Final remarks
As we discussed in the introduction, optimization is a tricky business. There are several points to consider, starting with whether the program needs any optimization at all. If it has real performance problems, then we must focus on where and how to optimize it.
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The techniques we discussed here are neither the only nor the most important ones. We focused here on techniques that are peculiar to Lua, as there are several sources for more general techniques.
Before we finish, I would like to mention two options that are at the borderline of improving performance of Lua programs, as both involve changes outside the scope of the Lua code. The first one is to use LuaJIT, a Lua just-in-time compiler developed by Mike Pall. He has been doing a superb job and LuaJIT is probably the fastest JIT for a dynamic language nowadays. The drawbacks are that it runs only on x86 architectures and that you need a non-standard Lua interpreter (LuaJIT) to run your programs. The advantage is that you can run your program 5 times faster with no changes at all to the code.
在结束以前,我要说下两个处于模糊地带的提升Lua程序性能的选择,二者都涉及Lua代码范围之外的改变。第一个是使用LuaJIT,由Mike Pall开发的Lua即时编译器。他做了非常出色的工作,而且LuaJIT大概是现今最快的动态语言的即时编译器。缺点是它智能在x86架构上运行,并且你需要一个非标准的Lua解释器(LuaJIT)来运行你的程序。优点是你能以快于5倍的速度运行你得程序,一点也不用改变代码。
The second option is to move parts of your code to C. After all, one of Lua hallmarks is its ability to interface with C code. The important point in this case is to choose the correct level of granularity for the C code. On the one hand, if you move only very simple functions into C, the communication overhead between Lua and C may kill any gains from the improved performance of those functions. On the other hand, if you move too large functions into C, you loose flexibility.
Finally, keep in mind that those two options are somewhat incompatible. The more C code your program has, the less LuaJIT can optimize it.
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