分类: 嵌入式
2015-06-10 12:26:39
函数 | int semget (key_t key,int nsem,int flag) |
头文件 |
#include |
功能 | 使用此函数可以创建或者获得一个信号量集ID,如果想使用信号量(semaphore),必须使用此函数先获得ID。 |
输入参数 |
key:所要创建或者打开的信号量集对应的键值。该键值用来转换成信号量集的ID, nsem:创建的信号量集中包含的信号量个数,此参数只在创建一个新的信号量集时有效。 flag:表示调用函数的类型,也可以用于设置信号量集的访问权限,两者通过逻辑或表示。 |
返回参数 |
successed: ID failed: -1 |
注意点 |
关于参数flag 的说明(摘录别处,很懒不再翻译)
The value of the flag parameter may be 0 (zero) or different from zero. In the first case it means that we want to obtain the access to a set of semaphores already created. As a consequence the semgetfunction verifies the existence of the set of semaphores indicated by the key and the access right of the process that made the call. If all these conditions are met, the function returns the access descriptor of the set of semaphores, otherwise it returns -1. In case the value of the flag parameter is other than zero, the exact value has to be obtained by a bitwise OR operation made on the following predefined constants: IPC_CREAT Indicates that the user wants to create a new set of semaphores. If this option is not used, the semget function will verify the existence of the set of semaphores indicated by the cheie parameter and the permission to that shared resource of the process that made the call. If this option is used, in case the set of semaphores already exists only thing will be verified: whether the process that made the call has access to it. If it has, the function will return the access descriptor to that zone; otherwise the function will end with a failure. IPC_EXCL This option is only used in connection with IPC_CREAT and indicates that a new set of semaphores doesn’t have to be created if it already exists, case in which the semget function will fail, and will return -1. |
函数 | int semctl(int semid,int semnum,int cmd,/*union semun arg*/) |
头文件 |
#include |
功能 | 该函数用来控制信号量集的相关信息,类似于初始化一个信号量。 |
输入参数 |
semid : 该参数是semget的返回值即信号量集ID. semnum:该参数取值范围在0~nsem-1 之间。用来指定semid 信号集中的某一个信号量,类似于在信号量集资源数组中的下标,用来对指定资源进行操作。信号量集可以设置多个信号量的!! cmd :该参数用来定义函数所要进行的操作,是该表后10个命令之一,通常命令为SETVAL和IPC_RMID.其取值及表达的意义与参数arg的设置有关。 arg : 该参数是可选的,它通常是一个union semum结构。 |
返回参数 |
successed: return 大于等于0 failed : return -1 |
注意点 |
union semun 结构体定义如下:
cmd 取值 |
含义 |
GETALL | 获取信号量集semid中信号量的个数,并将该值赋给短整数arg.array |
GETVAL | 获取信号量集semid中semnum所指定的信号量的值semval |
return the value of semncnt for the member semnum |
GETZCNT | return the value of semzcnt fot the member sumnum |
return the value of sempid for the member sumnum |
set all the semaphore values in the sets to the values pointes by the arg.array |
IPC_RMID | 删除信号量集,此操作只能拥有超级用户权限的进程或者信号量集拥有者的进程执行, |
按照参数arg.buf指向的结构体中的值来设置此信号量集的sem_perm.uid,sem_perm.gid以及sem_perm.mode的值,此操作只有拥有超级用户权限的进程或者信号量集的拥有者的进程才可以执行。 |
获得该信号量的semid_ds的结构,保存在arg.buf指向的缓冲区。 |
set the value of semval for the member semnum,the value specified by arg.val |
函数 | int semop(int semid,struct sembuf semoparray[],size_t nops) |
头文件 |
#include |
功能 |
操作信号量,wait和release 操作需要此函数来执行。 |
输入参数 |
semid: 信号量集ID semoparray[]:是一个struct sembuf 结构类型的数组,其中每个元素表示一个操作,次函数是一个原子操作(bitwise),一旦执行就将执行数组中所有的操作。 nops: 指明semoparray[]数组元素的个数。 |
输出参数 |
success : 返回 0 failure :-1 |
注意事项 |
snowstorm@snowstorm:~/Program/sem_test$ ./ipc_sem_test
This is child progress
This is father progress
This is father progress
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