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分类: Java

2016-05-24 16:38:41

Diesel engine jaw crusher is also called  or diesel powered jaw crusher. Diesel engine jaw crushers are divided into stationary diesel jaw crusher and portable diesel jaw crusher. Along with the fast development in economy and infrastructure construction, there are booming demands on diesel crusher in modern society, especially in the countries without enough electricity, for example Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa and Zimbabwe etc. How can we choose and buy suitable diesel jaw crusher for 15 tph crushing plant Uganda ?
Before we propose diesel crusher models, we contact with clients for detailed requirements. First of all, Raw materials are granite and barite, and the needed  capacity is about 10-15 tons per hour. On the second, Maximum feeding size is 180 mm, and discharging output size range are 0-20mm and 20-40 mm . Upon receipt of the kindly reply, Great Wall Company propose the PEC 2540 diesel jaw crusher for granite crushing plant Uganda with capacity of 15 tons per hour. More details on diesel jaw crusher price and operation manuals, please feel free to contact us online.

Related Keywords:,Roll Crusher, , Mobile Crusher
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The ownership of all the information including the photos and product specifications belongs to Great Wall Company, If reproduced , please indicate original source and statement of the enterprise, any infringement may lead to the civil, administrative or criminal responsibility
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