15:01:59 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 10.00.UC4 Software Serial Number
15:01:59 listener-thread: err = -25572: oserr = 68: errstr = : Network driver cannot bind a
name to the port.System error = 68.
15:01:59 sql_listener: ASF_LISTEN failed
15:01:59 Attempting to bring listener thread down.
15:01:59 Server stopped.
Try these:
> - Check if the port is free
Is not used
> - Use a different port
Did not work.
> - Use the port number directly instead of the service name
Did not work.
> - Give ip address instead of the name
Yes! Works!
Well, the direct ip address works. I will now try to
find out why the hostname cannot be looked up.
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