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2013-10-29 17:12:01

Education: Skyline High School, 1990; bachelor degree in English, University of Utah; juris doctor, The Ohio State University

10 Terrific Tips To Ease Summer Stress for Mom Entrepreneurs

I woke up at my usual time, around 6am, with the feeling that the night had been too short and I had forgotten something important. Something had changed and I needed to get ready quick. So summer really is here!

I was suddenly brought back to that feeling I used to get at the start of the semester in University. The first day back, my bag was full of huge text books and I went from class to class and was given the reading lists and assignments. I would return home with a feeling of dread and hopelessness. It was simply impossible to fit in all that material and all those requirements in the short space of one semester.

Then over the next few days and weeks, the fear and dread would melt away as I got stuck into the work. I would take it day by day and not only found it interesting and challenging but also fulfilling. Low and behold, by midsemester, all was under control and I was meeting my requirements.

The thought of 8 long weeks of summers holidays for the kids and the job of the entrepreneur which, by its very nature, needs constant daily attention and has moving goalposts, always seems overwhelming at the start of the summer.

This year, I began to think about the things I could do to take it all in my stride and not be overwhelmed. It came out to a list of 10 Terrific Tips to Ease Summer Stress (for Mom Entreprenuers!):

1. Breathe Deeply Always a great way to start to destress and think of positive actionable plans!

2. Think back to when you were a kid remember how you felt on that first day of summer vacation.

3. Allow yourself to feel the freedom of summer decide how much you want and need to work.

4. Create a Calendar for the Summer seeing it mapped out really helps!

5. Schedule Summer Activities that you can sign the kids up for

6. Schedule down time, home time for the kids too! remember they're on vacation!

7. And don't forget time for yourself?just because the kids are home more doesn't mean you can't fit in time to work out, see friends, or just read a good book.

8. Get out into Nature, take the kids on a hike, cycle or run?just get them out, away from TV screens, Facebook, computer games and mobile phones and that includes you too!

9. Repeat no. 8 on a weekly basis! And include a picnic every now and again!

10. Accept that it's summertime and that means that you will probably work less but not necessarily achieve less. Let it go, relax, enjoy the opportunity to spend more time with your family and find this new balance. The quicker you accept the shift to summertime, the more you'll enjoy it!

As I write this the sun is shining and I can see the kids in the garden, one swinging, one with a ball, another talking on a phone and the baby (not such a baby anymore!) jumping on the trampoline it's time to pack up work for today and get out!

9 dead in Mont Blanc summer avalanche

A rescue worker helicopter returning from the avalanche site, lands in Chamonix, French Alps, Thursday, July, 12, 2012. Two climbers were rescued and emergency crews are searching for the missing. But below the prized summit, a climber is believed to have accidentally caused a slab of ice to snap off, triggering an avalanche Thursday that swept nine climbers to their deaths and injured a dozen others. Two climbers were rescued as emergency crews using dogs and helicopters scoured the churnedup, highaltitude area in a frantic search for the missing. Three Britons, three Germans, two Spaniards and one Swiss climber French rescue workers arrive at a helicopter landing area after an avalanche in the French Alps near Chamonix, France, swept at least nine climbers to their deaths, Thursday, July 12, 2012. About 28 climbers from Switzerland, Germany, Spain, France, Denmark and Serbia were believed to be involved in the expedition caught in the avalanche, according to the local gendarme service and Danish Foreign Ministry. ((AP Photo/Anja Niedringhaus))

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