#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct node
char Address[6] ;
int Data ;
char Next[6] ;
}Node ;
void reverse ( int from , int to , int *arr )
int temp ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i <= (to - from )/2 ; i++ )
temp = arr[i+from] ;
arr[i+from] = arr [to-i] ;
arr[to-i] = temp ;
void Reverse ( int K , int N , int *arr )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < (int)(N/K) ;i++ )
reverse( i*K , (i+1)*K - 1, arr ) ;
int main ( void )
Node *nodeList = NULL ;
int pList [100001] ,N , K ; // is the length of list , K is the reverse unit
char first[6] , *next;
scanf ("%s%d%d" , first , &N , &K ) ;
memset (pList , 0 , sizeof(pList)) ;
nodeList = (Node*)malloc (N*sizeof(Node) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < N ; i++ )
scanf ("%s%d%s" , nodeList[i].Address , &nodeList[i].Data ,nodeList[i].Next ) ;
if ( strcmp(first , nodeList[i].Address) == 0 ) // find first
pList[0] = i ;
next = nodeList[ pList[0] ].Next ;
int counter = 1 ;
while ( counter != N )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < N ; j++ )
if ( strcmp( next , nodeList[j].Address )== 0 )
pList[counter++] = j ;
next = nodeList[j].Next ;
Reverse ( K, N, pList ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < N ; i++ )
printf ("%d " , nodeList [pList[i] ].Data ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < N-1 ; i++ )
strcpy( nodeList[pList[i]].Next ,nodeList[pList[i+1]].Address) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < N ; i++ )
printf ("%s %d %s" , nodeList[pList[i]].Address , nodeList[pList[i]].Data , nodeList[pList[i] ].Next) ;
if ( i != N -1 )
printf ("\n") ;
return 0 ;
第二次提交代码: 一个测试点没有过, 运行超时,我觉得应该是翻转数组的方法不妥当。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct node
char Address[6] ;
int Data ;
char Next[6] ;
}Node ;
void reverse ( int from , int to , int *arr )
int temp ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i <= (to - from )/2 ; i++ )
temp = arr[i+from] ;
arr[i+from] = arr [to-i] ;
arr[to-i] = temp ;
void Reverse ( int K , int N , int *arr )
if ( K == 0 || K == 1 )
return ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < (int)(N/K) ;i++ )
reverse( i*K , (i+1)*K - 1, arr ) ;
int main ( void )
Node *nodeList = NULL ;
int pList [100001] ,N , K ; // is the length of list , K is the reverse unit
char first[6] , *next;
scanf ("%s%d%d" , first , &N , &K ) ;
memset (pList , 0 , sizeof(pList)) ;
nodeList = (Node*)malloc (N*sizeof(Node) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < N ; i++ )
scanf ("%s%d%s" , nodeList[i].Address , &nodeList[i].Data ,nodeList[i].Next ) ;
if ( strcmp(first , nodeList[i].Address) == 0 ) // find first
pList[0] = i ;
next = nodeList[ pList[0] ].Next ;
int counter = 1 ;
while ( counter != N )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < N ; j++ )
if ( strcmp( next , nodeList[j].Address )== 0 )
pList[counter++] = j ;
next = nodeList[j].Next ;
Reverse ( K, N, pList ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < N-1 ; i++ )
printf ("%s %d %s\n" , nodeList[pList[i]].Address , nodeList[pList[i]].Data , nodeList[pList[i+1] ].Address) ;
printf ("%s %d -1" , nodeList[pList[N-1]].Address , nodeList[pList[N-1]].Data ) ;
return 0 ;
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