1.shared_ptr 和 scoped_ptr 的不同之处
1.1.shared_ptr 是允许转让的,而 scoped_ptr 是不允许权限转让的,转让的代码实现和定义在后面几段中有详细介绍,
不过简单的说就是 scoped_ptr 不支持同时创建两个指向相同类型的 scoped_ptr 指针让他们指向同一个对象实例
1.2.shared_ptr 可以作为标准容器的元素,而 scoped_ptr 是不可以的
1.3. shared_ptr 支持空指针的创建(常用于查找对象指针的时候,如果查找不到返回空指针的情况,因为在这种情况下不能够简单的返回 NULL ),而scoped_ptr 却不支持空指针
1.4. shared_ptr 支持引用计数,只有它支持引用计数,所谓的引用计数就是指:
创建一个对象 T , 然后创建多个指向该对象的 shared_ptr n1...nx ; 每个指针 n* 通过调用 n*.use_count () 方法的返回值(int)便可以获知,
当前除了自己以外是否还有其它的shared_ptr 指针指向该对象实例 T。返回值(int) 便可以称作是该对象 T 的引用计数。
只有当引用计数的数值为 0 的时候,调用 shared_ptr.reset() 方法才会将该对象 T 的空间进行释放,
否则仅仅是当前调用 reset() 方法的shared_ptr 指针所指向的引用计数数值 -1 ,并断开指针和对象之间的关联。
2. scoped_ptr 和 shared_ptr 的模板定义方法
2.1. boost::scoped_ptr
namespace boost {
template<typename T> class scoped_ptr : noncopyable {
explicit scoped_ptr(T* p = 0);
void reset(T* p = 0);
T& operator*() const;
T* operator->() const;
T* get() const;
void swap(scoped_ptr& b);
template<typename T>
void swap(scoped_ptr<T> & a, scoped_ptr<T> & b);
2.2. boost::shared_ptr
template <typename T>
class shared_ptr
public :
typedef T element_type ;
shared_ptr () ;
template<typename Y >
explicit shared_ptr ( Y *p ) ;
template <typename Y , typename D>
shared_ptr ( Y*p , D d ) ;
~shared_ptr () ;
shared_ptr (shared_ptr const & r ) ;
template <typename Y>
explicit shared_ptr ( std::auto_ptr <Y> & r ) ;
shared_ptr & operator=(shared_ptr const &r ) ;
template <typename Y>
shared_ptr &operator= (shared_ptr<Y> const &r ) ;
template <typename Y>
shared_ptr &operator=(std::auto_ptr<Y> &r ) ;
void reset () ;
template <typename Y>
void reset ( Y* p ) ;
template <typename Y, typename D>
void reset ( Y*p , D d ) ;
T & operator*() const ;
T * operator->() const ;
T * get () const ;
bool unique () const ;
long use_count () const ;
operator unspecified-bool-type () const ;
void swap( shared_ptr & b ) ;
} ;
3. 代码实例转让的含义
4. boost 中的 explicit/noncopyable 来实现 scoped_ptr 的禁止转让功能 , scoped_ptr 通过swap 来实现一定程度的转让功能
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
this file is used to justify the difference between boost::scoped_ptr and boost::shared_ptr
1. shared_ptr can hands in its possion on an object , however the scoped_ptr doesn't
2. when you write something to let scoped_ptr hands in its possion on some object
spaces allocated to that object will be released immediately
but , unfortunately the output contents won't be shown on the screen cause the error message
by Aimer
template <typename T>
class sharedPtr
public :
typedef boost::shared_ptr<T> type ;
} ;
template <typename T>
class scopedPtr
public :
typedef boost::scoped_ptr<T> type ;
} ;
class obj
public :
obj ( std::string& n )
name = n ;
std::cout << "you get a obj " << name << std::endl ;
void print ()
std::cout << "the programmer loves " <<name << std::endl ;
~obj ()
std::cout << "good bye " << name << std::endl;
private :
std::string name ;
} ;
int main ( void )
std::string name ("kylin_zhang") ;
// first we test whether shared_ptr can transfer the possion of a obj instance
sharedPtr<obj>::type p1 (new obj(name)) ;
sharedPtr<obj>::type p2 = p1 ;
p2->print () ;
// then we test whether the scoped_ptr can hand in its possion of a obj
std::string name_ ("singer aimer") ;
scopedPtr<obj>::type q1 (new obj(name_)) ;
remove the notes , if you want to check the error message
std::cout << std::endl ;
std::cout << "here we will transfer the posssion from q1 to q2" <<std::endl;
scopedPtr<obj>::type q2 ;
q1.swap (q2) ;
// after this q1's object is handed to q2 , so , q1->print() will prompt error message
q2->print () ;
// q1->print () ; this will cause error , cause the space could only be visited by q2 itself
std::cout << "end of file pointers release their objects' space" <<std::endl ;
return 0 ;
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
this test is used to testify how does explicit works on class ' s constructors
by Aimer 5/11/2015
class obj1
public :
explicit obj1 ( const obj1 & o )
name = o.name ;
explicit obj1 ( std::string& n )
name = n ;
void print ()
std::cout << " my name is obj1's " << name << std::endl ;
public :
std::string name ;
} ;
class obj2
public :
obj2( const obj2 &o)
name = o.name+" copyed " ;
obj2( std::string & n )
name = n;
void print ()
std::cout << "my name is obj2's " << name << std::endl ;
private :
std::string name ;
} ;
int main ( )
std::string name ("kylin") ;
std::cout << "ok here we test the explicit obj1's string and non-explicit obj2's string constructor " << std::endl ;
this will arise error , cause the explicit of string parameter constructor
obj1 obj1_1 = name ;
obj1_1.print() ;
// this will be ok
obj2 obj2_1 = name ;
obj2_1.print () ;
std::cout << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"<<std::endl ;
std::cout << "ok here we test the explicit obj1's string and non-explicit obj2's object & constructors " << std::endl ;
right ! , following codes will arise error again , because of the explicit again
obj1 obj1_2 = obj1_1 ;
obj1_2.print () ;
obj2 obj2_2 = obj2_1 ;
obj2_2.print () ;
return 0 ;
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
this test is used to testify how does explicit works on class ' s constructors
by Aimer 5/11/2015
class obj1
public :
explicit obj1 ( const obj1 & o )
name = o.name+" copyed " ;
explicit obj1 ( std::string& n )
name = n ;
void print ()
std::cout << " my name is obj1's " << name << std::endl ;
public :
std::string name ;
} ;
class obj2
public :
obj2( const obj2 &o)
name = o.name+" copyed " ;
obj2( std::string & n )
name = n;
void print ()
std::cout << "my name is obj2's " << name << std::endl ;
private :
std::string name ;
} ;
int main ( )
std::string name ("kylin") ;
std::cout << "ok here we test the explicit obj1's string and non-explicit obj2's string constructor " << std::endl ;
this will arise error , cause the explicit of string parameter constructor
obj1 obj1_1 = name ;
obj1_1.print() ;
// this will be ok
obj2 obj2_1 = name ;
obj2_1.print () ;
std::cout << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"<<std::endl ;
std::cout << "ok here we test the explicit obj1's string and non-explicit obj2's object & constructors " << std::endl ;
right ! , following codes will arise error again , because of the explicit
obj1 obj1_2 = obj1_1 ;
obj1_2.print () ;
obj1 obj(name) ; // here we creates an obj1 's instance in right rules
obj.print () ; // if this work , it means every goes well in obj
obj1 obj1_3 (obj) ; // this line goes all right , cause explicit could not detect this , you can use noncopyable from boost
// to ban this , may be that's why we will use boost::noncopyable
obj1_3.print () ;
obj2 obj2_2 = obj2_1 ;
obj2_2.print () ;
return 0 ;
5. shared_ptr和scoped_ptr 的声明与使用方法
6.关于 shared_ptr 中的引用计数的使用实例
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
template <typename T>
class sharedPtr
public :
typedef boost::shared_ptr<T> type ;
} ;
typedef struct node
std::string name ;
node () : name(NULL)
node ( std::string &n ) : name (n )
~node ()
std::cout << "release node " << name << std::endl ;
void print ()
std::cout << "node name " << name << std::endl;
} node_t ;
template <typename T>
class shared_node
public :
shared_node ( typename sharedPtr<T>::type& n ) :node ( n )
// n->print () ;
this constructor will not change the counter , because , it re-new an object
instead of create a pointer lets multi-pointers point to a same object's space
shared_node ( typename sharedPtr<T>::type n ) : node ( new T( *n) )
// node = typename sharedPtr<T>::type ( new T(*n) ) ; // counter == 1
void print ()
std::cout<< "reference counter : " << node.use_count() << std::endl ;
node->print () ;
private :
typename sharedPtr<T>::type node ;
} ;
template <typename T>
void print_func ( typename sharedPtr<T>::type n)
std::cout << "reference counter :" << n.use_count() << std::endl ;
n->print () ;
int main ()
std::string name ("kylin_zhang") ;
std::cout << "================= print_func shows=======================" <<std::endl ;
sharedPtr<node_t>::type p ( new node_t (name) ) ; // use counter = 1
print_func<node_t>(p) ; // use counter = 2 , after get out of method , counter = 1
std::cout << "================= shared_node print shows=======================" <<std::endl ;
// sharedPtr<shared_node<node_t> >::type s1(p) , s2(p) ;
shared_node<node_t> s1(p) , s2(p) ;
std::cout << "p 's use counter " << p.use_count () << std::endl; // p's counter = 3
s1.print () ; // counter =1
s2.print () ; // s2's p's counter =1
while ( p.use_count() != 0 )
std::cout << "use counter " << p.use_count() << std::endl ;
p.reset() ;
// theory until p's use_counter == 0 , will p call delete method to release the space , if use_counter != 0 only executing use_counter-- operation
// but , in practice , p.reset() once , p.use_count() == 0 , what this hell ? i do not clear
std::cout << "================= destructor shows=======================" <<std::endl ;
return 0 ;
on line codes reference :
转让 adds swap
adds explicity but without noncopyable
adds other detail
usage of scoped_ptr and shared_ptr
final usage of scoped_ptr and shared_ptr :
something about reference counter of shared_ptr
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