同时在 Main 方法中根据新加入的方法写入测试代码,对方法的正确性进行验证。
1. 添加的方法1
int Bitmap::restore_bitmap ( char *file_path )
该方法可以将位图中的数值信息存储到 file_path 指定的路径下面,
路径名称后面不要加上 '/' 分隔符。
2. 添加的方法2
int Bitmap::get_download_piece_num ()
该方法用于统计位图中的bit 数值来统计当前客户端总共下载了
资源文件中的多少个 piece 的数值。在程序中bit = 1 代表的含义便是,
该 bit 对应的文件 piece 已经被下载到本地。
bit = 0 表示对应资源文件的 piece 还没有被下载到本地。
3. 添加的方法3
bool Bitmap::am_i_interested_in_peer ( Bitmap *peer )
该方法是用来表示,传入的对等端 peer 上是否有当前客户端没有的文件块(pieces)
如果,对等端 peer 含有当前客户端没有的文件块,那么当前的客户端对该对等端 peer 是感兴趣的,
这种情形方法返回 true ,接下来便会进行点对点(peer)的文件互传(这个方法中并没有实现)。
如果,peer 与 当前客户端
1. 二者含有的资源文件不同,二者是不匹配的
2. peer 上含有的资源文件块与客户端上含有的资源文件块完全相同
3. peer 上含有的资源文件块要 < 客户端上的
4. peer 、当前客户端对象中的某些字段不合法
上述 4 中情形统统返回 false------------> 当前的客户端对对等端 peer 不感兴趣
// bit_map.h
#ifndef BIT_MAP_H
#define BIT_MAP_H
#include <vector>
class Bitmap
std::vector<char> bit_field ;
int byte_length ;
int bit_length ;
public :
Bitmap () {}
Bitmap ( int need_bit_length )
bit_length = need_bit_length ;
byte_length = need_bit_length / 8 ;
// i am afriaid we need one more byte
if ( (need_bit_length%8) != 0 )
byte_length += 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < byte_length ; i++ )
unsigned char v = 0x00 ; //all bit initialized into 0
bit_field.push_back ( v ) ;
~Bitmap ()
bit_field.clear () ;
int get_bit_map_value ( int index ) ;
int set_bit_map_value ( int index , int set_value ) ;
int set_all ( int set_value ) ;
void print () ;
// add by Aimer 2015/4/17
int restore_bitmap ( char *file_path) ;
// add by Aimer 2015/4/17
int get_download_piece_num () ;
// add by Aimer 2015/4/17
bool am_i_interested_in_peer ( Bitmap *peer ) ;
} ;
// bit_map.cpp
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "bit_map.h"
#define set_value_one(value,index) value|=(1<<index)
#define set_value_zero(value,index) value&=~(1<<index)
using namespace std ;
int Bitmap::set_all ( int set_value )
char v ;
// first , we check set_value : this should be either 0 or 1
if ( set_value != 1 && set_value != 0 )
LOG(WARNING)<<"[warning] set value should be 0 or 1";
return -1 ;
// justify set_value = 1 or = 0
if ( set_value == 0 )
v = 0x00 ;
if ( set_value == 1 )
v = 0xff ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < bit_field.size() ; i++ )
bit_field[i] = v ;
return 0 ;
int Bitmap::get_bit_map_value ( int index )
int pos_byte = index / 8 ;
int pos_bit = index % 8 ;
// first check whether index is leagal
// index increase by bit
if ( index < 0 || index > bit_length )
LOG(WARNING)<<"[warning] index not illegal ";
return -1 ;
if ( (bit_field[pos_byte] >> pos_bit)&1)
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
return -1 ; // this branch could not be reach
int Bitmap::set_bit_map_value ( int index, int set_value )
int pos_byte = index / 8 ;
int pos_bit = index % 8 ;
printf ("pos_byte %d pos_bit %d\n", pos_byte , pos_bit) ;
// index legal testing , incr by bits
if ( index < 0 || index >bit_length )
LOG(WARNING)<<"[warning] index illegal range";
return -1 ;
// then set_value
if ( set_value != 0 && set_value != 1 )
LOG(WARNING)<<"[warning] input set_value error ";
return -1 ;
char value = bit_field[pos_byte] ;
// now divide two branches by set_value = 1 or 0
if ( set_value == 1)
printf ("before %x \n", bit_field[pos_byte]) ;
// call set_value_one
set_value_one(value,pos_bit ) ;
bit_field[pos_byte] = value ;
printf ("after %x \n",bit_field[pos_byte]) ;
if ( set_value == 0 )
printf ("before %x \n", bit_field[pos_byte]) ;
// call set_value_zero
set_value_zero(value,pos_bit) ;
bit_field[pos_byte] = value ;
printf ("after %x \n", bit_field[pos_byte]) ;
return 0 ;
void Bitmap::print ()
// this method is used to output each bit in each unsigned char
// as element stored in each vector<char> bit_field ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < bit_field.size() ;i++ )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < 7 ; j++ ) // each unsigned char has 8 bits [0...7]
if ( (bit_field[i] >> j) &1 )
printf ("1") ;
printf ("0") ;
// printf ("\n") ;
printf ("\n") ;
// add by Aimer 2015/4/17
int Bitmap::restore_bitmap ( char *file_path )
int fd ;
char file_name[64] ;
if (file_path==NULL)
LOG(WARNING)<<"[warning] file_path is empty" ;
return -1 ;
sprintf (file_name, "%s//bitmap%d.dat" , file_path , bit_length ) ;
fd = open ( file_name , O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC , 0666 ) ;
if ( fd < 0 )
LOG(WARNING)<<"[warning] failed to open file %s "<< file_name ;
return -1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < bit_field.size () ;i++ )
if ((write ( fd , &bit_field[i], 1 ) ) != 1 )
LOG(WARNING)<<"[warning] failed in writing into file ,error in %d byte "<< i ;
return -1 ;
close ( fd ) ;
return 0 ;
// add by Aimer 2015/4/17
int Bitmap::get_download_piece_num ()
unsigned char test_char [8] =
0x80, // 1000 0000
0x40, // 0100 0000
0x20, // 0010 0000
0x10, // 0001 0000
0x08, // 0000 1000
0x04, // 0000 0100
0x02, // 0000 0010
0x01, // 0000 0001
} ;
int download_piece_num = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < (byte_length-1); i++ )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++ )
if ( test_char[j] & bit_field[i] )
download_piece_num++ ;
// the bit_length % 8 , mod remain bits count
int limit = (bit_length%8)?(bit_length%8):8 ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < limit ; j++ )
if ( test_char[j] & bit_field[byte_length-1] )
download_piece_num ++ ;
return download_piece_num ;
// add by Aimer 2015/4/17
// this method is used to checkout whether "I" the current Bitmap object
// is interested in the resource pieces (represented by bit in bit_field)
// the peer the paramter (Bitmap*) holds
// if the peer holds the resources "I" don't have , return true
// else return false ,presents "I" have the same of more resource pieces
// the peer take , so "I" am not interested in peer
bool Bitmap::am_i_interested_in_peer ( Bitmap *peer )
unsigned char test_char[8] =
{0x80 , 0x40 , 0x20 , 0x10 , 0x08 , 0x04 , 0x02 , 0x01 } ;
unsigned char p_c , i_c ;
if ( peer == NULL )
LOG(WARNING)<<" peer is empty" ;
// printf ("reason %d \n" , __LINE__ ) ;
return false ;
if ( bit_field.size() == 0 || peer->bit_field.size() == 0 )
LOG(WARNING)<<"[warning] I and peer one or both of us has a empty bit map" ;
// printf ("reason %d \n" , __LINE__ ) ;
return false ;
if ((byte_length != peer->byte_length) ||
(bit_length != bit_length ))
LOG(WARNING)<<"[warning] I and peer valid bit length do not match" ;
// printf ("reason %d \n" , __LINE__ ) ;
return false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( byte_length -1 ); i++ )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++ )
i_c = ( bit_field[i] & test_char[j] ) ;
p_c = ( peer->bit_field[i] & test_char[j]);
if ( i_c == 0 && p_c > 0 )
// "I" do not have the resource piece peer has
// "I" am intrested in peer
return true ;
int limit = (bit_length%8)?(bit_length%8):8 ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < limit ; j++ )
i_c = (bit_field[byte_length-1] & test_char[j] ) ;
p_c = (bit_field[byte_length-1] & test_char[j]) ;
if ( i_c > 0 && p_c == 0 )
return true ;
return false ;
// Main.cpp
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "bit_map.h"
using namespace std ;
int main ( int argc , char **argv )
int need_bit_length = 1024 ;
// initialize log system
google::InitGoogleLogging( argv[0] ) ;
// set log path
FLAGS_log_dir = "./log/" ;
// test Bitmap's constructor
Bitmap bitMap(need_bit_length) ;
// test Bitmap's set all
bitMap.set_all( 1 ) ;
// test Bitmap's print
bitMap.print () ;
int index = 5 ;
// test Bitmap's set_bit_map_value
bitMap.set_bit_map_value ( index , 0 ) ;
bitMap.print () ;
// test Bitmap's get_bit_map_value
int result = bitMap.get_bit_map_value ( index ) ;
// it must should be 0
printf (" get value = %d \n",result ) ;
// test Bitmap's restore_bitmap
char file_path [64] ;
printf ("input file path to store bitmap content into file \n") ;
scanf ("%s" , file_path) ;
bitMap.restore_bitmap ( file_path ) ;
// test Bitmap's get_download_piece_num
int download_counter =
bitMap.get_download_piece_num () ;
// 1023 should be the right result
printf ("download_piece_num : %d \n" , download_counter ) ;
// test Bitmap's am_i_interested_in_peer
Bitmap peer_bitMap ( 1024 ) ;
peer_bitMap.set_all (1) ;
if ( bitMap.am_i_interested_in_peer ( &peer_bitMap ) )
printf ("I am interested in peer's resource pieces \n") ;
printf ("I am not interested in peer's reousrce pieces \n") ;
return 0 ;
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