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2021-01-13 10:59:59

Lanenet 生成训练数据的脚本




公司有个车道线检测的项目, 所以用了maybeshewill大佬的github, 因为用的公司的数据, 所以自己写了个方便处理数据集的脚本,这里做个记录方便以后回查,提供参考。


关于训练数据, 基本上自己做数据集的话就是按照tusimple 数据集里的规范用labelme打点进行标注,不同的车道线分别标注不同的label 比如 1,2,3,4. 然后会得出 json文件, 然后为了能让github的脚本可以用,必须得把标记好的label.json文件和原图片文件生成 二值图的gt图以及多值的gt_instance实例图。线的话就是选择相同label的点然后两点间画直线就好, 线的粗细由自己决定。最后分别把 原图片文件, 对应的二值图文件, 对应的实例图文件,分别放入 gt_image, gt_binary, gt_instance文件夹里面就好了。下面是代码。


这里我直接就复制我之前写的代码了, 就是个辅助脚本,目的是从视频和label文件变换成可以训练的数据集,所以并不是很规范,相对的,也很好看懂。

#!/usr/bin/env python3"""

-*- coding: utf-8 -*-

@Time    : 2020-7-22

@Author  : Kuo Su

@Site    : foia_2020

@File    :

@IDE: PyCharm Community Edition

1. cover vedio to frame images

2. generate binary, instance mask dataset

3. generate script of train, val, test


import osimport cv2import globimport jsonimport numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom collections import OrderedDictimport random

class Data_manager(object):

    def __init__(self):


        self._image_label = OrderedDict()

        self._count_folder_labels = {}

        self._data_dir = ''

    def get_labels_images(self, folder_list, image_type='.png', label_type='.json'):


        :folder_list: list of folder names saving image files and .json label_files

        :return: image path its corresponding labels as an orderdict

                 counts of numbers of labeled files per folder



                image_label, count_folder_labels = get_labels_images(['./vedio_916','./images'])



                    (OrderedDict([('vedio_916/0.png', 'vedio_916/0.json'),

                                ('vedio_916/1.png', 'vedio_916/1.json'),

                                ('vedio_916/2.png', 'vedio_916/2.json'),

                                ('vedio_916/3.png', 'vedio_916/3.json'),


                    {'vedio_916': 138, 'images': 0}


        def nums(k):

            k = k.split('/')[-1]

            k = int(k.split('.')[0])

            return k

        for folder_ in folder_list:

            images_path = glob.glob(folder_ + '/*{}'.format(image_type))

            sort_images_path = sorted(images_path,

                                      key=lambda k_: nums(k_))

            labels_path = glob.glob(folder_ + '/*{}'.format(label_type))

            sort_labels_path = sorted(labels_path,

                                      key=lambda k_: nums(k_))

            num_labels = 0

            for image_ in sort_images_path:

                name_image = image_.split('.')[0]

                the_label = name_image + '.json'

                if the_label in sort_labels_path:

                    self._image_label[image_] = the_label

                    num_labels += 1


                    self._image_label[image_] = None

            self._count_folder_labels[folder_] = num_labels

        return self._image_label, self._count_folder_labels

    def _draw_ilines(self,iimg_save, label_, imshow=False):


        :param iimg_save: instance_labeled img save path

        :param label_: label_file path in .json

        :param imshow: show the drawing now or not

        :return: bool, drew or not


        with open(label_, 'r') as f:


            data = json.load(f)

            # image_name = data['imagePath']

            height = int(data['imageHeight'])

            width = int(data['imageWidth'])

            shape = data['shapes']

            blank_img = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.uint8)

            # if imshow:

            #     source_img = cv2.imread("./82800.png", cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)

            uniq_lanes = []

            for i in shape:

                if int(i["label"]) not in uniq_lanes:


            dict_lanes = {int(i): [] for i in uniq_lanes}

            for j in shape:

                label = int(j['label'])

                (height, width) = j["points"][0]

                dict_lanes[label].append((int(height), int(width)))

            color_factor = 255.0 / (len(dict_lanes.keys()) + 1)

            for _key, _value in dict_lanes.items():

                for i in range(1, len(_value)):

                    cv2.line(blank_img, _value[i], _value[i - 1], color=color_factor * _key, lineType=4, thickness=5)

                # _value = np.array(_value).reshape(-1, 1, 2)

                # cv2.polylines(blank_img, _value, color=color_factor * _key, isClosed= False, lineType=4, thickness=5)

        # TODO: imshow() show the drawing result for checking

        if np.any(blank_img != 0):

            cv2.imwrite(iimg_save, blank_img)

            return True


            return False

    def _draw_blines(self, bimg_save, label_, imshow=False):


        :param bimg_save: binary_labeled img save path

        :param label_: label_file path in .json

        :param imshow: show the drawing now or not

        :return: bool, drew or not


        with open(label_, 'r') as f:

            data = json.load(f)

            image_name = data['imagePath']

            height = int(data['imageHeight'])

            width = int(data['imageWidth'])

            shape = data['shapes']


            binary_img = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.uint8)

            uniq_lanes = []

            for i in shape:

                if int(i["label"]) not in uniq_lanes:


            dict_lanes = {int(i): [] for i in uniq_lanes}

            for j in shape:

                label = int(j['label'])

                (height, width) = j["points"][0]

                dict_lanes[label].append((int(height), int(width)))

            color_factor = 255.0 / (len(dict_lanes.keys()) + 1)

            for _key, _value in dict_lanes.items():

                for i in range(1, len(_value)):

                    cv2.line(binary_img, _value[i], _value[i - 1], color=255, lineType=4, thickness=5)

                # _value = np.array(_value).reshape(-1, 1, 2)

                # cv2.polylines(binary_img, _value, color=color_factor * _key, isClosed=False, lineType=4, thickness=5)

        # TODO: imshow() show the drawing for checking

        if np.any(binary_img != 0):

            cv2.imwrite(bimg_save, binary_img)

            return True


            return False

    def generate_dataset(self, save_dir, argmentation_func = None):


        generate binary image and instance image with orginal image into save_dir

        :param save_dir: the path you want to generate the image datasets



        gt_image_dir = os.path.abspath(save_dir) + '/gt_image'

        gt_binary_dir = os.path.abspath(save_dir) + '/gt_binary_image'

        gt_instance_dir = os.path.abspath(save_dir) + '/gt_instance_image'

        if not os.path.isdir(save_dir):






            if not os.path.exists(gt_binary_dir):


            if not os.path.exists(gt_image_dir):


            if not os.path.exists(gt_instance_dir):


        for image_, label_ in self._image_label.items():

            image = cv2.imread(image_, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)

            height, width, channels = image.shape

            bimg_save = gt_binary_dir + '/' + image_.replace('/', '-')[1:]

            iimg_save = gt_instance_dir + '/' + image_.replace('/', '-')[1:]

            img_save = gt_image_dir + '/' + image_.replace('/', '-')

            if label_ == None:


            #             binary_img = np.zeros((height,width), dtype=np.uint8)

            #             instance_img = np.zeros((height,width), dtype=np.uint8)


            #             cv2.imwrite(bimg_save, binary_img)

            #             cv2.imwrite(iimg_save, instance_img)

            #             cv2.imwrite(img_save, image)

            # TODO: we cant do a early image argumentation here


                has_bline = self._draw_blines(bimg_save, label_)

                has_iline = self._draw_ilines(iimg_save, label_)

                if has_bline and has_iline:

                    cv2.imwrite(img_save, image)

        self._data_dir = save_dir

        print("datasets generate finished!")

        print("data saved at {}".format(self._data_dir))

    def generate_txtscript(self, dataset_dir, save_dir, train_test_rate=0.75):


        split dataset into train set and val set with a rate

        :param dataset_dir: the path holding three kind of image folders

        :param save_dir: the path for saving scripts

        :param train_test_rate: rate of train test set



        abs_path = os.path.abspath(dataset_dir)

        save_dir = os.path.abspath(save_dir)

        gt_binary_path_list = sorted(glob.glob(abs_path + "/gt_binary_image/*.png"))

        gt_instance_path_list = sorted(glob.glob(abs_path + "/gt_instance_image/*.png"))

        img_path_list = sorted(glob.glob(abs_path + "/gt_image/*.png"))

        assert len(img_path_list) == len(gt_binary_path_list) == len(gt_instance_path_list), "数据不对有的地方居然没有转换成对应的gt"

        def shuffle(num):

            index = np.arange(0, num)


            return (len(index), index)

        ratio = train_test_rate

        totoal_len = len(gt_binary_path_list)

        train_len = int(len(gt_binary_path_list) * ratio)

        test_len = len(gt_binary_path_list) - train_len

        # with open("./example/train.txt","w"):

        shuffle_len, shuffle_index = shuffle(totoal_len)

        assert shuffle_len == totoal_len == len(shuffle_index) == train_len + test_len

        train_index = shuffle_index[:train_len]

        test_index = shuffle_index[train_len:]

        # train.txt

        with open(save_dir + "/train.txt", "w") as file:

            for i in range(len(train_index)):

                string1 = img_path_list[train_index[i]]

                string2 = gt_binary_path_list[train_index[i]]

                string3 = gt_instance_path_list[train_index[i]]

                string = string1 + " " + string2 + " " + string3 + "\n"


        # val.txt

        with open(save_dir + "/val.txt", "w") as file:

            for i in range(len(test_index)):

                string1 = img_path_list[test_index[i]]

                string2 = gt_binary_path_list[test_index[i]]

                string3 = gt_instance_path_list[test_index[i]]

                string = string1 + " " + string2 + " " + string3 + "\n"


        # test.txt

        with open(save_dir + "/test.txt", "w") as file:

            # this is to create an empty file since test.txt is not used in the project


    def cv2_FrameSets_to_Video(self, input_dir, output_dir, file_type='.png'):

        """ 将图片合成视频. path: 视频路径,fps: 帧率 """

        image_path = glob.glob(input_dir + "/*{}".format(file_type))


        image_path = sorted(image_path,

                            key=lambda _image: int(_image.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]))


        print("you got {} items in root dir".format(len(image_path)))

        HEIGHT, WIDTH, CHANNEL = cv2.imread(image_path[0], cv2.IMREAD_COLOR).shape

        # Out_vedio_path = os.path.join(input_dir, vedio_dir)

        out = cv2.VideoWriter(output_dir, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'),


                              (WIDTH, HEIGHT))

        count_frame = 0


        for i in image_path:

            frame = cv2.imread(i, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)


            count_frame += 1

            if (len(image_path) - count_frame) % 50 == 0:

                print("there is {} waiting to transfor".format(len(image_path) - count_frame))

            if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):


    def cv2_Video_to_FrameSets(self, input_dir, output_dir, pick_time, gap=3, file_type='.png'):


        @ input_dir:  String of address containing the vedio

        @ output_dir: the String address of the folder you want to contain the images

        @ file_type:  the image file type in String eq: '.png', '.jpg', 'jpeg'

        @ pick_time:  list[list[]] the inner list contains two elements of start and end time

                      in minutes(/min)

        @ gap:        INT or FLOAT, the interval between two picking frame actions in seconds(/s)

        FUNC:         transfer a vedio to a dataset of images







        cap = cv2.VideoCapture(input_dir)

        # TODO: 检测视频是否合法

        if cap.isOpened() == False:

            print('Eorr input video at the path: {}'.format(input_dir))

        if os.path.exists(output_dir):

            print("There is already a same output directory, we will now made a copy for you!")

            output_dir += '(copy)'

        if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):




        total_frame = cap.get(7)  # 视频文件的总帧数

        frame_width = cap.get(3)

        frame_height = cap.get(4)

        frame_rate = int(cap.get(5))  # 帧速率

        duration = total_frame // frame_rate  # time in seconds

        duration_min = duration // 60  # time in minutes

        if gap > duration:

            return "it is not a available gap, check it out plz"

        count_frame = 0

        pick_img_num = 0

        if pick_time != []:

            pick_time = sorted(pick_time, key=lambda s: s[0], reverse=True)

            start, end = pick_time.pop()

        while (cap.isOpened()):  # Capture frame-by-frame

            ret, frame =  # frame numpy 类型的矩阵 (1080, 1920, 3)

            count_frame += 1

            if ret == True:

                current_time = count_frame / frame_rate * 1.0

                if start > (current_time / 60.0):



                    if start <= (current_time / 60.0) < end:

                        if gap == 0:

                            cv2.imwrite('{}/{}{}'.format(output_dir, pick_img_num, file_type), frame)

                            pick_img_num += 1

                            print("picking {}th images into dataset".format(pick_img_num))

                        elif current_time % gap == 0:

                            cv2.imwrite('{}/{}{}'.format(output_dir, pick_img_num, file_type), frame)

                            pick_img_num += 1

                            print("picking {}th images into dataset".format(pick_img_num))




                        if pick_time != []:

                            start, end = pick_time.pop()



                        # Press Q on keyboard to  exit

                if cv2.waitKey(25) & 0xFF == ord('q'):



            else:  # Break the loop


            if current_time % 180 == 0:

                print("handling {}mins in raw vedio".format(current_time / 60))


        self._print_messages(total_frame=total_frame, frame_width=frame_width, duration=duration,

                       frame_rate=frame_rate, pick_img_num=pick_img_num, pick_time=pick_time,

                       duration_min=duration_min, frame_height=frame_height)

        cap.release()  # When everything done, release the video capture object

        # Closes all the frames


    def _print_messages(self, **Paras):

        total_frame, frame_height, frame_width, frame_rate, duration, duration_min, pick_time, pick_img_num = \

            Paras["total_frame"], Paras["frame_height"], \

            Paras["frame_width"], Paras["frame_rate"], \

            Paras["duration"], Paras["duration_min"], \

            Paras["pick_time"], Paras["pick_img_num"]


        print("totally read {} frames finished".format(total_frame))

        print("the vedio properties:\ntotal frame: {}".format(total_frame))

        print("height: {},    width: {}".format(frame_height,frame_width))

        print("frame_rate per s: {}".format(frame_rate))

        print("duration in seconds: {},    duration in minites: {}".format(duration, duration_min))

        print("picking image numbers: {}".format(pick_img_num))

        print('selected intervals:')

        for index, start, end in enumerate(pick_time):

            print("{}th selected interval:  start: {},end:{}".format(index, start, end))

    def print_self_check(self):


        print the class attributes for self checking



        print("summarise the datasets")

        for i in self._count_folder_labels:

            print("{} \t {}".format(i, self._count_folder_labels[i]))




        print("details in all images data and corresponding labels")

        for _i, (_k, _v) in enumerate(self._image_label.items()):

                if _i <= 400 and _v is not None:

                    print("we only print head 400 examples here~")

                    print("{} \t {}".format(_k, _v))

        if self._data_dir != '':




            print("trainable dataset could be found at".format(self._data_dir))

        # print(self._image_label)

if __name__ =="__main__":

    data_manager = Data_manager()

    labeled_data = ["/home/kuo/Desktop/工作/街道检测/lanenet-lane-detection/vedio-109",







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