2011-05-05 10:01:21
Blender supports importing mocap data in the BVH format.
Importing is accomplished through a script:
go to File>Import>Motion Capture
菜单路径:file>Import>Motion capture(.bvh)
When you select a BVH file, the script automatically generates
an Armature object (bone rig) with the bone names and hierarchical
relationships in the BVH file.
当你选了一个BVH文件,这个脚本会利用BVH文件中的骨骼名称与层级关系,自动生成一个armature对象(bone rig:骨骼操控)
The animation is stored independently as an Action (block of animation keyframe data) that is automatically assigned to the rig.
In order for retargeting to work well,
the new target rig should have the same relationships as in the BVH rig.
In Blender I have found that
the fastest and easiest way to do this is to simply use a copy of the
same rig.
Editing a rig in Blender to a new character regardless of size or shape is a snap.
What I have found works well is to edit the character mesh into a T-pose that matches the BVH rig rest pose.
我现在只要把角色的mesh编辑成匹配BVH rig剩余的T-pose(T形姿势)就能工作正确。
This ensures that the animation will play correctly.
Also any major scaling – say to the size of a mouse – should be done in Object Mode.
当然,任何的缩放:也就是鼠标的大小是应该在object 模式下完成的。
Any other reshaping of the Armature object to fit the character can be done in Edit Mode.
Once this is done, we can take advantage of Blender’s data system to quickly and easily retarget any new Action data from an imported BVH file to the Armature of a character.
如果这个做完了,我们就能利用Blender的数据系统来便捷的重定向任何新的动作到从导入的BVH文件到一个角色的Armature 。
In Blender, an Action contains a set of keyframe data as a separate
block of information that can be swapped from rig to rig.
Also you could load BVH files, delete the rigs and have a library of Actions stored for use on any character.
In the following steps I will assume you have a basic understanding of rigging,weight painting and so on in Blender.
下面的步骤中我会认为你有一个关于rigging, weight painting(权重画)的基本知识。
I will only cover the steps related to getting your rig ready for use with mocap data.
And to start, depending on where you get your BVH files, it’s likely
you will have to prep them first.
One main issue – among others – is the
sample rate.
Some BVH files have way too much information – up to 120 frames per second (FPS).
有些BVH文件有太多的信息了,120 fps.
That makes working with the files far too cumbersome, not to mention noisy.
We will start by preparing the BVH file for importing well into Blender with a free program called bvhacker.
Step 1
Prepare the BVH file What we want from bvhacker, or any tool you choose, is to make the following modifications where needed:
准备BVH文件: 下面就是我们想要用bvhacker或是其它工具做的修改。
at Frame 1, there should be a standard T-pose with the model at
在frame 1(第一帧),静止模型应该有一个标准的T-pose.
The hip (root) bone should be centred.
And finally, adjust the Frame Rate FPS. Some files come with 120. I like to work with about 30.
In bvhacker, use the Set 1/2 frames in the Edit menu as many times as you need to achieve the target rate.
Step 2
Import and setup When you import the file, the rig will likely need to be rotated because in Blender, Z is up.
导入与调整:当你导入文件后, rig应该是被旋转的因为在blender中Z轴是向上的。
Do this in
Object Mode so that the Armature object stands up.
Then line up the
character to the Armature and vice versa.
This is very much a back-and-forth process.
For the bones, move them in Edit Mode.
If a rotation is required, do that to the character limb, rather than the bone.
Step 3
Retarget animation To retarget,
simply copy this rig
(or import a new BVH) and repeat Step 2 with a new character model.
拷贝从BVH中导入的rig并且 对新的角色重复动作2。
You only have to do it once per character and it is simple and fast.
assign a new animation to any rig, import a new BVH and that new Action
will be available.
如果想把一个新的动画赋给任何的rig, 导入一个新的BVH与新的动作就成了。
Select the rig of your character in Object Mode and, in the Action Editor, simply choose the new Action.
在object 模式中选择你的角色,在动作编辑器中,选择新的动作。
About the artist Richard Culver is a filmmaker and freelance 3D artist with more than 20 years of experience in all aspects of film production and postproduction. See more of Richard’s work at www.richardculver.com