在试着翻译学习前几篇 boost 在线文档之后,编写了个小型的用于进程间通信 (IPC) 的文件队列。
该文件队列是使用 std::vector 封装文件中的内容。
并将封装了文件内容的 vector 按照 map 散列表的方式存放到共享内存空间中供多个进程使用.
紧接着,依次打开多个子进程,每个子进程访问 共享内存空间中的文件队列中不同名的文件,(由于没有涉及到互斥访问,所以没有加锁)
// IPC.h
#ifndef IPC_H_
#define IPC_H_
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include "boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp"
#include "boost/interprocess/containers/string.hpp"
namespace bi = boost::interprocess ;
typedef bi::allocator<char ,bi::managed_shared_memory::segment_manager> CharAllocator;
typedef bi::basic_string<char , std::char_traits<char> , CharAllocator> bi_string ;
class IPC
public :
// in this file reads in file name
IPC (std::string &shm_name ) ;
~IPC () ;
open each file by name (path) which stored in file_name_list_
and reads file's content one after another writes it into the shared-memory
int init_shared_memory() ;
this method is used to write into the file with name of file_name stored inside shared memory
with the name of shm_name_
int writter (std::string &file_name ) ;
and this method is read the file 's contents from the shared memory
prints it onto the screen
int reader ( std::string &file_name ) ;
int remove_shared_mem () ;
int create_shared_mem () ;
int get_file_num ()
return file_name_list_.size() ;
private :
std::string shm_name_ ;
std::vector<std::string> file_name_list_ ;
} ;
// IPC.cpp
#include "IPC.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std ;
IPC::IPC( std::string &shared_mem_name )
shm_name_ = shared_mem_name ;
in create_shared_mem we create a shared memory
from official online documents
we create a shared memory as two basic steps:
1. create a managed_shared_memory instance
2. create a special type of allocator ( in this test we use the char's special allocator )
if we want to shared memory organized like a STL
constructor and allocates the space from the shared-memory
however , here , we just create shared memory ,
until method init_shared_memory we write file's contents into
the shared memory , so we do not need step2 here
int IPC::create_shared_mem ()
// before we create a shared memory , we should call the remove first in case of
// it already exist , this will cause an error happend during running time
remove_shared_mem () ;
shm ( boost::interprocess::create_only ,
shm_name_.c_str() , 65536/2 ) ;
return 0 ;
int IPC::init_shared_memory ()
here we gonna to initialize the shared_memory
we would like create the shared memory like this
| file-name | file-contents |
| ..... | ..... |
int num ;
string name ;
cout << "input how many files and their names which you want to shared them into shared memory"<< endl ;
cout << "how many" << endl ;
cin >> num ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < num ; i++ )
cout << "file name " << endl ;
cin >> name ;
file_name_list_.push_back ( name ) ;
// here we create a shared_memory_manager
boost::interprocess::managed_shared_memory shm (boost::interprocess::open_only ,
shm_name_.c_str() ) ;
// here is basic step 2 , create an allocator instance
// CharAllocator is user defined char's allocator
// allocates space from shared memory object
CharAllocator charallocator( shm.get_segment_manager() ) ;
// in the following cycle , we open each file ,
// and output the file's content into shared memory
for ( size_t i(0) ; i < file_name_list_.size() ; i++)
fstream i_file ;
i_file.open ( file_name_list_[i].c_str(),ios::in | ios::binary ) ;
if ( !i_file.is_open())
perror ("[error] open file failed") ;
return -1 ;
// here we read each file contents 256 bytes each time ,
// and writes the bytes into the shared memory
string file_content ;
char file_buffer [256] ;
while ( !i_file.eof())
memset ( file_buffer, '\0' , sizeof(file_buffer)) ;
i_file.getline(file_buffer, 256 ) ;
file_content += file_buffer ;
// here we finish reading a whole file's content
// next , we transfer the string type into
// boost::interprocess::basic_string type
i_file.close() ;
bi_string bi_file_conent (charallocator) ;
bi_file_conent = file_content.c_str() ;
shm.construct<bi_string>(file_name_list_[i].c_str())(bi_file_conent) ;
} // for cycle
return 0 ;
int IPC::reader( string &file_name )
// fist we need to open the shared memory object by target name
boost::interprocess::managed_shared_memory shm
( boost::interprocess::open_only ,shm_name_.c_str()) ;
// then we use the opened memory manager to create
// a user-defined allocator type's instance
CharAllocator charallocator( shm.get_segment_manager()) ;
// then we use the user-defined allocator instance create
// user-defined type
bi_string str(charallocator) ;
string file_content ;
= shm.find<bi_string>( file_name.c_str() ) ;
cout << "in IPC' reader 's file name " << file_name << endl ;
if ( res.first == NULL )
perror ("[error] failed find target file in shared memory") ;
return -1 ;
file_content = string(res.first->c_str() , res.first->size() ) ;
cout << "here is the file's content " << endl ;
cout << file_content << endl ;
return 0 ;
int IPC::remove_shared_mem ()
boost::interprocess::shared_memory_object::remove(shm_name_.c_str() ) ;
return 0;
remove_shared_mem () ;
// Process.h
#ifndef PROCESS_H_
#define PROCESS_H_
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include "IPC.h"
class Process
public :
Process ( std::string &_name , std::string &_shared_mem_name, bool isMain) ;
~Process ( ) ;
int runProc ( std::string & file_name ) ;
int getSharedFileNum ()
if ( isMain ) return ipc->get_file_num () ;
else return 0 ;
private :
IPC *ipc ;
std::string name ;
std::string shared_mem_name ;
bool isMain ;
} ;
// Process.cpp
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include "Processor.h"
using namespace std ;
Process::Process ( std::string& _name , std::string& _shared_mem_name , bool _isMain ):name(_name )
,shared_mem_name(_shared_mem_name ), isMain(_isMain)
ipc = new IPC( shared_mem_name ) ; // here we create a ipc instance
Process::~Process ()
// if this is the Main process , release the shared memory
if ( isMain)
ipc->remove_shared_mem () ;
cout << "now we remove shared memory by main process" << endl ;
cout << "sub process exit" << endl ;
int Process::runProc ( std::string &file_name )
// here we gonna to run the process
if ( isMain )
ipc->create_shared_mem() ;
ipc->init_shared_memory() ;
return ipc->reader (file_name ) ;
// Main.cpp
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include "IPC.h"
#include "Processor.h"
using namespace std ;
int main( int argc , char *argv [] )
std::string shared_memory_name = "Aimer" ;
std::string file_name = "/tmp/rsa_key" ;
// tests for class IPC
IPC ipc ( shared_memory_name ) ;
if (ipc.create_shared_mem () )
perror ("create_shared_mem failed ") ;
return -1 ;
if (ipc.init_shared_memory () )
perror ("init_shared_memory failed ") ;
return -1 ;
if ( ipc.reader( file_name ) )
perror ("reader method failed ") ;
return -1 ;
cout << endl ;
cout <<"------------------ here we gonna test another IPC node visit shared memory's content-----------------" << endl ;
IPC ipc2 (shared_memory_name ) ;
ipc2.reader(file_name) ;
// test for class Process
std::string proc_name = "main " ;
Process mainProc (proc_name , shared_memory_name, true ) ;
string new_file_name = file_name +"0.txt" ;
cout <<"-------------------------- main process running ------------------------" << endl ;
mainProc.runProc (new_file_name) ;
cout <<" ------------------ sub process running ----------------------------" << endl ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < mainProc.getSharedFileNum() ; i++ )
proc_name = "sub_proc " ;
Process subProc (proc_name, shared_memory_name , false ) ;
char no = i +'0' ;
new_file_name = file_name+no+".txt" ;
cout << endl ;
cout <<"---------------- sub process run "<< i << "------------------------"<< endl ;
subProc.runProc(new_file_name) ;
cout <<"---------------- sub process " << i << "end---------------------------" <<endl ;
cout << "end of main "<< endl ;
return 0 ;
// Makefile.am
#add source files
IPC.h IPC.cpp Processor.cpp Processor.h Main.cpp
-I$(BOOST_PATH) -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -ggdb -Wall -O0
-lpthread -lm -lboost_system -lboost_thread \
-lboost_thread -lboost_program_options -lrt
-fPIC -rdynamic -L$(BOOST_PATH)/stage/lib -pthread
如果没有错误的话,运行结果差不多是这样的(我读入的文件是前几篇文章中调用 openssl 函数库生成的 rsa 公钥文件)

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