前段时间在公司测试机上做了tsm for informix database的实验,配置完成后,成功
今天再onbar -b -w,发现bar_act.log出现
XBSA Error (BSAInit): An unspecified XBSA error has occured: 96
NR0110E An unexpected system date has been detected; the server is disabled.
Use the ACCEPT DATE command to establish the current date as valid.
但accept date之后,bar_act.log及tsm端还是出现
ANR0420W Session 1 for node H80_1 (IITSM AIX52 32) refused - server disabled
for user access.
查了文档看到 After executing this command, you can use the ENABLE SESSIONS ALL command to
enable the server for sessions
enable sessions之后,onbar备份成功^_^
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