Reduce, reuse, recycle
When dealing with Lua resources, we should apply the same three R's promoted for the Earth's resources.
Reduce is the simplest alternative. There are several ways to avoid the need for new objects. For instance, if your program uses too many tables, you may consider a change in its data representation. As a simple example, consider that your program manipulates polylines. The most natural representation for a polyline in Lua is as a list of points, like this:
polyline = { { x = 10.3, y = 98.5 },
{ x = 10.3, y = 18.3 },
{ x = 15.0, y = 98.5 },
Although natural, this representation is not very economic for large polylines, as it needs a table for each single point. A first alternative is to change the records into arrays, which use less memory:
polyline = { { 10.3, 98.5 },
{ 10.3, 18.3 },
{ 15.0, 98.5 },
For a polyline with one million points, this change reduces the use of memory from 95 KBytes to 65 KBytes. Of course, you pay a price in readability: p[i].x is easier to understand than p[i][1].
对于具有一百万个点的折线,这个变化减少了内存的使用,从95 KBytes到65 KBytes。当然,在可读性上付出了代价:p[i].x比p[i][1]更易理解。
A yet more economic alternative is to use one list for the x coordinates and another one for the y coordinates:
polyline = { x = { 10.3, 10.3, 15.0, ...},
y = { 98.5, 18.3, 98.5, ...}
The original p[i].x now is p.x[i]. With this representation, a one-million-point polyline uses only 24 KBytes of memory.
原来的p[i].x现在成了p.x[i]。利用这种描述,一条有一百万个点的折线只用了24 KBytes内存。
A good place to look for chances of reducing garbage creation is in loops. For instance, if a constant table is created inside a loop, you can move it out the loop, or even out of the function enclosing its creation. Compare:
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function foo (...)
for i = 1, n do
local t = {1, 2, 3, "hi"}
-- do something without changing 't' 做一些不改变't'的事情
local t = {1, 2, 3, "hi"} -- create 't' once and for all 创建't'一次并到处使用
function foo (...)
for i = 1, n do
-- do something without changing 't' 做一些不改变't'的事情
The same trick may be used for closures, as long as you do not move them out of the scope of the variables they need. For instance, consider the following function:
function changenumbers (limit, delta)
for line in io.lines() do
line = string.gsub(line, "%d+", function (num)
num = tonumber(num)
if num >= limit then return tostring(num + delta) end
-- else return nothing, keeping the original number
io.write(line, "\n")
We can avoid the creation of a new closure for each line by moving the inner function outside the loop:
function changenumbers (limit, delta)
local function aux (num)
num = tonumber(num)
if num >= limit then return tostring(num + delta) end
for line in io.lines() do
line = string.gsub(line, "%d+", aux)
io.write(line, "\n")
However, we cannot move aux outside function changenumbers, because there aux cannot access limit and delta.
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For many kinds of string processing, we can reduce the need for new strings by working with indices over existing strings. For instance, the string.find function returns the position where it found the pattern, instead of the match. By returning indices, it avoids creating a new (sub)string for each successful match. When necessary, the programmer can get the match substring by calling string.sub.4
When we cannot avoid the use of new objects, we still may avoid creating these new objects through reuse. For strings reuse is not necessary, because Lua does the job for us: it always internalizes all strings it uses, therefore reusing them whenever possible. For tables, however, reuse may be quite effective. As a common case, let us return to the situation where we are creating new tables inside a loop. This time, however, the table contents are not constant. Nevertheless, frequently we still can reuse the same table in all iterations, simply changing its contents. Consider this chunk:
local t = {}
for i = 1970, 2000 do
t[i] = os.time({year = i, month = 6, day = 14})
The next one is equivalent, but it reuses the table:
local t = {}
local aux = {year = nil, month = 6, day = 14}
for i = 1970, 2000 do
aux.year = i
t[i] = os.time(aux)
A particularly effective way to achieve reuse is through memoizing. The basic idea is quite simple: store the result of some computation for a given input so that, when the same input is given again, the program simply reuses that previous result.
LPeg, a new package for pattern matching in Lua, does an interesting use of memoizing. LPeg compiles each pattern into an internal representation, which is a "program" for a parsing machine that performs the matching. This compilation is quite expensive, when compared with matching itself. So, LPeg memoizes the results from its compilations to reuse them. A simple table associates the string describing a pattern to its corresponding internal representation.
A common problem with memoizing is that the cost in space to store previous results may outweigh the gains of reusing those results. To solve this problem in Lua, we can use a weak table to keep the results, so that unused results are eventually removed from the table.
In Lua, with higher-order functions, we can define a generic memoization function:
4 It would be a good idea for the standard library to have a function to compare substrings, so that we could check specific values inside a string without having to extract that value from the string (thereby creating a new string).
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function memoize (f)
local mem = {} -- memoizing table memoizing表
setmetatable(mem, {__mode = "kv"}) -- make it weak 让它成为弱引用的
return function (x) -- new version of 'f', with memoizing ‘f’的新版,带memoizing
local r = mem[x]
if r == nil then -- no previous result? 没有前一个结果?
r = f(x) -- calls original function 调用原始函数
mem[x] = r -- store result for reuse 为重用存储结果
return r
Given any function f, memoize(f) returns a new function that returns the same results as f but memoizes them. For instance, we can redefine loadstring with a memoizing version:
loadstring = memoize(loadstring)
We use this new function exactly like the old one, but if there are many repeated strings among those we are loading, we can have a substantial performance gain.
If your program creates and frees too many coroutines, recycling may be an option to improve its performance. The current API for coroutines does not offer direct support for reusing a coroutine, but we can circumvent this limitation. Consider the next coroutine:
co = coroutine.create(function (f)
while f do
f = coroutine.yield(f())
This coroutine accepts a job (a function to run), runs it, and when it finishes it waits for a next job.
Most recycling in Lua is done automatically by the garbage collector. Lua uses an incremental garbage collector. That means that the collector performs its task in small steps (incrementally) interleaved with the program execution. The pace of these steps is proportional to memory allocation: for each amount of memory allocated by Lua, the garbage collector does some proportional work. The faster the program consumes memory, the faster the collector tries to recycle it.
If we apply the principles of reduce and reuse to our program, usually the collector will not have too much work to do. But sometimes we cannot avoid the creation of large amounts of garbage and the collector may become too heavy. The garbage collector in Lua is tuned for average programs, so that it performs reasonably well in most applications. However, sometimes we can improve the
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performance of a program by better tunning the collector for that particular case.
We can control the garbage collector through function collectgarbage, in Lua, or lua_gc, in C. Both offer basically the same functionality, although with different interfaces. For this discussion I will use the Lua interface, but often this kind of manipulation is better done in C.
Function collectgarbage provides several functionalities: it may stop and restart the collector, force a full collection cycle, force a collection step, get the total memory in use by Lua, and change two parameters that affect the pace of the collector. All of them have their uses when tunning a memory-hungry program.
Stopping the collector "forever" may be an option for some kinds of batch programs, which create several data structures, produce some output based on those structures, and exit (e.g., compilers). For those programs, trying to collect garbage may be a waste of time, as there is little garbage to be collected and all memory will be released when the program finishes.
For non-batch programs, stopping the collector forever is not an option. Nevertheless, those programs may benefit from stopping the collector during some time-critical periods. If necessary, the program may get full control of the garbage collector by keeping it stopped at all times, only allowing it to run by explicitly forcing a step or a full collection. For instance, several event-driven platforms offer an option to set an idle function, which is called when there are no other events to handle. This is a perfect time to do garbage collection. (In Lua 5.1, each time you force some collection when the collector is stopped, it automatically restarts. So, to keep it stopped, you must call collectgarbage("stop") immediately after forcing some collection.)
对于非批处理程序,永久停止收集器并非好的选择。不过,那些程序可能受益于在某些时间要求严格的时期停止收集器。如果需要,程序可完全控制垃圾收集器,方法是让它一直停止、仅仅通过强制一个步骤或一次完整收集来允许它 运行。例如,一些事件驱动的平台提供一个设置空闲函数的选择,它在没有其他事件需要处理时被调用。这是执行垃圾收集的理想时间。(在Lua5.1中,当收集器停止时,每次你强制收集,它自动重启。所以,要让它一直停止,你必须在强制收集后立刻调用collectgarbage("stop"))。
Finally, as a last resort, you may try to change the collector parameters. The collector has two parameters controlling its pace. The first one, called pause , controls how long the collector waits between finishing a collection cycle and starting the next one. The second parameter, called stepmul (from step multiplier), controls how much work the collector does in each step. Roughly, smaller pauses and larger step multipliers increase the collector's speed.
最后,作为最后的手段,你可能试图改变收集器的参数。收集器控制其步幅的参数有两个。第一个叫做pause(停顿?),控制收集器在完成一次收集周期和启动下一次之间等待多久。第二个参数叫做stepmul(步幅?)(来自step multiplier),控制收集器在每个步骤中做多少工作。
The effect of these parameters on the overall performance of a program is hard to predict. A faster collector clearly wastes more CPU cycles per se; however, it may reduce the total memory in use by a program, which in turn may reduce paging. Only careful experimentation can give you the best values for those parameters.
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