three point setup.
Unlike the other two it’s primary purpose is not to
provide illumination to any large area of the subject.
Indeed, being
positioned behind the subject this would be impossible.
Instead this
light is used to pick out the outlines of the the subject and thus
separate it from the background.
Rim lights can be very useful in darker
scenes where the subject might otherwise fade into the background (of
course this may well be the effect you desire, in which case carry on).
Rim light is also quite dramatic, and works well in both high and low key lighting.
I find getting rim lights to give the effect I want in blender is often the most tricky aspect of lighting characters, as searching for the right balance between illuminating the outline, and not spreading out too far over the subject, requires a fair amount of trial and error for the placement of the lamp.
Additionally, because the we only see the effects of rim lights at angles that are just glancing off the surface, rim lights must be quite bright in comparison to the main key and fill lights in order to stand out (usually several times brighter, though again this requires experimentation).
Depending on the kind of illumination you want, rim lights may not require raytraced/buffered shadows at all, instead relying only on the angle the light hits the surface.
As such the effect of rim lights can also be faked using material nodes.
Colour theory is of course an entire subject in itself.
I shall mention it only briefly here in so far as to say that opposition between the two main lights (fill and key) can create some really nice effects.
Opposing colours of course are those on either side of a colour wheel:
In general opposing colours look good when paired with one another.
Another consideration when thinking about colour choices is how they interact with the subject.
Skin is a sort of pinkish-orange colour, and so warm tones like reds and oranges complement it well, the opposing colour to these tones are bluey-green tones, and these also work well, particularly as fill or rim lights.
You will note for most of this tutorial I have opted for a key light with slightly orange tint, and fill and rim lights with a blue colour.
Light Direction and Character
Within any lighting setup, the predominant direction the character is
lit from communicates a lot about the character.
We are used to seeing people lit by natural light, and so we often find that characters lit from strange angles appear more visually arresting, and often unsettling.
Achieving this in blender is a simple matter of positioning the key light to provide light from the desired direction, and having the fill light take an opposing position to provide illumination of the shadowed areas.
Many famous pieces of devotional art use lighting from above to denote divinity, as it simultaneously makes the subject appear more dominant in the scene and at the same time gives the impression of being seen from below – imagine being a small child in a room full of grown-ups and looking up at their faces lit from above by the lights on the ceiling.
More diffuse light is used to communicate a more serene and peacefull atmosphere.
The master of this style (well, arguably the master of light in general) in traditional art was William Bourguerau:
这种风格的大师是William Bourguerau
This kind of lighting would be best achieved through some kind of GI setup.
Renderers like vray or lux render can do this kind of thing
easily, but it can also be done in blender internal by getting rid of
the fill and back lights, instead environment lighting to provide
illumination for the shadows.
A full discussion of how to set this up would be a tutorial of its own, so apart from the settings below I will leave you to experiment with this yourself.
Anyway. I hope this tutorial has been interesting and usefull, and I leave you with a few general tips on lighting with spot and area lamps.