发布时间:2020-07-18 15:40:13
https://blog.csdn.net/farmwang/article/details/54233975skbuffs是那些linux内核处理网络分组的缓存。网卡收到分组后,将它们放进skbuff,然后再传送给网络堆栈。网络堆栈一直要用到skbuff。(1) struct sk_buff--用于维护socket buffer状态和描述信息(2) header data--独立于sk_buff结构体的数据缓冲区,用来.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2020-07-13 20:43:09
As a result, the TCP output engine is mildly non-trivial. Add in variables such as support hardware checksumming offload on the network card, and TCP segmentation offload, and things get even more interesting.Here we can see that the TCP socket maintains a doubly linked list of all pending outp.........【阅读全文】