TorrentFile::encode 方法中关于 announce-list 列表类型和 info 字典类型的处理代码语句,
对于一个模块来说所占行实在是太繁琐了,所以将其中的 announce-list 和 info 的处理代码单独提取出来,
分别在 torrentParser.h 头文件中添加进入了一些额外的方法,以及在 torrentParser.cpp 文件中给出了这些方法的实现,
于是就有了版本 2 , 其余的文件没有太大的变动。
在 TorrentFile::encode 方法中,处理完字段 announce(string type) , comment( string type) , created by(string type)
creation date( integer type ) encoding ( string type ) 之后,将会调用 get_announce_list 方法来单独处理 announce-list ( list type )字段 ;
随后处理 info (dict type) 字段的时候将会调用方法 get_info_dict , 在该方法中将会把对 info 字段的处理分为 2 个部分
1. 公共部分
2. 单文件/多文件 模式
从公共部分中通过对 info 中的关键字 "files" 的查找,来判断 info 中的文件模式, 如果找到(即指向查找方法的指针不为空), 则是多文件模式
接下来调用 get_info_multi_fmode 方法来进行后续的处理。
如果找不到,即调用查找方法的时候,返回的指针为空 ,这种情况说明了 info 对应的是单文件格式,
接下来调用 get_info_single_mode 方法继续后续处理
// torrentParser.h
#include <string>
#include <stdint.h> // int64_t
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;
typedef struct _file
int64_t file_length ;
string file_path ;
} file_t;
typedef struct _info
int64_t piece_length ; // length of each file block (B)
string pieces ; // hash value length of 20*n
bool is_multi_file ;
vector<file_t> file_list ;
} info_t ;
typedef struct _torrent_file
string announce ;
vector<string> announce_list ;
string comment ;
string created_by ;
int64_t creation_date ;
string encoding ;
info_t info ;
} torrent_file_t ;
class AnyNode
public :
virtual ~AnyNode () {}
virtual void print () = 0 ;
virtual bool parser (string &content) = 0 ;
} ;
class IntegerNode : public AnyNode
public :
virtual ~IntegerNode () {}
virtual bool parser( std::string &content ) ;
virtual void print ()
cout<<"integer type , value ["<< _value <<"]" <<endl;
int64_t _value ;
} ;
class StringNode : public AnyNode
public :
virtual ~StringNode () {}
virtual bool parser ( string &content ) ;
virtual void print ()
cout<<"string type ,value ["<< _value <<"]"<<endl;
string _value ;
} ;
class ListNode : public AnyNode
public :
virtual ~ListNode ()
for ( vector<AnyNode*>::iterator it = _value_list.begin () ;
it != _value_list.end () ; it++ )
delete *it ; // equal delete AnyNode *
_value_list.clear () ;
virtual bool parser ( string &content ) ;
virtual void print ()
cout << "type list "<< endl ;
for ( vector<AnyNode*>::iterator it = _value_list.begin () ;
it != _value_list.end () ; it++ )
AnyNode* it1 = *it ;
cout << "value " ;
it1->print () ;
cout << endl ;
vector<AnyNode*> _value_list ;
} ;
class DictNode : public AnyNode
public :
~DictNode ()
for ( map<StringNode *, AnyNode*>::iterator it = _value_map.begin () ;
it != _value_map.end () ; it++ )
delete it->first ;
delete it->second ;
_value_map.clear () ;
virtual bool parser ( string &content ) ;
virtual void print ()
StringNode *it1 ;
AnyNode *it2 ;
cout << "type dictionary "<< endl ;
for ( map<StringNode *, AnyNode *>::iterator it = _value_map.begin () ;
it != _value_map.end () ; it++ )
it1 = it->first ;
it2 = it->second ;
cout << "key " << endl ;
cout << "value " << endl ;
it2->print () ;
map<StringNode*, AnyNode*> _value_map ;
} ;
class TorrentFile
public :
torrent_file_t torrent_file ;
static bool encode ( const string & torrent_file_content ,
torrent_file_t &torrent_structure ) ;
// update date : 2015/4/15 by Aimer
static void get_node_value ( IntegerNode *pIntegerNode , int64_t &integer_value ) ;
static void get_node_value ( StringNode *pStringNode , string &string_value ) ;
static AnyNode *find_target_node ( map<StringNode *, AnyNode*> &hash_map , const string &key ) ;
static void get_announce_list ( ListNode*pAnnounceList , torrent_file_t &torrent_structure ) ;
static void get_info_dict ( DictNode*pInfoDict , torrent_file_t &torrent_structure ) ;
// this method will be called by get_info_dict
static void get_info_common( DictNode*pInfoDict , torrent_file_t &torrent_structure ) ;
// this method will be called by get_info_dict when single-file mode
static void get_info_single_mode ( DictNode* pInfoDict ,torrent_file_t &torrent_structure) ;
// this method will be called by get_info_dict when multi-file mode
static void get_info_multi_mode ( DictNode* pInfoDict , torrent_file_t &torrent_structure ) ;
// this method will print out the messages stored inside in the torrent_file_t
static void show_torrent_content ( torrent_file_t &torrent_structure) ;
} ;
// torrentParser.cpp
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "parserUtil.h"
#include "torrentParser.h"
using namespace std ;
bool IntegerNode::parser ( string &content )
if ( content.empty () )
LOG(WARNING)<< "[warnning] in integer's parser content is empty";
return false ;
if ( content[0] != 'i' )
LOG(WARNING)<< "[warnning] integer's parser content first element illegal";
return false ;
uint64_t pos = content.find ( 'e' , 0 ) ;
// find the position of char e from beginning of content
if ( pos == string::npos )
LOG(WARNING) << "[warnning] integer's parser content not find char e";
return false ;
string s_value = content.substr(1 , pos-1) ;
// extract the sub-string integer from content with out begin 'i' and end 'e'
parserUtils::string_to_integer (s_value , _value ) ;
// transfer string into integer(int64_t)
content = content.erase ( 0 , pos+1 ) ;
LOG(INFO) << "[info] integer's parser extract message "<< _value << " remain message " << content ;
return true ;
bool StringNode::parser ( string & content )
if ( content.empty () )
LOG(WARNING) <<"[warnning] string type's parser content is empty ";
return false ;
if ( content.size () < 3 )
LOG(WARNING)<<"[warnning] string type's parser content length is illegal" ;
return false ;
int64_t pos = content.find (':', 0) ;
// find ':' in string_length:string_content structure
if ( pos == string::npos )
LOG(WARNING)<<"[warnning] string type's it is illegal string type with out ':' ";
return false ;
int64_t count = 0 ;
parserUtils::string_to_integer (content.substr(0 , pos) , count ) ;
// extract string 's length from content
_value = content.substr (pos+1, count ) ;
cout << " in method string node parser " << _value << endl ;
cout << " length " << count << endl ;
// pos+1 : beginning of the string content , count : length of the string content
content = content.erase (0 , pos+count+1) ;
// pos : number of the length , count : numbers of the string's char
// eraser method erase range [begin , end) 1 should be plus to (pos+count)
LOG(INFO)<<"[info] string type parser extract message "<< _value
<< " remain content " << content ;
return true ;
bool ListNode::parser ( string &content )
if ( content.empty () )
LOG(WARNING)<<"[warnning] list type parser content is empty ";
return false ;
if ( content[0] != 'l' )
LOG(WARNING)<<"[warnning] list type parser content with out list mark" ;
return false ;
content = content.erase ( 0 , 1 ) ;
// delete 'l' from content
while ( !content.empty () )
AnyNode *anyNode = NULL ;
if ( content [0] == 'l' )
anyNode = new ListNode () ;
else if ( content [0] == 'd')
anyNode = new DictNode () ;
else if ( content [0] == 'i' )
anyNode = new IntegerNode () ;
else if (content[0] >= '1' && content[0] <= '9')
anyNode = new StringNode () ;
LOG(WARNING)<<"[warnning] list parser list contain illegal message" ;
return false;
anyNode->parser ( content ) ;
// this method will parse the content into the right value type
// and store it into the memeber value variable (_value , _value_list ,value_map...)
_value_list.push_back ( anyNode ) ;
if ( content[0] == 'e' ) // is it the end of the list type ?
// here we arrived the end of the list ,
// we should erase the 'e' in content and break the cycle
content = content.erase ( 0 , 1 ) ;
break ;
}// while
LOG(INFO)<<"[info] list type parser remainning content " << content ;
return true ;
bool DictNode::parser ( string & content )
if ( content[0] != 'd' )
LOG(WARNING)<<"dictionary type parser content not begin with 'd' " ;
return false ;
if ( content.size () < 3 )
LOG(WARNING)<<"dictionary type parser content length illegal " ;
return false ;
content = content.erase ( 0 , 1 ) ;
// erase 'd' from content
// dict type : <key: string type><value: any type>
while ( !content.empty () )
StringNode *key = new StringNode () ;
key->parser ( content ) ;
// extract key message from content
if ( content.empty () )
LOG(INFO) << "[info] content is empty ,break ";
break ;
AnyNode *value = NULL ;
if ( content [0] == 'i' )
value = new IntegerNode () ;
else if ( content [0] == 'l' )
value = new ListNode () ;
else if ( content [0] == 'd' )
value = new DictNode () ;
else if ( content[0] >= '1' && content[0] <= '9' )
value = new StringNode () ;
LOG(WARNING)<<"[warnning] dict type parser dict contains illegal type" ;
return false ;
value->parser ( content ) ;
_value_map[key] = value ;
if ( content[0] == 'e' )
// arrived the end of the dict ; erase the 'e' in content
content = content.erase( 0 , 1 );
break ;
return true ;
// update date : 2015/4/15 by Aimer
void TorrentFile::get_node_value (StringNode *pStringNode, string &string_value)
if ( pStringNode == NULL )
LOG(WARNING)<<"[warnning] can not get string type value , empty" ;
string_value = "" ;
string_value = pStringNode->_value ;
void TorrentFile::get_node_value ( IntegerNode *pIntegerNode , int64_t &integer_value )
if ( pIntegerNode == NULL )
LOG(WARNING)<<"[warnning] can not get integer type value , empty";
integer_value = -1 ;
integer_value = pIntegerNode->_value ;
AnyNode * TorrentFile::find_target_node ( map<StringNode*, AnyNode*>&hash_map ,
const string &key )
for ( map<StringNode*,AnyNode*>::iterator it_map = hash_map.begin() ;
it_map != hash_map.end() ; it_map++ )
StringNode *pStringNode = dynamic_cast<StringNode*>(it_map->first) ;
if ( pStringNode == NULL )
LOG(WARNING)<<"[warnning] hash map key is NULL ";
return NULL ;
if ( pStringNode->_value == key )
return it_map->second ;
return NULL ; // not find
method : get_announce_list ( ListNode &announce_list , torrent_file_t &torrent_structure)
descri : this method is used to extract ListNode.StringNode (in b-encoding)
and transfer it into the std::string
then push it into the torrent_list.announce_list(vector<string>)
void TorrentFile::get_announce_list ( ListNode *announce_list , torrent_file_t &torrent_structure)
string announce_string ;
for ( vector<AnyNode*>::iterator it_string = announce_list->_value_list.begin () ;
it_string != announce_list->_value_list.end () ; it_string++ )
get_node_value ( dynamic_cast<StringNode*>(*it_string) , announce_string ) ;
torrent_structure.announce_list.push_back ( announce_string ) ;
this method is used as the main method to extract info dict message
call context :
AnyNode *pAnyNode_info_dict = find_target_node ( pFileDict->_value_map , "info" ) ;
if ( pAnyNode_info_dict != NULL )
DictNode *pInfoDict = dynamic_cast<DictNode*>(pAnyNode_info_dict) ;
get_info_dict( pInfoDict, torrent_structure ) ;
void TorrentFile::get_info_dict ( DictNode *pInfoDict, torrent_file_t &torrent_structure )
get_info_common ( pInfoDict , torrent_structure ) ;
if ( torrent_structure.info.is_multi_file )
// multi-file mode
get_info_multi_mode ( pInfoDict, torrent_structure ) ;
// single file mode
get_info_single_mode ( pInfoDict, torrent_structure) ;
// this method will be called by get_info_dict
void TorrentFile::get_info_common( DictNode *pInfoDict , torrent_file_t &torrent_structure )
// find info.pieces from info-dict , type : string type (b-encoding)
get_node_value ( dynamic_cast<StringNode*>
(find_target_node( pInfoDict->_value_map , "pieces" )) , torrent_structure.info.pieces ) ;
// find info.piece_length from info-dict , type : integer type (b-encoding)
get_node_value ( dynamic_cast<IntegerNode*>
(find_target_node( pInfoDict->_value_map, "piece length")),torrent_structure.info.piece_length) ;
AnyNode *pAnyNode_files_list = find_target_node ( pInfoDict->_value_map , "files" ) ;
if ( pAnyNode_files_list != NULL )
torrent_structure.info.is_multi_file = true ;
// single-file
torrent_structure.info.is_multi_file = false ;
// this method will be called by get_info_dict when single-file mode
void TorrentFile::get_info_single_mode ( DictNode*pInfoDict ,torrent_file_t &torrent_structure)
// this is single-mode file
file_t single_file ;
// get file name : string type
get_node_value ( dynamic_cast<StringNode*>
(find_target_node ( pInfoDict->_value_map , "name" )) , single_file.file_path) ;
get_node_value ( dynamic_cast<IntegerNode*>
(find_target_node ( pInfoDict->_value_map, "length")) , single_file.file_length ) ;
torrent_structure.info.file_list.push_back ( single_file ) ;
// this method will be called by get_info_dict when multi-file mode
void TorrentFile::get_info_multi_mode ( DictNode*pInfoDict,torrent_file_t &torrent_structure )
string main_dir ;
// multi-file , info.name is the main path name
get_node_value ( dynamic_cast<StringNode*>
(find_target_node(pInfoDict->_value_map , "name")) , main_dir) ;
// now the main_dir is the name of the main path of all the files
ListNode *pInfoFiles = dynamic_cast<ListNode*>( find_target_node ( pInfoDict->_value_map , "files" )) ;
// traverse the files list , each element in list are in type of dict
for ( vector<AnyNode*>::iterator it_sub_file = pInfoFiles->_value_list.begin () ;
it_sub_file != pInfoFiles->_value_list.end () ; it_sub_file++ )
// each element in the list are dict
DictNode *pInfoFilesSubFile = dynamic_cast<DictNode*>(*it_sub_file) ;
if ( pInfoFilesSubFile != NULL )
file_t sub_file ;
// get length of each sub file from the dict
get_node_value ( dynamic_cast<IntegerNode*>
( find_target_node ( pInfoFilesSubFile->_value_map, "length" ) ) , sub_file.file_length ) ;
AnyNode *pAnyNode_sub_path = find_target_node ( pInfoFilesSubFile->_value_map ,"path" ) ;
if ( pAnyNode_sub_path != NULL )
ListNode *pSubPathList = dynamic_cast<ListNode*>(pAnyNode_sub_path) ;
// traverse the list and extract each sub path and append them together
for ( vector<AnyNode*>::iterator it_sub_path = pSubPathList->_value_list.begin() ;
it_sub_path != pSubPathList->_value_list.end () ; it_sub_path++ )
string sub_path ;
sub_file.file_path += "//" ;
get_node_value ( dynamic_cast<StringNode*>(*it_sub_path) , sub_path ) ;
sub_file.file_path += sub_path ;
LOG(INFO)<<"[info] sub path list is empty";
torrent_structure.info.file_list.push_back (sub_file) ;
LOG(INFO)<<"[info] file dict is empty " ;
}// for
// following method is used the parser torrent file which is the combination
// of all the B encoding parsers (type: integer , string , list, dict ...)
bool TorrentFile::encode ( const string & torrent_file_content , torrent_file_t &torrent_structure )
string file_string = torrent_file_content ;
DictNode *pFileDict = new DictNode () ;
pFileDict->parser ( file_string ) ;
// key word : "announce" ; type: string
get_node_value ( dynamic_cast<StringNode*>
(find_target_node( pFileDict->_value_map , "announce" )) , torrent_structure.announce ) ;
// key word : "created by" ; type : string
get_node_value ( dynamic_cast<StringNode*>
(find_target_node(pFileDict->_value_map, "created by")) , torrent_structure.created_by) ;
// key word : "creatation date" ; type :integer
get_node_value ( dynamic_cast<IntegerNode*>
( find_target_node( pFileDict->_value_map , "creation date")) , torrent_structure.creation_date ) ;
// key word : "comment" ; type : string
get_node_value ( dynamic_cast<StringNode*>
(find_target_node( pFileDict->_value_map , "comment" ) ), torrent_structure.comment ) ;
// key word : "encoding" ; type : string
get_node_value ( dynamic_cast<StringNode*>
(find_target_node (pFileDict->_value_map , "encoding" )), torrent_structure.encoding ) ;
// key word : "announce-list" ; type : list< contain element type : string >
AnyNode *pAnyNode_list = find_target_node ( pFileDict->_value_map , "announce-list" ) ;
if ( pAnyNode_list != NULL) // "announce-list" exists in .torrent file
ListNode *pAnnounceList = dynamic_cast<ListNode*>(pAnyNode_list) ;
// call get_announce_list method
get_announce_list ( pAnnounceList , torrent_structure);
LOG(INFO)<<"[info] no key words : exists in torrent file" ;
// key word : "info" ; type : dictionary
// if single file mode , dictionary elements type : string
// if multi-file mode , dictionary elements type : string , list < element type : dictinary >
// dictionary element type : string<length>
// list <element type : string>
// first get info|type : dict ; from pFileDict
AnyNode *pAnyNode_dict = find_target_node ( pFileDict->_value_map , "info") ;
if ( pAnyNode_dict != NULL ) // get "info" key word
DictNode *pInfoDict = dynamic_cast<DictNode*>(pAnyNode_dict) ;
get_info_dict ( pInfoDict, torrent_structure ) ;
LOG(WARNING)<<"[warnning] .torrent file can not find info ";
return true ;
} ///info parse end
delete pFileDict ;
return true ;
void TorrentFile::show_torrent_content ( torrent_file_t &torrent_structure)
cout << "torrent file contents after analyze"<<endl ;
cout << "announce: "<< torrent_structure.announce << endl ;
cout << "created by: "<< torrent_structure.created_by<< endl ;
cout << "creation date(s):"<< torrent_structure.creation_date << endl ;
cout << "comment :"<< torrent_structure.comment << endl ;
cout << "encoding : "<< torrent_structure.encoding << endl ;
cout << "announce-list:"<<endl ;
for ( vector<string>::iterator it = torrent_structure.announce_list.begin () ;
it != torrent_structure.announce_list.end () ; it++ )
cout << *it << endl ;
cout << "info"<< endl;
cout << "info.pieces" << torrent_structure.info.pieces << endl ;
cout << "info.piece_length" << torrent_structure.info.piece_length << endl ;
cout << "info.is_multi_file ? " << endl ;
if ( torrent_structure.info.is_multi_file )
cout << "yes , it is multi file mode" << endl ;
cout << "here are the sub file's path and length" <<endl ;
for ( vector<file_t>::iterator it = torrent_structure.info.file_list.begin () ;
it != torrent_structure.info.file_list.end () ; it++ )
cout << "sub file length "<< it->file_length << endl ;
cout << "sub file path " << it->file_path << endl ;
cout << "no , it is single file mode " << endl ;
cout << "here is the single file's path and length " <<endl ;
cout << "single file length "<< torrent_structure.info.file_list[0].file_length << endl ;
cout << "single file path(name) " << torrent_structure.info.file_list[0].file_path << endl ;
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