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2013-10-26 14:47:40
"The Hispanic Games were started to celebrate the rich Hispanic heritage in the Harlem and northern Manhattan area, and every year it has become bigger and bigger," said Cmdr. Dennis Espiritu, Navy City Outreach, Navy Recruiting Command. "This weekend's event is the largest event at the New Balance Track and Field Center, and has spilled over to two days."
Twentythree teams from all over the country competed during the twoday event. The meet, open to all high school age athletes competing with their high school teams, took place on a stateofart six lane, 200 meter, banked track with a "Mondo" surface. Mondo surfaces consist of a rubberized artificial running surface for the sport of track and field.
The Navy Diversity Directorate's mission is to provide Navy leadership with the tools and resources to help create and sustain a cultural awareness that values diversity and an environment where every individual prospers and contributes to the mission. Southern Command joint and combined fullspectrum military operations by providing principally seabased, forward presence to ensure freedom of maneuver in the maritime domain, to foster and sustain cooperative relationships with international partners and to fully exploit the sea as maneuver space in order to enhance regional security and promote peace, stability, and prosperity in the Caribbean,
8 tips for raising the difficult child
I have a son who brings me to my knees almost daily He is bright and kind and has intentions of pure gold. But raising him is difficult beyond belief. I have read and studied and counseled on how to raise this unique little boy. We have tried various food products and diets and training. I have cried, a lot. Things are much better than they were, but he is still a challenge. Perhaps he always will be. But we love that boy, so we keep trying. There are no easy answers for what to do. But I've learned a few things along the way. Perhaps you have a difficult child as well. I hope this helps.
1. Don't blame yourself.
For years mothers of autistic children were guilted into thinking they hadn't been loving enough. The science of why children are born with certain challenges is an imperfect one. And it does very little good to look backward. I spent too many years trying to dissect my mothering techniques, until one day I googled "Asperger
's Syndrome" and found myself reading an almost exact description of my son. In that moment I realized: "You know what? It turns out, I'm a pretty good mom. I simply have a difficult child." That change in mindset made all the difference. Suddenly I had confidence in myself again. I could love myself, which meant I had more love to give my children. It does everyone a disservice if we blame ourselves.
2. Find a support network.