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分类: Java

2016-12-19 16:12:02

Practical requirements on 
Raw materials:pebble,iron ore 
Feeding size:150-200 mm 
Output size range:0-25 mm, 25-50 mm
Crushing capacity:40-60 tons per hour
When we get the small jaw crusher inquiry from Indonesian client,we propose the PEX 250 x 1200  in gravel crushing plant. PEX 250 x 1200 small jaw crusher is one of high cost effective secondary crushing equipment, which is always used with PE 500 x 750 jaw crusher or PE 600 x 900 jaw crusher.PEX 250 x 1200 small jaw crusher is features of high reduction ratio and stable crushing capacity in gravel crushing plant, small jaw crusher is well sold for its excellent performance. If you are interested in small jaw crusher price and specifications, welcome to contact us online!

Whatsapp +8618838186489  
Skype greatwallcrushers

Related Keywords:,Raymond mill,, Roll Crusher
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The ownership of all the information including the photos and product specifications belongs to Great Wall Company, If reproduced , please indicate original source and statement of the enterprise, any infringement may lead to the civil, administrative or criminal responsibility
PEX 250 x 1200 small jaw crusher for sale
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