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2013-10-18 12:52:50

The $727,621 in outside opposition to Republican challenger Richard Hanna, of Barneveld, all came from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Most of the spending has been on negative advertisements such as the television commercials that have been airing in the region for weeks.

Something is to be said for having messages affecting a campaign coming from within the district, but there isn necessarily anything wrong with outside organizations having a say because people elected to Congress make decisions that impact the whole nation, said Bradley Smith, former chairman of the Federal Election Commission and current chairman of the Center for Competitive Politics.

does affect all of us, Smith said.

In total, outside organizations have spent almost $1.9 million on the race. That includes the Log Cabin Republicans spending $2,775 to support Hanna. Chamber of Commerce. The Center for Responsive Politics doesn list this portion of the funding as oppositional.

kept the focus on his record because it highlights his broken promises, and these issues are important to Central New Yorkers, Mazzola said.

The DCCC message was that Hanna is for Upstate New York, spokesman Shripal Shah said.

going to make sure voters understand the choice they have this November between Richard Hanna dangerous agenda and Mike Arcuri independentminded approach to representing Upstate New York, Shah said.

Hanna spokeswoman Renee Gamela called the outside spending distraction from the issues, but she said there is a reason for the advertisements opposing Arcuri.

are so many groups disgusted by Mr. Arcuri record, and many of them are business groups, Gamela said. record is seen as unfriendly to business and detrimental to the economy. spokesman Jeb Fain, however, attempted to connect Hanna to the outside organizations spending money against Arcuri, and he questioned the goals of the organizations.

5 million spent on outside opposition to Arcuri

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