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2008-04-02 16:37:54

一. About NSClient++

NSClient++ (or nscp as I tend to call it nowadays) aims to be a simple yet powerful and secure monitoring daemon for Windows operating systems. It is built for Nagios, but nothing in the daemon is actually Nagios specific and could probably, with little or no change, be integrated into any monitoring software that supports running user tools for polling.

The structure of the daemon is a simple NT service that loads plug-ins to an internal stack. The plug-ins can then request data (poll performance data) from the other plug-ins through the internal stack. As of now there are a few plug-ins for basic performance data collection. For details of supplied modules, see .

NSClient++ can be extended in two ways: you can either write your own plug-in or you can execute an external script (as of now batch/exe/*). Writing your own plug-in is, of course, the most powerful way but requires knowledge of C++ or other languages which can produce DLLs and interface with regular C programs (generally, every other language available, but there is some simple API helpers for C/C++ as well as descriptions).

As for checking with NSClient++, I would recommend NRPE as it is a lot more flexible than check_nt. But NSClient has full support for check_nt, and if there is an interest, I could probably add support for check_nt from nc_net.

Supported OS/Platform

NSClient++ should run on the following operating systems:

  • NT4 (SP5?)
  • Windows 2000 W2K
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 2003
  • Windows Vista
  • ... well as the following platforms:

  • Win32
  • x64 (AMT64/EMT64)
  • IA64 (Itanium)

Whats in a name?

Since I have noticed some ppl. use other names for the client I decided to list them here to make it simpler (ie. Goggle might find it) for people to find it.

  • NSClient++ (the "real" name)
  • NSCP (what I sometimes use)
  • NSClientpp (version of NSCLient++)
  • NSClient (?)
  • Saw a French (Spanish) site use: NSC++

Again I myself as stated before prefer NSClient++ or NSCP.

二. Installation

NSClient++ comes with simple command line option for registering (and deregistering) the service but it does not have a GUI installer.

Thus to install the Client you only need to copy the files to a directory of your choice and then run “NSClient++ /install”.

Before you start NSClient++ you need to configure it by editing the configuration file (NSC.ini). The configuration file is a simple text file and is explained in detail under . The files needed by NSClient++ varies but mainly the exe and DLL's in the NSClient++ root are required as well as all the modules you plan to use from the modules subdirectory (/modules/*).

The configuration file (NSC.ini) NEEDS to be configured as for security reasons all plug-ins are disabled by default. The reason for this is so no one will accidentally install this and get potential security issues, I believe that things should be "off" by default. Also notice that by default allowed_hosts are so you need to modify this as well.

If you plan to use the module (that shows a system tray icon on the desktop you need to install the module as well as NSClient++. To install NSClient++ execute the following command:

 NSClient++ /install
NSClient++ SysTray install

To uninstall NSClient++ execute the following command:

 NSClient++ SysTray uninstall
NSClient++ /uninstall

To start NSClient++ execute the following command:

 NSClient++ /start

To stop NSClient++ execute the following command:

 NSClient++ /stop

If you only wish to test it or debug the client you can use the following without installing it first.

 NSClient++ /test


Firewall configuration should be pretty straight forward:

If you use NRPEListener (check_nrpe) you need the NRPE port open (usually 5666) from the nagios server towards the client.

nagios:* -> client:5666

If you use the NSClientListener (check_nt) you need the (modified) NSClient port open (usually 12489) from the nagios server towards the client.

nagios:* -> client:12489

If you use the NSCA Module (passive checks) you need the NSCA port open from the client towards the nagios server.

client:* -> nagios:5667

If you use the NRPEClient module to check any remote systems (use NSClient++ as a proxy) you need to have NRPE port (usually 5666) open from NSClient++ (the proxy) to the remote-client in addition to the method you use to submit the results to the server.

nsclient-proxy:* -> remote-client:5666

All these ports can be changed so check your nsc.ini.


NT4 does not come with the PDH library and you need to install that before using NSClient++. PDH can be downloaded from Microsoft: and the simplest way to install it is to uncompress it directly into the NSClient++ directory.

NT4 also (sometimes) lack the PSAPI helper which is available in the "Platform SDK Redistributable: PSAPI for Windows NT" from Microsoft. as with the PDH either install in system32 or local NSClient++ directory.

三. Configuration

Configuration is fairly simple and straight forward. Open the configuration file in notepad (or you favorite editor) "notepad \NSC.ini" and edit it accordingly. A longer description of the Configuration file is included in the following page.

The file has sections (denoted with section name in brackets) and key/value pairs (denoted by key=value). Thus it has the same syntax as pretty much any other INI file in windows.

The sections are described in short below. The default configuration file has a lot of examples and comments so make sure you change this before you use NSClient++ as some of the examples might be potential security issues.

The configuration can also be stored in the system registry (HKLM\Software\NSClient++) there is currently no UI to configure this so the simplest way is to maintain the configuration in the INI file and "Migrate that" to the registry. This is can be done via the [] module but in short:

NSClient++ -noboot RemoteConfiguration ini2reg

A sample configuration file is included in the download but can also be found here


This is a list of modules to load at startup. All the modules included in this list has to be NSClient++ modules and located in the modules subdirectory. This is in effect the list of plug-ins that will be available as the service is running. For information on the various plug-ins check the Modules section in the navigation box.

A good idea here is to disable all modules you don’t actually use for two reasons. One less code equals less potential security holes and two less modules means less resource drain.


This section has generic options for how NSClient++will work, some of these settings (such as allowed_hosts) is inherited in sections below so it is probably a better idea to set them here in the "global" section.

The options you have available here are

OptionDefault valueDescription
obfuscated_password...An obfuscated version of password. For more details refer to the password option below. To create the obfuscated Password use: "NSClient++.exe /encrypt"
password...The password used by various (presently only NSClient) daemons. If no password is set everyone will be able to use this service remotely.
allowed_hosts127.0.0.1A list (comma separated) with hosts that are allowed to connect and query data. If this is empty all hosts will be allowed to query data. BEWARE: NSClient++ will not resolve the IP address of DNS entries if the service is set to startup automatically. Use an IP address instead.
use_file0Has to be set to 1 if you want the file to be read (if set to 0, and the use_reg is set to 1 the registry will be used instead)

Advanced options:

OptionDefault valueDescription
master_key...The secret "key" used when (de)obfuscating passwords.
cache_allowed_hosts1Used to cache looked up hosts if you check dynamic/changing hosts set this to 0.


This section has options for how logging is performed. First off notice that for logging to make sense you need to enable the “.dll” module that logs all log data to a text file in the same directory as the NSClient++ binary if you don’t enable any logging module nothing will be logged.

The options you have available here are

OptionDefault valueDescription
debug0A Boolean value that toggles if debug information should be logged or not. This can be either 1 or 0.
filensclient.logThe file to write log data to. If no directory is used this is relative to the NSClient++ binary.
date_mask%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SThe date format used when logging to a file


This is the NSClient module configuration options.

OptionDefault valueDescription
port12489The port to listen to
An obfuscated version of password. For more details refer to the password option below.
The password that incoming client needs to authorize themselves by. This option will replace the one found under Settings for NSClient. If this is blank the option found under Settings will be used. If both are blank everyone will be granted access.
A list (coma separated) with hosts that are allowed to poll information from NSClient++. This will replace the one found under Setting for NSClient if present. If not present the same option found under Settings will be used. If both are blank all hosts will be allowed to access the system. BEWARE: NSClient++ will not resolve the IP address of DNS entries if the service is set to startup automatically. Use an IP address instead or set cache_allowed_hosts=0 see above.
The address to bind to when listening to sockets, useful if you have more then one NIC/IP address and want the agent to answer on a specific one.
socket_timeout30The timeout when reading packets on incoming sockets. If the data has not arrived within this time we will bail out. and discard the connection.
versionautoThe version number to return for the CLIENTVERSION check (useful to "simulate" an old/different version of the client, auto will be generated from the compiled version string inside NSClient++

Advanced options:

OptionDefault valueDescription
Number of sockets to queue before starting to refuse new incoming connections. This can be used to tweak the amount of simultaneous sockets that the server accepts. This is an advanced option and should not be used.


This is configuration for the NRPE module that controls how the NRPE listener operates.

OptionDefault valueDescription
port5666The port to listen to
A list (coma separated) with hosts that are allowed to poll information from NRPE. This will replace the one found under Setting for NRPE if present. If not present the same option found under Settings will be used. If both are blank all hosts will be allowed to access the system
use_ssl1Boolean value to toggle SSL encryption on the socket connection
The address to bind to when listening to sockets.
command_timeout60The maximum time in seconds that a command can execute. (if more then this execution will be aborted). NOTICE this only affects external commands not internal ones.
allow_arguments0A Boolean flag to determine if arguments are accepted on the incoming socket. If arguments are not accepted you can still use external commands that need arguments but you have to define them in the NRPE handlers below. This is similar to the NRPE "dont_blame_nrpe" option.
allow_nasty_meta_chars0Allow NRPE execution to have “nasty” meta characters that might affect execution of external commands (things like > “ etc).
socket_timeout30The timeout when reading packets on incoming sockets. If the data has not arrived within this time we will bail out. and discard the connection.
Load all scripts in a directory and use them as commands. Probably dangerous but usefull if you have loads of scripts :)

Advanced options:

OptionDefault valueDescription
performance_data1Send performance data back to nagios (set this to 0 to remove all performance data)
Number of sockets to queue before starting to refuse new incoming connections. This can be used to tweak the amount of simultaneous sockets that the server accepts. This is an advanced option and should not be used.
string_length1024Length of payload to/from the NRPE agent. This is a hard specific value so you have to "configure" (read recompile) your NRPE agent to use the same value for it to work.

Check System

Here you can set various options to configure the System Check module.

OptionDefault valueDescription
CPUBufferSize1hThe time to store CPU load data.
10Time between checks in 1/10 of seconds.

Advanced options:

OptionDefault valueDescription
auto_detect_pdh1Set this to 0 to disable auto detect (counters.defs) PDH language and OS version.
dont_use_pdh_index0Set this to 1 if you dont want to use indexes for finding PDH counters.
Set this to a locale ID if you want to force auto-detection of counters from that locale.
autoSet the method to use when enumerating processes PSAPI, TOOLHELP or auto
check_all_services[SERVICE_BOOT_START]ignoredSet how to handle services set to SERVICE_BOOT_START state when checking all services
check_all_services[SERVICE_SYSTEM_START]ignoredSet how to handle services set to SERVICE_SYSTEM_START state when checking all services
check_all_services[SERVICE_AUTO_START]startedSet how to handle services set to SERVICE_AUTO_START state when checking all services
check_all_services[SERVICE_DEMAND_START]ignoredSet how to handle services set to SERVICE_DEMAND_START state when checking all services
check_all_services[SERVICE_DISABLED]stoppedSet how to handle services set to SERVICE_DISABLED state when checking all services
\Memory\Commit LimitCounter to use to check upper memory limit.
\Memory\Committed BytesCounter to use to check current memory usage.
\System\System Up TimeCounter to use to check the uptime of the system.
\Processor(_total)\% Processor TimeCounter to use for CPU load.
autoSet the PROCESS enumeration method (auto or TOOLHELP or PSAPI)

External Script

Configure how the External Scripts module works (not to be confused with the "External Scripts" section below that holds scripts that can be run.

OptionDefault valueDescription
command_timeout60The maximum time in seconds that a command can execute. (if more then this execution will be aborted). NOTICE this only affects external commands not internal ones.
allow_arguments0A Boolean flag to determine if arguments are accepted on the incoming socket. If arguments are not accepted you can still use external commands that need arguments but you have to define them in the NRPE handlers below. This is similar to the NRPE "dont_blame_nrpe" option.
allow_nasty_meta_chars0Allow NRPE execution to have “nasty” meta characters that might affect execution of external commands (things like > “ etc).
When set all files in this directory will be available as scripts. This is pretty dangerous but can be a bit useful if you use many scripts and you are sure no one else can add files there.

External Scripts

A list of scripts available to run from the module. Syntax is: =

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