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2006-02-16 09:19:52

Something happens when you intend to do, gradually, even the good thing could be reversed.
Chandler and Monica had planned to go enjoying a romantic weekend, just both of them only. They did not suppose to lead a succession of boring things which made their romantic weekend to be not so good. Before they set out,  Monica said she would going to join the culinary fair in New Jersey, and Chandler said she had a conference there. That made Joey doubt whether it was only a coincidence?
When they got there, they went straight to the hotel which they ordered before they set out. I thought they would not wait for a second to make love, but the truth was that Chandler just turned on the TV and be concentrated to the chase, he even invited Monica to watch together with him, that's ridiculous! And, Monica was such a woman who wanted to make everything to be perfect, she saw the glasses with lipstick on them that made she felt very uncomfortable. So she asked for a change to another room.
What a pity! When they moved to the new house, Monica found that the room had no ocean view, so they moved again. After Monica thought everything went all right as she like, but there was something wrong with Chandler, the TV program was over, that made he felt irritated. He thought it was Monica's fault because she kept changing and changing form one room to another, that intermitted the chase.So they had a huge quarrel by then. At last, the romantic weekend was totally broken down.
If they could be more allowance rather than censure each other, everything would be all right as they planned at first. It seemed to be more ludicrous when I heard Chandler told Monica that they had to end their relationship just because they had a quarrel.
I thought Chandler was not worth Monica's love from such a little detail, as it was always said that "Whether she is good or not, just judge by some details she had done, then you would know her".  
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