u-boot 简单使用手册
Andrew Haung 转载请注明作者及联络方式
1.u-boot 简介
在控制台执行 boot 命令,则进入引导模式去引导OS。
2.u-boot 控制台常用命令
help 显示帮助命令
boot 用引导常数来引导OS。
bootm 从内存引导OS。.
bootp/tftpboot 从TFTP/BOOTP服务器引导OS
go 从某一个地址开始直接运行程序
mtdparts 管理flash上的分区
ping 简单发送一个ICMP包测试。
printenv 打印环境变量
setenv 设置环境变量
saveenv 把内存的环境变量存到flash上的param分区.
usbslave 从USB下载文件 (PC机要运行dnw)
version 显示u-boot 版本
4. 设置环境变量
printenv 打印环境变量
bootargs=noinitrd root=/dev/mtdblock2 init=/linuxrc console=ttySAC0 bootcmd=nboot 0x32000000 kernel; bootm 0x32000000 bootdelay=0 baudrate=115200 ethaddr=0a:1b:2c:3d:4e:5f ipaddr= serverip= netmask= stdin=serial stdout=serial stderr=serial mtdids=nand0=nandflash0 mtdparts=mtdparts=nandflash0:256k@0(bios),128k(params),128k(toc),512k(eboot),1024k(log) partition=nand0,0 mtddevnum=0 mtddevname=bios
Environment size: 453/131068 bytes |
经常修改是 bootargs (Linux 启动参数)
ipaddr (开发板IP地址)
serverip( 默认tftp/NFS/...下载主机)
setenv 命令只是改变内存的环境变量值,如果不调用saveenv,下次的设置仍然是旧的配置。
u-boot>setenv ipaddr
setenv bootargs "..."
除了预定义的环境变量外,u-boot还支持自定义环境变量。直接采用setenv var_name var_value 即可.在其它的变量中直接用 $(var_name)
比如两个启动模式,一种是本地启动的引导参数,一种是网络NFS引导参数。在调试阶段需要经常切算参数。可以预先做好两个bootarg_nfs bootarg_flash 可以在设置在
setenv bootargs $({bootarg_nfs}
5.1 在PC机安装TFTP服务器
5.2 配置网络让开发板与PC机在同一子网,并且网线相连
设置服务器ip setenv serverip
5.3 在u-boot ping主机
dm9000 i/o: 0x20000300, id: 0x90000a46
MAC: 0a:1b:2c:3d:4e:5f
host is alive
5.4 把操作系统映像uImage放入PC机的/tftpboot
直接编译的OS Image称为 zImage
u-boot需要一些额外的引导信息(64byte),用mkimage来处理,处理后的image 称为uImage
5.5 在开发板运行tftpboot命令
在不使用MMU情况下,第一块SDRAM的起始物理地址是 0x30000000
把uImage 下载到0x3200000地址上。
tftp 0x32000000 uImage
4.6 用bootm 启动内存内核
dm9000 i/o: 0x20000300, id: 0x90000a46 MAC: 0a:1b:2c:3d:4e:5f TFTP from server; our IP address is Filename 'uImage'. Load address: 0x32000000 Loading: T ################################################################# ################################################################# ######### done Bytes transferred = 2021620 (1ed8f4 hex) |
bootm 0x32000000
## Booting image at 32000000 ... Image Name: Created: 2009-06-18 18:50:52 UTC Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed) Data Size: 2021556 Bytes = 1.9 MB Load Address: 30008000 Entry Point: 30008040 Verifying Checksum ... OK OK |
如果想一上课就执行tftp下载引导,得修改 bootcmd
bootcmd=nand read.i c0008000 80000 500000;bootm c0008000
setenv bootcmd "tftp 50008000 uImage;bootm 50008000"
setenv bootcmd "tftp 52000000 zImage;bootm 52000000"
6.1 把文件系统的tar 解压到一个目录,并将这个目录设为NFS目录.
6.2 在本地测试一下NFS路径是否可用
mount -t nfs /mnt/nfs
6.3 让u-boot通知内核不要从本地引导文件系统,而且从远程NFS引导.方法是修改bootargs
bootargs=noinitrd root=/dev/mtdblock2 init=/linuxrc console=ttySAC0
console=ttySAC0 root=/dev/nfs nfsroot= ip=
Linux 引导后IP是在 /home/rootfs/etc/init.d/rcS中设置.在其中加一句 ifconfig eth0 测试发现,如果使用标准的网络设置脚本 ifconfig-eth0 将会造成NFS启动中断,如果在启动文件使用这个命令,需要换成ifconfig eth0 命令
setenv bootargs ""
setenv bootargs "console=ttySAC0 root=/dev/nfs nfsroot= ip="
? - alias for 'help'
autoscr - run script from memory
base - print or set address offset
bdinfo - print Board Info structure
boot - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'
boot_noos - boot User Program
boot_zImage - boot Linux 's zImage
bootd - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'
bootelf - Boot from an ELF image in memory
bootm - boot application image from memory
bootp - boot image via network using BootP/TFTP protocol
bootvx - Boot vxWorks from an ELF image
chpart - change active partition
cmp - memory compare
coninfo - print console devices and information
cp - memory copy
crc32 - checksum calculation
date - get/set/reset date & time
dcache - enable or disable data cache
eboot - Run Wince Ethernet Bootloader(eboot)
echo - echo args to console
erase - erase FLASH memory
flinfo - print FLASH memory information
fsinfo - print information about filesystems
fsload - load binary file from a filesystem image
go - start application at address 'addr'
help - print online help
icache - enable or disable instruction cache
iminfo - print header information for application image
itest - return true/false on integer compare
loadb - load binary file over serial line (kermit mode)
loads - load S-Record file over serial line
loadx - load binary file over serial line (xmodem mode)
loady - load binary file over serial line (ymodem mode)
loop - infinite loop on address range
ls - list files in a directory (default /)
md - memory display
menu - display a menu, to select the items to do something
mm - memory modify (auto-incrementing)
mtdparts- define flash/nand partitions
mtest - simple RAM test
mw - memory write (fill)
nand - NAND sub-system
nboot - boot from NAND device
nm - memory modify (constant address)
ping - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host
printenv- print environment variables
protect - enable or disable FLASH write protection
rarpboot- boot image via network using RARP/TFTP protocol
reset - Perform RESET of the CPU
run - run commands in an environment variable
saveenv - save environment variables to persistent storage
setenv - set environment variables
sleep - delay execution for some time
tftpboot- boot image via network using TFTP protocol
usbslave - get file from host(PC)
version - print monitor version
wince [ram] - Run Wince from flash or ram
tftp 0x30000000 u-boot.bin
nand erase 0 0x100000
nand write 0x30000000 0 0x100000
tftp 0x30000000 uImage
nand erase 0x100000 0x200000
nand write 0x30000000 0x100000 0x200000
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