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2008-08-20 10:13:55

Cache battery is near its end of life, it should be replaced SOON.  Run frutil-
to replace.
HSG80_1_A> show this full
        HSG80 ZG10707861 Software V86F-9, Hardware  E12
        NODE_ID          = 5000-1FE1-0010-1E20
        SCSI_VERSION     = SCSI-2
        Configured for dual-redundancy with ZG10707297
            In dual-redundant configuration
        Device Port SCSI address 7
        Time: 21-MAR-2007 23:17:02
        Command Console LUN is lun 0 (NOIDENTIFIER)
Host PORT_1:
        Reported PORT_ID = 5000-1FE1-0010-1E21
        PORT_1_TOPOLOGY  = FABRIC (fabric up)
        Address          = 011100
Host PORT_2:
        Reported PORT_ID = 5000-1FE1-0010-1E22
        PORT_2_TOPOLOGY  = FABRIC (standby)
        512 megabyte write cache, version 0022
        Cache is GOOD
        Unflushed data in cache
        CACHE_FLUSH_TIMER = DEFAULT (10 seconds)
Mirrored Cache:
        Not enabled
Extended information:
        Terminal speed 9600 baud, eight bit, no parity, 1 stop bit
        Operation control: 00000000  Security state code: 41113
        Configuration backup enabled on 36 devices
Cache battery is near its end of life, it should be replaced SOON.  Run frutil-
to replace.
HSG80_1_A> show other full
        HSG80 ZG10707297 Software V86F-9, Hardware  E12
        NODE_ID          = 5000-1FE1-0010-1E20
        SCSI_VERSION     = SCSI-2
        Configured for dual-redundancy with ZG10707861
            In dual-redundant configuration
        Device Port SCSI address 6
        Time: 21-MAR-2007 23:17:11
        Command Console LUN is lun 0 (NOIDENTIFIER)
Host PORT_1:
        Reported PORT_ID = 5000-1FE1-0010-1E21
        PORT_1_TOPOLOGY  = FABRIC (standby)
Host PORT_2:
        Reported PORT_ID = 5000-1FE1-0010-1E22
        PORT_2_TOPOLOGY  = FABRIC (fabric up)
        Address          = 011300
        512 megabyte write cache, version 0022
        Cache is GOOD
        No unflushed data in cache
        CACHE_FLUSH_TIMER = DEFAULT (10 seconds)
Mirrored Cache:
        Not enabled
Extended information:
        Terminal speed 9600 baud, eight bit, no parity, 1 stop bit
        Operation control: 00000000  Security state code: 92795
        Configuration backup enabled on 36 devices
Cache battery is near its end of life, it should be replaced SOON.  Run frutil-
to replace.
HSG80_1_A> run frutil

Field Replacement Utility - version V86F  

Do you intend to replace this controller's cache battery? Y/N [N] y

Completing outstanding battery work.  Please wait.

                    Slot Designations
                     (front view)

        | E | E | F | F | F | E | E | O | E |
        | C | C | a | a | a | C | C | C | M |
        | B | B | n | n | n | B | B | P | U |
        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
        | B | B |   |   |   | A | A |   |   |

If the batteries were replaced while the cabinet was powered down,
press return.

Otherwise, follow this procedure:

WARNING:  Ensure that at least one battery is installed at all times
          during this procedure.

1. Insert the new battery in the unused slot next to the old battery.
2. Remove the old battery.
3. Press return.

Updating this battery's expiration date and deep discharge history.

Field Replacement Utility terminated.

%CER--HSG80_1_A> --21-MAR-2007 23:17:26-- Cache battery is sufficiently charged
HSG80_1_A> set this noups
Warning 4020: A restart of both this and the other controller is required
              before all the parameters modified will take effect
%CER--HSG80_1_A> --21-MAR-2007 23:17:42-- Restart of this controller required
%CER--HSG80_1_A> --21-MAR-2007 23:17:42-- Restart of the other controller-
Cache battery is sufficiently charged
Restart of this controller required
Restart of the other controller required

Copyright Compaq Computer Corporation 2001. All rights reserved.
HSG80 Software version V86F-9, Hardware version  E12

Last fail code: 20090010

Press " ?" at any time for help.

Cache battery is near its end of life, it should be replaced SOON.  Run frutil-
to replace.
Restart of this controller required
Restart of the other controller required
HSG80_1_B> run frutil

Field Replacement Utility - version V86F  

Do you intend to replace this controller's cache battery? Y/N [N] y

Completing outstanding battery work.  Please wait.

                    Slot Designations
                     (front view)

        | E | E | F | F | F | E | E | O | E |
        | C | C | a | a | a | C | C | C | M |
        | B | B | n | n | n | B | B | P | U |
        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
        | B | B |   |   |   | A | A |   |   |

If the batteries were replaced while the cabinet was powered down,
press return.

Otherwise, follow this procedure:

WARNING:  Ensure that at least one battery is installed at all times
          during this procedure.

1. Insert the new battery in the unused slot next to the old battery.
2. Remove the old battery.
3. Press return.

Updating this battery's expiration date and deep discharge history.

Field Replacement Utility terminated.

Restart of this controller required
Restart of the other controller required
%CER--HSG80_1_B> --21-MAR-2007 23:18:25-- Cache battery is sufficiently charged
HSG80_1_B> set this noups
Restart of this controller required
Restart of the other controller required
Cache battery is sufficiently charged
HSG80_1_B> show this full
        HSG80 ZG10707297 Software V86F-9, Hardware  E12
        NODE_ID          = 5000-1FE1-0010-1E20
        SCSI_VERSION     = SCSI-2
        Configured for dual-redundancy with ZG10707861
            In dual-redundant configuration
        Device Port SCSI address 6
        Time: 21-MAR-2007 23:18:35
        Command Console LUN is lun 0 (NOIDENTIFIER)
Host PORT_1:
        Reported PORT_ID = 5000-1FE1-0010-1E21
        PORT_1_TOPOLOGY  = FABRIC (standby)
Host PORT_2:
        Reported PORT_ID = 5000-1FE1-0010-1E22
        PORT_2_TOPOLOGY  = FABRIC (fabric up)
        Address          = 011300
        512 megabyte write cache, version 0022
        Cache is GOOD
        No unflushed data in cache
        CACHE_FLUSH_TIMER = DEFAULT (10 seconds)
Mirrored Cache:
        Not enabled
        Expires:             21-MAR-2009
Extended information:
        Terminal speed 9600 baud, eight bit, no parity, 1 stop bit
        Operation control: 00000000  Security state code: 92795
        Configuration backup enabled on 36 devices
Restart of this controller required
Restart of the other controller required
Cache battery is sufficiently charged
HSG80_1_B> show other full
        HSG80 ZG10707861 Software V86F-9, Hardware  E12
        NODE_ID          = 5000-1FE1-0010-1E20
        SCSI_VERSION     = SCSI-2
        Configured for dual-redundancy with ZG10707297
            In dual-redundant configuration
        Device Port SCSI address 7
        Time: 21-MAR-2007 23:18:43
        Command Console LUN is lun 0 (NOIDENTIFIER)
Host PORT_1:
        Reported PORT_ID = 5000-1FE1-0010-1E21
        PORT_1_TOPOLOGY  = FABRIC (fabric up)
        Address          = 011100
Host PORT_2:
        Reported PORT_ID = 5000-1FE1-0010-1E22
        PORT_2_TOPOLOGY  = FABRIC (standby)
        512 megabyte write cache, version 0022
        Cache is GOOD
        Unflushed data in cache
        CACHE_FLUSH_TIMER = DEFAULT (10 seconds)
Mirrored Cache:
        Not enabled
        Expires:             21-MAR-2009
Extended information:
        Terminal speed 9600 baud, eight bit, no parity, 1 stop bit
        Operation control: 00000000  Security state code: 41113
        Configuration backup enabled on 36 devices
Restart of this controller required
Restart of the other controller required
Cache battery is sufficiently charged
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