you doin' that thing you do
breaking my heart into a million pieces like you always do
and you don't mean to be cruel
you never even knew about the heartache
I've been going through
well I try and try to forget you girl
but it's just so hard to do
every time you do that thing you do
I know all the games you play
and I'm gonna find a way to let you know that you'll be mine someday
cause we could be happy can't you see
if you'd only let me be the one to hold you
and keep you here with me
cause I try and try to forget you girl
but it's just so hard to do
every time you do that thing you do
I don't ask a lot girl
but I know one thing's for sure
it's the love I haven't got girl
and I just can't take it anymore
cause we could be happy can't you see
if you'd only let me be the one to hold you and keep you here with me
cause it hurts me so just to see you go
around with someone new
and if I know you you're doing that thing
every day just doing that thing
I can't take you doing that thing you do
the wonders乐队
60年代的车库乐队“奇迹小子(the wonders)” 由美国宾夕维尼亚州伊利诺镇的四位小伙子组成。当时自英国而来的披头士(甲壳虫)乐队正势不可挡地在美国卷起流行歌曲热潮。这四位美国中产阶级出身的年轻人以自己谱曲作词的歌曲《that thing you do》参加大学的才艺比赛。鼓手盖·帕德森临场突发奇想,把歌曲改成快节奏,结果是大获成功,赢得大赛冠军。薇拉餐厅的老板聘请他们来演出,得到青年人的普遍欢迎,餐厅一时生意兴隆。
在一位歌迷启发下,帕德森和同伴决定把《that thing you do》录制成单曲。普腾唱片公司的星探发现了他们,和乐队签下和约。自此,“奇迹小子”走上成名之路。《that thing you do》在全国电台热播,“奇迹小子”和公司其他乐队、歌手一起全国巡演。
成为公司有史以来上升速度最快的单曲。作为更大的成功,“奇迹小子”应邀拍电影,到热门电视节目“tv show case”演出,红极一时。这时,乐队出现了裂痕,成员各奔东西。
贝司手离开乐队,参加了美国海军。吉他手兰尼和一位花花公子兔女郎在赌城拉斯维加斯结了婚。主音歌手吉米坚持要录制自己写的歌,得不到同意就退出了乐队。鼓手帕德森得到爵士乐大师“dal paxton”的赏识,留下来打鼓。帕德森和吉米的女友费结了婚,在华盛顿开了一家爵士乐学校。吉米后来再次和普腾唱片公司签约,总共出了三张金唱片,现于加利弗尼亚担任制作人。
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