Threads and Boost.Asio -1.58.0
Thread Safety
In general, it is safe to make concurrent use of distinct objects, but unsafe to make concurrent use of a single object.
However, types such as io_service provide a stronger guarantee that it is safe to use a single object concurrently.
然而,(Boost.Asio 中所提供的)像是 io_service 这种类型(的变量)确保着并发实体并行访问同一个(共享)对象的绝对安全性
Thread Pools
Multiple threads may call io_service::run() to set up a pool of threads from which completion handlers may be invoked.
多个线程实体可通过调用 io_service::run() 这个方法来创建可容纳多个线程实体的线程池,完成句柄程序从这个线程池中选取(已经创建好的)线程实体,并通过该线程实体(作为程序载体)来运行句柄程序.
This approach may also be used with io_serivce::post() to use a means to perform any computational tasks across a thread pool.
上述的(多个线程实例创建线程池)方法也可以通过调用 io_service::post 方法来实现,通过调用 io_service::post() 这个方法创建可被任意计算任务对象访问的线程池.
Note that all threads that have joined an io_service's pool are considered equivalent ,and the io_service may distribute work across them in an arbitrary fasion.
谨记一点: 所有加入到 io_service 线程池中的线程实体(的地位)都是平等的(/也就是不存在领导者<给服从者分配任务>和服从者) ,且 io_service 对象以随机分配的方式将任务派发给线程池中的每个线程实体(执行)
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