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2015-06-04 11:22:01

What is shared memory ?

Shared memory is the fastest interprocess communication mechanism .

The operating system maps a memory segment in the address space of several processes ,
so that several processes can read and write in that memory segment without calling operating system functions .

However we need some kind of synchronization between processes that read and write shared memory .
然而,我们需要为多个进程通过读写共享内存进行通信 制定一些同步机制才可以。

Consider what happens when a server process wants to send an HTML file to a client process that resides in the same machine
using network mechanisms.
设想一下主机上的服务器进程要把一份 HTML 文件使用网络通信的方式发送给位于同一主机上的客户进程会发生什么 :
    The server must read the file to the memory and pass it to the network functions , that copy that memory to the OS's internal
    服务器进程一定是先把这份 HTML 文件从存储介质读入到(进程)内存中,然后将读入到(进程)内存中的数据发送到网络函数中,
    The client uses the network functions to copy the data from the OS's internal memory to its own memory.
As we can see , there are two copies , one from memory to the network and another one from the network to memory.

And those copies are made using operating system calls that normally are expensive .

    The server maps a shared memory in its address space and also gets access to a synchronization mechanism.
    The server obtains exclusive access to the memory using the synchronization mechanism and copies the file to memory.
    The client maps the shared memroy in its address space. Waits until the server releases the exclusive access and uses the
    data .

Creating memory segments that can be shared between processes

To use shared memory, we have to perform 2 basic step :
(创建)使用共享内存,有 2 步基本操作

    Request to the operating system a memory segment that can be shared between processes.

    The user can create/destory/open this memroy using a shared memory object .
    使用者(进程)可以通过一个 shared memory object 这个对象来将 创建,销毁,打开 操作施加于刚刚创建的内存块上面.

    An object that represents memory that can be mapped concurrently into the address space of more than one process .
    这个 shared memory 对象就是,一个可以被同时映射到多个进程地址空间中的内存对象(实例)。
    Associate part of that memory or the whole memory with the address space of the calling process.

    The operating system looks for a big enough memory address range in the calling process' address space and
    marks that address range as a special range.
    Changes in that address range are automatically seen by other process that also have mapped the same shared memory object.

To manage shared memory , you just need to include the following header.


Creating shared memroy segments

As we've mentioned we have to use the shared_memory_object class to create , open and destory shared memory segments that
can be mapped by several process.
正如我们之前所提到过的,我们通过 shared_memory_object 类来实现 创建,打开和销毁 要映射到多个进程中的共享内存段

We can specify the access mode of that shared memory object( read only or read-write) , just as if it was a file :

Create a shared memory segment . Throws if already created
using boost::interprocess ;
shared_memory_object shm_obj ( create_only ,        // only create 
                                                "shared_memory" ,    // name of the shared memory
                                                    read_write             // read-write mode
                                                    ) ;

To open or create a shared memory segment:
以 打开-创建 的模式来访问一个共享内存段

using boost::interprocess ;
shared_memory_object shm_obj (
               open_or_create , // this means if the shared memory  not exist create one
                "shared_memory"  , // this means the name of the shared memory we gonna to create/open
                  read_only ) ;

To only open a shared memory segment. Throws if does not exist :

using boost::interprocess ;
shared_memory_object shm_obj
                    ( open_only , // only open the shared memory segment
                       "shared_memory" , // name of the shared memory segment
                         read_write ) ; // we can read from or write in the shared memory segment

When a shared memory object is created, its size is 0 .
当共享内存对象被创建的时候,共享内存中的所有数据数值均为 0.

To set the size of the shared memory,the user must use the truncate function call , in a shared memory that has been opened with
read-write attributes:
可以通过调用 truncate 方法来设定共享内存空间的大小,不过前提必须是,该共享内存的访问模式是读-写模式
shm_obj.truncate(100000) ;

As shared memory has kernel or filesystem persistetnce , the user must explicitly destory it .

The remove operation might fail returning false if the shared memory does not exist,the file is open if the file is
still memory mapped by other processes :
调用 remove 方法来销毁共享空间对象的话将会失败.

using boost::interprocess ;
shared_memory_object::remove ("shared_memory") ;

For more details regarding shared_memory_object see the boost::interprocess::shared_memory_object class reference.
如果想知道 shared_object_object 更多的信息的话,可以查看

Mapping Shared Memory Segments

Once created or opened, a process just has to map the shared memory object in the process' address space.

The user can map the whols shared memory or just part of it .

The mapping process is done using the mapped_region class.
通过调用 mapped_regsion 这个类来完成映射过程

The class represents a memory regsion that has beed mapped from a shared memory or from other devices
that have also mapping capabilities(for example, files).
这个 class 抽象描述的是来自于共享空间或是其他具有被映射属性的对象(,比如说文件) 中的一段内存区域。

A mapped_region can be created from any memory_mappable object and as you might imagine , shared_memory_object is a memory_mappable object.

using boost::interprocess ;
std::size_t ShmSize - ...

// Map the seconde half of the memory
mapped_region region
    (shm ,                          // Memory-mappable object ; 可映射实体对象
     read_write ,                 // Access mode                    ; 映射之后映射区域访问的方式
      ShmSize/2 ,                // Offset from the beginning of shm        ; 设定映射实体中映射的起始点
      ShmSize - ShmSize/2  // Length of the region              ; 映射区域的长度
) ;

// Get the address of the region
// 获取刚刚通过映射得到 映射区域 的地址
region.get_address () ;

// Get the size of the region
// 获取 映射区域 的长度
region.get_size () ;

The user can specify the offset from the mappable object where the mapped region should start and the size of the mapped region.
使用者可以通过(上述方法中的参数来)设定作用在可映射对象的 offset 和 size 的数值来指定映射域的起始位置和映射域的大小

If no offset or size is specified, the whole mappable object ( in this case, shared memory ) is mapped.
如果没有特殊指定 offset 或是 size 的数值的话,那么映射的是全部的可映射对象(在我们这篇文章中可映射对象是共享内存)

If the offset is specified , but no the size , the mapped region covers from the offset until the end of the mappable object.
如果指定偏移量 offset ,但没有指定长度 size 的话,映射域将会涵盖可映射对象中从偏移量开始的剩余全部空间

For more details regarding mapped_region see the
想要进一步获取使用 mapped_region 更详细的信息,可以参考链接  

A Simple Example

Let's see a simple example of shared memory use. A server process creates a shared memory object, maps it and initializes all the bytes to a value.
After that , a client process opens the shared memory,maps it , and checks that the data is correctly initialized.



  1. #include <boost/interprocess/shared_memory_object.hpp>
  2. #include <boost/interprocess/mapped_region.hpp>
  3. #include <cstring>
  4. #include <cstdlib>
  5. #include <string>

  6. int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  7. {
  8.    using namespace boost::interprocess;

  9.    if(argc == 1){ //Parent process
  10.       //Remove shared memory on construction and destruction
  11.       // 这个地方创建了一个结构体,结构体中的构造析构方法中均调用了 shared_memory_object
  12.       // 类中的删除名为 "MySharedMemory" 的共享内存对象
  13.      // 这么做的作用是,在程序一开始的时候,便会 通过结构体的构造方法 创建结构体,从而调用了删除共享内存
  14.      // (防止原本存在没有释放同名的共享内存会造成后续代码中创建同名已经存在的共享内存而出现错误)
  15.      //---- 而析构方法是用来在程序结束的时候,结构体也会调用系统方法来再次调用删除共享内存的方法
  16.     // 作用是,将本程序中创建的名为 "MySharedMemory" 的共享内存空间进行释放
  18.       struct shm_remove
  19.       {
  20.          shm_remove() { shared_memory_object::remove("MySharedMemory"); }
  21.          ~shm_remove(){ shared_memory_object::remove("MySharedMemory"); }
  22.       } remover;

  23.       //Create a shared memory object.
  24.       // 首先,创建一个共享内存对象 shm
  25.       shared_memory_object shm (create_only, "MySharedMemory", read_write);

  26.       //Set size
  27.       // 通过调用 truncate 方法来设定创建的共享内存对象的容量
  28.       shm.truncate(1000);

  29.       //Map the whole shared memory in this process
  30.       // 然后通过调用 mapped_region 方法以读写的方式将共享内存空间映射到
  31.       // 可以直接使用的 mapped_region 中,通过下面的参数可知是将共享内存空间全部映射到映射域对象中
  32.       mapped_region region(shm, read_write);

  33.       //Write all the memory to 1
  34.       // 这个地方的方法使用挺有意思,region.get_address () 相当于获取了共享空间的起始地址,
  35.       // 刚好符合 memset (void* , int , size_t) 的 void* 的参数类型 ; region.get_size() 刚好满足了 memset 中的第三个参数的要求
  36.       // 所以,下面的方法调用结束之后,映射域中的全部的 1000 个字节的数值均是数值 1
  37.       std::memset(region.get_address(), 1, region.get_size());

  38.       //Launch child process
  39.      // 这里的方法调用也可以学习一下,我们启动当前程序的时候,(假设程序已经被编译成名为 test 的二进制可执行文件)
  40.      // 那么运行它的时候用 ./test 便可以让程序运行,在程序中的 argc == 1 argv[0] = ./test
  41.      // 这个也就是上述程序描述中的 server 进程
  42.      // 那么如何创建一个客户进程呢? 答案便是通过下面的调用, 首先是创建了一个 "./test" 的 string
  43.     //  然后,在将其与 "child" 拼接成为 "./test child"  并将这段命令交给 system 来执行, 使用 system 执行就相当于
  44.     // 程序员自己重新在控制台中输入一次 ./test child 的命令一样,但是这次
  45.     // 不同的是, argv[0] = ./test argv[1] = child 且 argc = 2 != 1 所以,再次进入到程序中的时候,走得并不是 if 分支
  46.     // 而是 else 分支,我们所要做的就是在 else 分支上面写上 client 进程需要处理的代码即可
  48.       std::string s(argv[0]); s += " child ";
  49.       if(0 != std::system(s.c_str()))
  50.          return 1;
  51.    }
  52.    else{
  53. // client 进程将要执行的代码

  54.       //Open already created shared memory object.
  55.        // 首先以只读模式打开 server 进程创建的共享内存对象
  56.       shared_memory_object shm (open_only, "MySharedMemory", read_only);

  57.       //Map the whole shared memory in this process
  58.       // 接下来将打开的共享内存对象以只读的方式全部映射到映射域中
  59.       mapped_region region(shm, read_only);

  60.       //Check that memory was initialized to 1
  61.       // 使用映射域对象的 get_address () 方法来获取映射域的起始地址,
  62.       // 并将其转换为 char* 交付给char* mem
  63.      // 然后通过 mem 逐个访问映射域中的数值是否是 server 进程写入的数值 1
  64.       char *mem = static_cast<char*>(region.get_address());
  65.       for(std::size_t i = 0; i < region.get_size(); ++i)
  66.          if(*mem++ != 1)
  67.             return 1; //Error checking memory
  68.    }
  69.    return 0;
  70. }
Emulation for systems without shared memory objects
(boost::interprocess) 在不支持共享内存对象系统中的仿真技术

Boost.Interprocess provides portable shared memory in terms of POSIX semantics . Some operating systems don't  support shared memory as defined by
Boost.Interprocess 中提供遵照 POSIX 标准具有可移植性的共享内存语义规则. 但有些操作系统并不支持一句 POSIX 标准定义的共享内存 :

            Windows operating systems provide shared memory using memory backed by the paging file but the lifetime semantics are different from the ones
            defined by POSIX( see for more information).
            Windows 操作系统通过使用通过备份于分页文件中的数据来提供共享内存这一功能,这样一来便使得共享内存的生命周期(要长于)与 POSIX 标准中
            共享空间的生命周期产生了差异(按照译者的理解便是,分页文件对应的共享内存生存周期是属于该操作系统中的文件系统的,而POSIX 标准共享内存
            的生存周期应该是进程级别的) (有关 Windows 操作系统共享内存更详细的信息请看这一链接)
            Some UNIX systems don't fully support POSIX shared memory objects at all .
            (不仅是 Windows ) 一些 UNIX 系统也并不是全部支持 POSIX 中定义的共享内存对象准则的

In those platforms, shared memory is emulated with mapped file created in a "boost_interprocess" folder created in a temporary files directory .
在这些平台上,共享内存是通过映射文件技术被仿真实现的,这些映射文件在缓存文件目录下的名为"boost_interprocess" 文件夹下被创建.

In Windows platforms , if "Common AppData" key is present in the registry , "boost_interprocess" folder is created in that directory ( in XP usually 
"C:\Documents and Setting\All User\Application Data" and in Vista  "C:\ProgramData").
在 Windows 平台上,如果 "Common AppData" 的钥匙存放于注册表中,"boost_interprocess" 文件夹将会被创建在该路径下( 在Windows XP 操作系统中
这个路径是 "C:\Documents and Setting\All User\Application Data" 在 Vist 操作系统平台下路径是 “C:\ProgramData”).

For Windows platforms without that registry key and Unix systems,shared memory is created in the system temporary files directory("/tmp" or similar) .
没有注册钥匙的 Windows 平台和 Unix 操作系统平台上,共享系统通常被创建在存放系统临时文件的路径下面( 例如 "/tmp" 或是类似的文件路径下面)

Because of this emulation, shared memory has filesystem lifetime in some of thoese systems.                

Removing shared memory

shared_memory_object provides a static remove function to remove a shared memory objects.
共享内存对象(shared_memory_object) 这个类中提供了用于将共享内存对象实例移除的静态方法

This function can fail if the shared memory objects does not exist or it's opened by another process.

Note that this function is similar to the standard C int remove ( const char *path) function .
需要注意一点这个移除方法与标准 C 库函数中 int remove ( const char *path ) 方法原理上十分的相似

In UNIX systems, shared_memory_object::remove calls shm_unlike:
在 Unix 操作系统中,共享内存对象移除操作类似于断开与共享内存对象的链接

        The function will remove the name of the shared memory object named by the string pointed to by name.
        (断开与共享内存的链接)这种方法将会移除通过 string 类型作为名称所对应的共享内存对象 .
          <这句话的意思就是说,在执行断开共享内存对象的链接之后,系统将会根据 string 类型的共享内存对象名称找到
          该共享对象实体,然后断开名称与实体之间的联系,相当于是在 map> 对中,通过 key 找到 value ,
           然后将 key 对应的 value 实体进行清空, 但是 key 值不被删除 >

        If one or more references to the shared memory object exists when is unlinked the name will be removed before the
        function returns , but the removal of the memory object contents will be postponed until all open and map references
        to the shared memory object have been removed.
       Even if the object continues to exist after the last function call , reuse of the name will subsequently cause the creation of a
        boost::interprocess::shared_memory_object instance to behave as if no shared memory object of this name exists ( that is ,
        trying to open an object with that name will fail and an object of the same name can be created again ).
       共享内存的对象的名称来重用该共享内存对象,会相应的产生这样的一个后果:系统在调用 boost::interprocess::shared_memory_object
In Windows operating systems , current version supports an usually acceptable emulation of the UNIX unlink behaviour: the file is renamed with
a random name and marked as to be deleted when the last open handle is closed.
在 Windows 操作系统中,当前的主流版本是支持 Unix 中通过断开连接操作来删除共享空间这一仿真方法的: 在该方法中,断开链接的共享内存对象(文件)
将会被重新分配一个随机名称,并且当最后一个打开该共享内存(文件)的句柄被关闭时,该共享内存对象(文件) 标示为删除状态.

to be continue
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夏目玲子2015-06-04 11:54:48



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夏目玲子2015-06-04 11:25:20
