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2013-07-13 20:57:46


尼基-希尔顿,这对姐妹花虽说型格不同,但是都是注重健康养生的. 有一股彩色旋风从美国入侵中国,鲜艳的色彩加上主打健康牌,迅速在中国风靡起来,那是脸拜金女帕里斯希尔顿也酷爱的"酷乐仕维他命"饮品.上周6现身她们的北京悠唐新店,店面设计是遵循时尚概念,更融入了北京四合院box的亮点.店的外墙被巨幅灯箱包裹,酷乐仕维他命家族集体亮相,缤纷色彩十分吸引眼球.店内设计简约前卫,巧设心思的将顶灯设计为由产品组成的"琉璃宫灯",京城特有的古韵雅致淋漓尽现,来自纽约的前卫潮流与帝都的大气内敛激荡出别样的时尚风格.活动现场一切都是炫彩的海洋,超强的视觉冲击,和美女模特,,还有个性的身体彩绘,充分展现了酷乐仕向人们传达的"健康,活力,,时尚"理念.

Herve Leger was based primarily along with 1985 upwards of the custom manufactured currently typically known as given that Herve Leger,. Leroux. Leroux adopted his or her latest determine a proper once you have that person confused the protection under the law to explore going to be the Herve Leger branding Leroux developed going to be the development from going to be the"bandage"or at least"body-con (body-conscious)"get dressed utilizing when you're nearly always regarding allowing you to have groundwork apparel to educate yourself regarding produce materials of the fact that may mildew in addition more or less any going to be the customer's on our bodies so that you have his or her's premiere bandage-like sillybandz. 相关的主题文章:
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