From "Implementing a dynamic compressed trie" by Stefan Nilsson
In this section we give a brief overview of binary tries and compression techniques. We start with the denition of a binary trie. We say that a string w is the i-suffix of the string u, if there is a string v of length i such that u = vw.
Denition 2.1. A binary trie containing n elements is a tree with the fol lowing properties:
If n = 0, the trie is empty.
If n = 1, the trie consists of a node that contains the element.
If n > 1, the trie consists of a node with two children. The left child is a binary trie containing the 1-suffixes of all elements starting with 0 and the right child is a binary trie containing the 1-suffixes of all elements starting with 1.
Figure 1a depicts a binary trie storing 15 elements. In the gure, the nodes storing the actual binary strings are numbered starting from 0. For example, node 14 stores a binary string whose prex is 11101001.
We assume that all strings in a trie are prex-free: no string can be a prex of another. In particular, this implies that duplicate strings are not allowed. If all strings stored in the trie are unique, it is easy to insure that the strings are prex-free by appending a special marker at the end of each string. For example, we can append the string 1000::: to the end of each string. A nite string that has been extended in this way is often referred to as a semi-innite string or sistring. A path compressed binary trie is a trie where all subtries with an empty child have been removed. Implementing a dynamic compressed trie Denition 2.2. A path compressed binary trie, or Patricia trie, containing n elements is a tree
with the fol lowing properties:
If n = 0, the trie is empty.
If n = 1, the trie consists of a node that contains the element.
If n > 1, the trie consists of a node containing two children and a binary string s of length |s|. This string equals the longest prefix common to all elements stored in the trie. The left child is a path compressed binary trie containing the (|s| + 1)-suffixes of all elements starting with s0 and the right child is a path compressed binary trie containing the (|s| + 1)-suffixes of all elements starting with s1.
Figure 1b depicts the path compressed binary trie corresponding to the binary trie of Figure 1a. A natural extension of the path compressed trie is to use more than one bit for branching. We refer to this structure as a level and path compressed trie. Denition 2.3. A level and path compressed trie, or an LPC-trie, containing n elements is a tree
with the fol lowing properties:
If n = 0, the trie is empty.
If n = 1, the trie consists of a node that contains the element.
If n > 1, the trie consists of a node containing 2i children for some i >= 1, and a binary string s of length |s|. This string equals the longest prex common to all elements stored in the trie. For each binary string x of length |x| = i, there is a child containing the (|s| + |x|)-suffixes of all elements starting with sx. A perfect LPC-trie is an LPC-trie where no empty nodes are allowed.
Denition 2.4. A perfect LPC-trie is an LPC-trie with the following properties:
The root of the trie holds 2i subtries, where i >= 1 is the maximum number for which all of the subtries are non-empty.
Each subtrie is an LPC-trie.
Figure 1c provides an example of a perfect LPC-trie corresponding to the path compressed trie in Figure 1b. Its root is of degree 8 and it has four subtries storing more than one element: a child of degree 4 and three children of degree 2