基本句式: 1. sb. happen to do 2. it happen that sb. do eg. I happened to meet her yesterday. It happened thant I met her yesterday.
加入语境理解一下: Little Cheung happened to meet her yesterday , After dinner together he took her home, And it also happened that her mother was not at home,
...the story is contunuing...
While finally thay reached the consensus and was going to do something meaningful, it didn't happened that her mother came back .
And then , you will know the end of the story
不是说要记住一个词,有一种方法就是用这个词造句来加深印象吗,这不我也试试,还给弄了个语言环境,不容易啊。 这里也希望和广大学友共同探讨学习英文的经验,诶,happen to think of a piece of advice at the moment, 笔者在这里呼吁:"记单词吗,啊,要下功夫才行;如果造句不行,不妨试着写本小说试试"。