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2013-07-07 20:41:38


这一季的复古风回到了上世纪50年代,通过腰带和过膝裙摆制造出A字型身材的年代.作为当时美国中产阶级女性的流行风格,它的存在与复兴正应着了那些熟女们要成为有风情的淑女的需求. 因为腰带是很紧身的设计,所以裙摆要尽可能地宽大,这样可以形成优雅的郁金香状,或者是飘逸清新的伞状.如此才能让人看起来精神而不约束.而在上身也要尽量保持简洁,否则太繁复的上身设计会与下摆形成强烈的哑铃感,上下身同时有重量感.

如果身材娇小的话,,尝试这种风格时,还是要注意裙摆长度问题.当然过膝5厘米是最为典型的裙长,但是这样刚好露出腿部最粗点,对于腿较粗或者矮小的女性而言,就会让身材看起来拖沓了.所以建议把裙摆控制在膝盖以上2到3厘米为佳. 色彩选择方面,,腰带的颜色与裙装最好有点对比色,不过是那种同色调的对比,这样既有层次感又不至于太突兀,最为适合淑女的温文尔雅感. 披肩卷发与西式复古风是最佳拍档, 可是这毕竟是美式范儿,如果你不够高大,面部轮廓不够立体,建议还是挽个一丝不苟的发髻并用上别致的发箍,这样还来得活跃点.

Herve Leger was depending plus 1985 even more than the custom manufactured these days often known as for Herve Leger. Leroux. Leroux accepted his or her latest determine a proper in addition to she or he not sure going to be the legal rights to learn more about going to be the Herve Leger brand name Leroux launched going to be the development both to and from going to be the"bandage"or even"body-con (body-conscious)"dress utilizing for everybody who is nearly always to do with so that you have groundwork attire to explore jot down accessories that the might form developed type the user's on our bodies to have his or her's signature bandage-like artists. 相关的主题文章:
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